Saturday, March 16, 2024

16 March 2024: Borodino Refight - French Turn 9 Pt 2

Apologies. Life matters. Situation on the main table during the remainder of the French turn unfolds as follows...

Situation at the fleches

Another visual report...

Only two assaults are declared in and around the fleches. This time the French attack with two infantry regiments. One is bound to make it through, right?

The Westphalian cavalry assault on the guns in front of Semenovskaya village sees the gunners abandon the guns, albeit temporary. As a result, the cavalry now target the infantry who respond with effective defensive fire forcing the Germans back. 

The Russian gun in the NW fleche (above) forces one of the attacking French columns to retire. But the other formation strikes home and a fierce model brawl occurs.

French firing yields good results as shown above. In this example, the infantry (still in square) spot the approaching limbered artillery and opens fire causing the guns to retire. In the process, the artillery drop to Wavering as a result of fire and subsequent morale checks. 

South of the fleches, v. Wurttemburg's grenadiers come under heavy sustained fire from the French infantry AND artillery so much so they flee. This allows the French to advance one of their regiments forward into the vacated spot. 

Movements behind the assault lines are mainly lots of shuffling formations and units around to better support the changing fortunes of the main assaults.

French cavalry formations now advance to support the infantry and perhaps add their considerable clout. The French artillery is now closer than previous but their effectiveness is now largely obscured by friendlies blocking their LOS. 

The lone fleche gun finally succumbs to overwhelming odds and breaks leaving the fleche now unguarded and ripe for capture and occupation. However, its flight triggers much panic among it fellow defenders. The forward-most Jager units holds firm as do the Guard cavalry but the Jagers in the second hidden fleche (NE directly behind the NW one) and the grenadiers supporting that front directly behind them break. Which then triggers further panic among the other defenders. Again the Guard cavalry hold fast thanks to their elite status but not so fortunate are the rank-and-file types. 

The opportunity of the now-vacant fleches sees the French pursuit strikes the next unit directly behind the lost gun - the Jager unit - and a short scuffle ensues before it is forced to retire shaken which it does as far as the NE fleche. 

Situation at the Grand Redoubt

Aside from the ongoing combat at the redoubt, the French focus is now on pushing the Russians position in front of the redoubt and immediately north towards Gorki. Their targets are the artillery spread along that frontage between the redoubt and Gorki itself, as the white arrows above and below show.

The Russians defensive fire yields mixed results, but not the ones they were hoping for.

The Bavarian cavalry are pushed back but the supporting French infantry (above) drive home their assaults with dramatic results. 

Combats at the redoubt results in both a stalemate and a success for the French efforts.

Success to the north of the redoubt though is followed by a dramatic outcome.

Meanwhile, further north, another stalemate is the outcome although the Russians seem to be gaining the upper hand in their fierce defence of this village. And what follows surprised even myself.

Dokhturov's sector is pretty bare to the rear. 

Baggovout's reinforcements are the only cohesive force at the moment. But he seems intent on racing to support Tuchkov unaware that front has virtually collapsed.

And the further south one travels, similar sights of empty areas to the immediate rear greets the viewer.

Only the Russian Imperial Guard remain active to the rear of the fleches. Only their elite status and being fresh to the battle probably saves their situation. Yet it remains a fairly precarious one.

Tally Up time

Am changing the format for determining victory as I've got it all mixed up anyway (winging it as per usual). New format expressed below and briefly explained.

Current Points tally so far is based on the starting Army Combat Value total. Losses accumulated over the course of the game is calculated as a differential value. When that differential reaches 30%, an arbitrary value assigned that is simply taken from the rulebook, then Victory is declared. The game deviated from the historical in Turn 2 and I have been following the course of the game as it has unfolded therefore. Apologies to any purist. And solo gamers.

French Turn 9 outcome (thus far. Still to play the Russian Turn 9):
French = 200 - 0 (losses) = 200 (Originally started with ACV of 248)
Russian = 182 - 26 (units/formation that Broke/Routed) = 156 (Original total of 180)
% Differential = 25% (getting close to 30% minimum)

Breakdown of results
Losses - the Russians lost heavily in this part of Turn 9. Below are those units/formation that broke or routed off the table. It is quite a lot of dominoes that fell.
  • Bogdanovsky's brigade (7th Inf. Corps) = 2 points
  • Tsybulsky's brigade (6th Inf. Corps) = 2 points
  • Denisyev's brigade (6th Inf. Corps) = 2 points
  • Dorokhov's brigade (3rd Cav. Corps) = 2 points
  • Glebov's brigade (7th Inf. Corps) = 2 points
  • Pantzerbiter's brigade (7th Inf. Corps) = 2 points
  • Panchulidzev's brigade (4th Cav. Corps) = 2 points
  • Arty bty (6th Inf. Corps) = 2 points
  • Arty gun (fleche) = 2 points
  • Arty gun (redoubt) = 2 points
  • Arty gun (behind redoubt) = 2 points
  • Emmanuel's brigade (4th Cav. Corps) = 2 points
  • Vasilchikov's brigade (4th Cav. Corps) = 2 points
Victory Points tally so far:
French = 4 + 3 = 7 VP (gained 2 of the 3 fleches)
Russian = 7.5 - 3 = 4.5 VP (lost control of 2 of the 3 fleches)
Total VPs on offer = 14 (New Post Road added today)

Decided the game will end Turn 9 irrespective of any further outcomes. Today's results (for the French at least) looks promising and really turned the game on its head. The collapse just north of the redoubt sparked a chain of panic among the Russian troops in those areas affected. Not like the historical outcome for sure but then nothing about this game was ever purposefully accurate from the start. It was merely a tabling of all the painted lot done over the past three years. Nothing more although I was unrealistically optimistic that some grand might eventuate. Playing solo? Lol. Yeah, right...


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