Sunday, March 17, 2024

17 March 2024: Scurrilous Saturdays

Busy day yesterday. Started the day off by finishing the French Turn 9 of my ongoing saga of Borodino Refight. Started slow and as per its plodding self but quickly picked up as a combat result sparked a widespread panic among the Russian troops. To be honest, I've never been witness to such the scale of misery suffered by one side. Let alone witness it in any multiplayer game where such a fate invariably incites the poor sufferer to rage quit. 😧

One and a half corps worth of losses I estimated was lost.

Started gaming session mid-morning and finished around late afternoon. 

Then it was on to a long evening grind session of online World of Warships. The new Commonwealth cruiser line is now available with the current update (13.2) and I was keen to tackle it because of the strong Oceanic connection. According to WG, the Commonwealth consists of ships from Africa, India, and Oceania. But I am only interested in the Tier VIII Auckland, which is the name of my hometown. 

One can obtain the first four Early Access ships - Port Jackson, Caradoc, Dunedin, and Delhi using the temporary Commonwealth tokens. And obtaining those is pretty easy - just play and earn them as rewards after completing several mission. 

The last of the lower tiered Early Access ships is the Dehli which was formerly the Achilles, of the Battle of the River Plate fame. 

These light cruisers play alright if you don't YOLO or rush into the killing zones early. Just sit mid-range, use the long-lasting running smoke to annoy the enemy, and then send in your torps to make life even more uncomfortable for your opponent. These are great DD killers and fare well enough against submarines too providing you keep your distance. 

Also took out the Mysore, which features as the ship reward for the Commonwealth Team event (two levels - top one is FREE while the second is accessible only if you PAY real money for the privilege). Earned Mysore as part of the Hampshire Dockyard event last year. Or was it the Marlborough. Had played the Mysore previously in close to 300 battles so it was a familiar ship. Doesn't have the choice of HP and AP like the lower tiered ships. Nor does my version of the Mysore carry the new Submarine Radar consumable. But it did okay IN CO-OP battle mode through the arduous grind Friday and Saturday. 

Played it till I earned enough tokens to obtain the Tier VI Hobart. Next grind is for the Tier VII Uganda. The Tier VIII Auckland is next. Then it's the Tier IX Encounter which can be had by purchasing the premium Commonwealth containers. For a price of course. But I will gladly skip that part and wait for the eventual release in around Update 13.4 or 13.5. If you do want to spend a penny then after obtaining the Auckland by spending tokens you can purchase outright the Tier X Cerberus. If it plays like the other Tier X Brisbane then it will prove worthwhile. But I have the Brisbane already anyway.

Slowly learning how to play cruisers as it never did gel with me like I connected with battleships or destroyers. Always had trouble playing cruisers because I never knew their true purpose apart from having paper-thin armour that any decent fart could rupture.

I performed well enough in RANDOM with the Pan-Asian Tier VIII Harbin a few weeks back although the reason for playing Harbin now escapes my mind right now. Won more than I lost which is saying something. And Random wasn't as toxic as it normally is, from past experience. 

With WOWS done, I switched over to Stardew Valley, my other long-playing game, to play the new update. News of Update 1.6 got me excited but I misread the release date. It won't be out until next Tuesday. Oh well, I was tired anyway. And I still have to finish the Russian Turn 9 later on today after a few hours kip...if my little girl Sally will let me share the bed. Lol.

The garage gaming group are gathering for a session mid-week in. I said I will attend. It's before Easter. It should prove interesting as a spectacle visually. I have yet to play Victory Without Quarter (English Civil War) so it will be more a learning game for me. The guy running the game told me to hold off on the show cards for now as there is still plenty of time to sort out the exact number of cards required as well as what goes on them.

Next weekend hopefully will be busy gaming-wise as I get to hook up with my regular gaming buddy for a bit of Canvas Eagles and a chinwag, coffee, and cake. Unfortunately not a pretzel and port session. Last weekend was a bit of a bender for me given my age. Started out just sampling a bottle of wine. Three bottles later and I was sampled out. Woke up sick-er the next day and groaned throughout the whole day spent mostly in bed. Only started recovering two days later. 

Painting-wise, not much else is happening as I've been too crook (a lot) lately. Barely enough energy to do much of anything to be honest. Been feeling this way too many times for my liking. Getting older is like that downhill run that somehow gets out of control. Maybe even start an avalanche. Or sail right off the edge of a cliff. I guess that's why I drank too much the other weekend; I learned an old Army comrade had just died. Thankfully, it was peacefully. But it's happening a lot of late. Which can be depressing sometimes.

Take care. 

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