Thursday, March 28, 2024

28 March 2024: Victory Without Quarter

English Civil War

Tonight (Wednesday) was my first introduction to Victory Without Quarter, a ruleset designed specifically for the Pike and Shot period, in this case, the English Civil War. I was paired with another who was also new to the game although he had played more than my first-timer no-game experience. We were Parliamentarians. And this was Early Period (up to 1642). My teammate supplied his army which was short in cavalry. But it was all good as this was primarily a learning experience for both of us and therefore did not impede or matter come game time. Our host filled in as the Royalist opponent until one other arrived not long after we started. 

Table was set up by the host with three objectives (as shown above). Our deployment areas were centralised and quite compact.

For identification purposes, I will henceforth ID my opponent as heretics. Lol. 

The brigade with our only cavalry was deployed primarily a blocking force. Outnumbered but defiant, we purposely marched to our fate, singing hymns in praise of the Almighty...

Our battle plan was both innovative and daring. Unfortunately our opponent was not privy to our genius Battle Plan and therefore did not comply despite our utmost numerous orisons to His Magnificence and Majesty to smite down our foes and/or make them compliant. 

They say there is no profit in being coy. And the heretics chose to exploit their overwhelming strength in cavalry and infantry by striking directly at the objectives. It was a surprise therefore to our ministers who never believe such intelligence was possible from such a depraved and heretical lot. 

In the beginning the world was created out of chaos. Order supplanted disorder and strife. And for our Parliamentarian forces, the start was not ideal. Nor did it improve as our opponents devised and took every advantage they could to win their prize for several turns until we discovered the deceit by which they had gained their unfair advantage - the Orders Cards. 

While Prince Rupert harried Newcastle's command, the dragoons on the other flank made for the convoy. Which they soon captured and began to transport to the safety of their rear. 

In the centre, the Lords Essex and Fairfax seized the crossroads and began to engage the Royalist foot beyond scoring several successes but taking heavy casualties. 

With two of the three objectives and the loss of two units in our command, the Royalists looked to have won the ground. But we fought back and managed to even things out before the final turn when the pendulum of Victory edged in the Royalist's favour. 



First time playing. Rules are easy to pick up. Guys have tweaked it further to make playable without being over the top. I reckon I need to play it multiple times to feel comfortable with it. 

The major sticking point is the card activation system employed. For much of the early part of the evening's play we Parliamentarians were forced to watch while the Royalists activated frequently. In one instance, one of our Foot units had the bead on one of Rupert's cavalry units but could not fire because they were unable to activate. So it ended up with Rupert's cavalry trotting away out of danger's way. 

It's not the first time this complaint has been aired. And the guys will have to figure out something soon to make it work. Trouble is most are used to the YGIG system for so long that it's a given that every ruleset will follow this system. But the guys are also aware that the Cards can work; they just have to figure out a suitable way.

Next meetup in a couple of weeks time will see if a solution is forthcoming. Cheers.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

27 March 2024: Stardew Valley

Update 1.6 dropped 19 March. Updates on Update 1.6 now sitting at 1.6.2. Still finding oddities though having enjoyed the new update and actually spending more time in this game lately than in the salt mines that is World of Warships. 

A typical glitch might be like the other night when visiting the carpenter about house upgrade. Informed the price was such-and-such which was way over what is normal as well as the material requirements was different to what's normally required. So fobbed off purchasing while I tried to raise the dosh and materials required. Went back to check the next day, and the price had changed again - this time much lower. Fortunately I now met the terms and got my house upgrade. 

Note: the current fan wiki is going through updating to 1.6 as many of the new additions to the game are not yet listed or the information is very sparse. One can click links that will take one to "unofficial" information, although that's the player's personal choice and not necessarily sanctioned by the official fan wiki.

There are new events - like the Trout in Spring fishing competition and the Squid fishing comp in Summer - which are both fun because of the rewards offered and because both fish - Rainbow Trout and Squid - form part of the Achievements requirements. And are essential for obvious and familiar reasons to experienced players.

The Mayor has initiated a new scheme whereby certain activities now yield prize tickets that translate into useful prizes like five beehives for one ticket and so on. These tickets appear whenever specific community-directed activities are completed. It can be derived from the large community board or the noticeboard at Pierre's store. 

And Mr Qi, the resident alien overlord that is conveniently ignored by everyone in the valley, will drop new mystery crates (think crop dusting but without the polluting chemicals) in the first year than will turn up randomly throughout the course of the whole game. These blue crates offer specific items that normally appear later in the game like cooked meals or treasured items. The crates pop up randomly such as mining, foraging, defeating monsters, etc.

There is also the new weather phenomenon every Spring that colours the whole day a verdant green day triggering rampant plant growth all over. Cutting the giant stems gift you a stash of fiddlehead ferns. And there is also a seed to replants more of these giant green stalks. The tv goes on the fritz temporarily as communications goes down during this one-day one-off weather event. This usually triggers lots of harvesting with the scythe and/or chopping down these stalks to obtain the fibre and/or special seed.

There are new crops like carrots, squash, and broccoli that can be found while foraging. And winter melons now grow in winter. Each new forage crops appears in the season prior to their planting so carrot seeds will appear in winter forage. And grass no longer disappears in winter like before so you can reap them with your scythe if running low.

A new group of crafting items like the dehydrator now allows you to make use of the 'shrooms gathered instead just dumping them off into the collection boxes. The dried outcome also works with fruit as you quickly find out. 

New characters like subbing raccoon for the original talking bear is a change but the same old demands and conditions as with the talking bear remain. Then there is the bookseller with his hot air balloon trading and selling books that enhances your skill level make an appearance periodically every season. These improved skills enhance one's abilities when in possession of these books. 

Haven't made it to Ginger Island yet to see what's new over there but no doubt expecting similar "new" changes. Expecting new landscapes to explore north of the Spa centre which is currently blocked by a rockfall; been that way since last update. But that's wishful hoping on my part though.

Overall, after spending over 2,900+ hours on this addictive game over the years, I am finally getting the hang of this game. Well, almost...
The environmental bear still lives, as I discovered during fall in year two of the new update. So, the raccoon is a new character after all. So far Mr Raccoon has taken over the old tree stump destoryed in a recent storm which my character repaired. It's located near the southern entrance to the farm, opposite Marnie's ranch. He's like a new trader specialising in the new seeds - spring carrots, summer squash, autumn broccoli, and winter powdermelon - as well as other seeds. And he's not alone. Each task completed expands Mr Raccoon's world; at the moment, he's paired up with a partner. Their mission is to start a family. Yet to see that materialise though.

Note: Clicking on Mr. Raccoon (he's on the left) triggers new requests (in the form of hunger pains that need sating) while clicking on Mrs. Raccoon (when paired up, she's on the right) opens up the inventory of stock currently available. And it will no doubt keep growing as the years progress. Wonder what Junior Raccoon and Little Miss Raccoon will bring to the party. Hmmm.... 
There IS a new festival in Calico Desert. It showed up as greyed out in the first year (had not repaired the bus yet). Interesting novelty moment with different townsfolk running the stands over the three days unlike the Feast of the Winter Star where the stall holders are the same every year. The new festival makes for variety then. And you get to achieve some tasks, like exploring Skull Cave, as part of the festival challenges.

Monday, March 25, 2024

24 March 2024: Borodino Refight - Russian Turn 9

Quote for today's gaming session: "...Feeling lucky, punk?! Well, do you?!..." 

Russian Turn 9

I was so sure this game would end. How wrong was I?

Table 2 

Situation is now becoming dire for Tuchkov. No reinforcement will be arriving now: the earliest they will hope to arrive is Turn 15. He only has three units left at his disposal from his original corps. He has no cavalry and no artillery. Given his options, Tuchkov chose the option least expected: Stand and fight. I rolled a d6 giving him the following options:
  • 6 - Stand and fight (less chance this would happen)
  • 4,5 - Withdraw in good order (hoping this option would win out)
  • 1,2,3 - Flee (worst possible option available)
Tuchkov's choice set the tone for the rest of their turn as it turns out. 

View of the Old Post Road from the woods. Foch's grenadiers are facing the threat of enemy cavalry lurking nearby on their own.

View south towards Utitsa, also from the woodlands. Shakhovsky's Jagers are in a shaky state while Mersheryakov's infantry are left to deal with the Poles at Utitsa also on their lonesome.

With this many enemy in the area, Tuchkov is probably hoping for a miracle. He is unable to prevent the enemy from moving up the Old Post road and begin to threaten the Russian rear, despite the presence of the militia posted on the road to prevent desertion and act as stretcher bearers. Situation is reminiscent of what Platov and Uvarov planned and enacted historically at the other flank.

Main Table - Fleches

For Borozdin, responsible for the defence of the fleches and up to Semenovskaya village, the arrival of elements of Russian Imperial Guard couldn't have been better timed. But, in the meanwhile, he still has to somehow recapture the fleches with the French assaults slowly but steadily pressing forward. 

However he is distracted to his immediate left as von Mecklenburg's grenadiers are being pressed by Davoust's lead units. His efforts however don't start off well as his opening fire is ragged in outcome. Meanwhile the French better coordinate their return fire as shown above.

Thankfully, the effect causes little disruption and Borozdin orders a realignment of his new defensive line.

Meanwhile the Guard lifeguard cavalry instigate their own "line breaking" and declare a charge on a suitable target, the Westphalian light cavalry of Junot's VII Corps. 

Of course, the brave Westphalians are up to the challenge, daunting as it is. 

For it's a predictable outcome. Shock heavy cavalry versus light cavalry is always going to end up one way. The Westphalians are too shaken up as they beat the feet but fail to outrun the pursuing Guard cavalry. A second round of combat takes places. Much worse than the first as they are caught in the rear.

As the picture above states, the Westphalians are broken and removed from gameplay but not before raising the courage banner for nearby friendlies. But these are veterans and they manage to steel themselves. Combat ends and sees the Guard cavalry now holding their earned ground. But for however long? They're mounts are blown and they are now Spent (remove one base to indicate this).

Unexpected help arrives however with Uvarov's 1st Reserve Cavalry Corps showing up along with the remaining unit in the Guard cavalry division - Shevich's brigade. There is a collective sigh of relief (and release of bowels) by the senior commanders in this sector.

Lost: von Hammerstein's Westphalian cavalry: -2 points.

Main Table - Grand Redoubt

At the redoubt, twin assaults by the French and the struggling Russian defenders ramps up. This time round however the Russians prevail and the French are soon repulsed and they retire leaving the exhausted defenders victorious - albeit until the next assault.

The above photo shows how hampered the defenders were - two units ready to break and one feeling queasy. Yet they won out somehow. Now all they need are some reinforcements...any!

And they receive it as Raevsky asks Baggovout for help citing the dire consequences if it's not forthcoming. Baggovout immediately agrees and orders his relief column to change direction and issues a new directive - defend the redoubt at all cost! 

In the same photo above, to the north, Korf's 2nd Reserve Cavalry Corps and Osterman-Tolstoy's 4th Infantry Corps show up to bolster the defensive line. Platov's Cossacks are still in the north (off-table) watching and guarding the now emptied Russian right flank. 

Kreutz's dragoons now declare an assault on one of Almeras' brigades - the 35th Line. The French quickly form square to receive the charge. Firing might work but odds say play it safe and sure. So, square it is. 

It does not fare well for the Russian dragoons as they are quickly sent running away. 

At Gorki the Russian defenders finally win their third round of combat against St Aubin's brigade. Again, French experience wins out as the surrounding friendlies remain unaffected by the rout. 

Lost: French St. Aubin's bde: -2 points

The Russians enjoy success rallying those troops in and around the redoubt. At least better than those at the fleches. 


The Russians show their mettle and dig in despite the earlier mass losses. The region around the redoubt and Gorki still remains under their direct control. With the arrival of three new Corps and part of a fourth, they can now reset their defensive line with some degree of assurance and confidence. Question is: do the Russians abandon the redoubt when the fleches and Utitsa are lost and retire to form a second defensive further east? Turn 10 may provide some answers. Or more questions. 


Sunday, March 17, 2024

17 March 2024: Scurrilous Saturdays

Busy day yesterday. Started the day off by finishing the French Turn 9 of my ongoing saga of Borodino Refight. Started slow and as per its plodding self but quickly picked up as a combat result sparked a widespread panic among the Russian troops. To be honest, I've never been witness to such the scale of misery suffered by one side. Let alone witness it in any multiplayer game where such a fate invariably incites the poor sufferer to rage quit. 😧

One and a half corps worth of losses I estimated was lost.

Started gaming session mid-morning and finished around late afternoon. 

Then it was on to a long evening grind session of online World of Warships. The new Commonwealth cruiser line is now available with the current update (13.2) and I was keen to tackle it because of the strong Oceanic connection. According to WG, the Commonwealth consists of ships from Africa, India, and Oceania. But I am only interested in the Tier VIII Auckland, which is the name of my hometown. 

One can obtain the first four Early Access ships - Port Jackson, Caradoc, Dunedin, and Delhi using the temporary Commonwealth tokens. And obtaining those is pretty easy - just play and earn them as rewards after completing several mission. 

The last of the lower tiered Early Access ships is the Dehli which was formerly the Achilles, of the Battle of the River Plate fame. 

These light cruisers play alright if you don't YOLO or rush into the killing zones early. Just sit mid-range, use the long-lasting running smoke to annoy the enemy, and then send in your torps to make life even more uncomfortable for your opponent. These are great DD killers and fare well enough against submarines too providing you keep your distance. 

Also took out the Mysore, which features as the ship reward for the Commonwealth Team event (two levels - top one is FREE while the second is accessible only if you PAY real money for the privilege). Earned Mysore as part of the Hampshire Dockyard event last year. Or was it the Marlborough. Had played the Mysore previously in close to 300 battles so it was a familiar ship. Doesn't have the choice of HP and AP like the lower tiered ships. Nor does my version of the Mysore carry the new Submarine Radar consumable. But it did okay IN CO-OP battle mode through the arduous grind Friday and Saturday. 

Played it till I earned enough tokens to obtain the Tier VI Hobart. Next grind is for the Tier VII Uganda. The Tier VIII Auckland is next. Then it's the Tier IX Encounter which can be had by purchasing the premium Commonwealth containers. For a price of course. But I will gladly skip that part and wait for the eventual release in around Update 13.4 or 13.5. If you do want to spend a penny then after obtaining the Auckland by spending tokens you can purchase outright the Tier X Cerberus. If it plays like the other Tier X Brisbane then it will prove worthwhile. But I have the Brisbane already anyway.

Slowly learning how to play cruisers as it never did gel with me like I connected with battleships or destroyers. Always had trouble playing cruisers because I never knew their true purpose apart from having paper-thin armour that any decent fart could rupture.

I performed well enough in RANDOM with the Pan-Asian Tier VIII Harbin a few weeks back although the reason for playing Harbin now escapes my mind right now. Won more than I lost which is saying something. And Random wasn't as toxic as it normally is, from past experience. 

With WOWS done, I switched over to Stardew Valley, my other long-playing game, to play the new update. News of Update 1.6 got me excited but I misread the release date. It won't be out until next Tuesday. Oh well, I was tired anyway. And I still have to finish the Russian Turn 9 later on today after a few hours kip...if my little girl Sally will let me share the bed. Lol.

The garage gaming group are gathering for a session mid-week in. I said I will attend. It's before Easter. It should prove interesting as a spectacle visually. I have yet to play Victory Without Quarter (English Civil War) so it will be more a learning game for me. The guy running the game told me to hold off on the show cards for now as there is still plenty of time to sort out the exact number of cards required as well as what goes on them.

Next weekend hopefully will be busy gaming-wise as I get to hook up with my regular gaming buddy for a bit of Canvas Eagles and a chinwag, coffee, and cake. Unfortunately not a pretzel and port session. Last weekend was a bit of a bender for me given my age. Started out just sampling a bottle of wine. Three bottles later and I was sampled out. Woke up sick-er the next day and groaned throughout the whole day spent mostly in bed. Only started recovering two days later. 

Painting-wise, not much else is happening as I've been too crook (a lot) lately. Barely enough energy to do much of anything to be honest. Been feeling this way too many times for my liking. Getting older is like that downhill run that somehow gets out of control. Maybe even start an avalanche. Or sail right off the edge of a cliff. I guess that's why I drank too much the other weekend; I learned an old Army comrade had just died. Thankfully, it was peacefully. But it's happening a lot of late. Which can be depressing sometimes.

Take care. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

16 March 2024: Borodino Refight - French Turn 9 Pt 2

Apologies. Life matters. Situation on the main table during the remainder of the French turn unfolds as follows...

Situation at the fleches

Another visual report...

Only two assaults are declared in and around the fleches. This time the French attack with two infantry regiments. One is bound to make it through, right?

The Westphalian cavalry assault on the guns in front of Semenovskaya village sees the gunners abandon the guns, albeit temporary. As a result, the cavalry now target the infantry who respond with effective defensive fire forcing the Germans back. 

The Russian gun in the NW fleche (above) forces one of the attacking French columns to retire. But the other formation strikes home and a fierce model brawl occurs.

French firing yields good results as shown above. In this example, the infantry (still in square) spot the approaching limbered artillery and opens fire causing the guns to retire. In the process, the artillery drop to Wavering as a result of fire and subsequent morale checks. 

South of the fleches, v. Wurttemburg's grenadiers come under heavy sustained fire from the French infantry AND artillery so much so they flee. This allows the French to advance one of their regiments forward into the vacated spot. 

Movements behind the assault lines are mainly lots of shuffling formations and units around to better support the changing fortunes of the main assaults.

French cavalry formations now advance to support the infantry and perhaps add their considerable clout. The French artillery is now closer than previous but their effectiveness is now largely obscured by friendlies blocking their LOS. 

The lone fleche gun finally succumbs to overwhelming odds and breaks leaving the fleche now unguarded and ripe for capture and occupation. However, its flight triggers much panic among it fellow defenders. The forward-most Jager units holds firm as do the Guard cavalry but the Jagers in the second hidden fleche (NE directly behind the NW one) and the grenadiers supporting that front directly behind them break. Which then triggers further panic among the other defenders. Again the Guard cavalry hold fast thanks to their elite status but not so fortunate are the rank-and-file types. 

The opportunity of the now-vacant fleches sees the French pursuit strikes the next unit directly behind the lost gun - the Jager unit - and a short scuffle ensues before it is forced to retire shaken which it does as far as the NE fleche. 

Situation at the Grand Redoubt

Aside from the ongoing combat at the redoubt, the French focus is now on pushing the Russians position in front of the redoubt and immediately north towards Gorki. Their targets are the artillery spread along that frontage between the redoubt and Gorki itself, as the white arrows above and below show.

The Russians defensive fire yields mixed results, but not the ones they were hoping for.

The Bavarian cavalry are pushed back but the supporting French infantry (above) drive home their assaults with dramatic results. 

Combats at the redoubt results in both a stalemate and a success for the French efforts.

Success to the north of the redoubt though is followed by a dramatic outcome.

Meanwhile, further north, another stalemate is the outcome although the Russians seem to be gaining the upper hand in their fierce defence of this village. And what follows surprised even myself.

Dokhturov's sector is pretty bare to the rear. 

Baggovout's reinforcements are the only cohesive force at the moment. But he seems intent on racing to support Tuchkov unaware that front has virtually collapsed.

And the further south one travels, similar sights of empty areas to the immediate rear greets the viewer.

Only the Russian Imperial Guard remain active to the rear of the fleches. Only their elite status and being fresh to the battle probably saves their situation. Yet it remains a fairly precarious one.

Tally Up time

Am changing the format for determining victory as I've got it all mixed up anyway (winging it as per usual). New format expressed below and briefly explained.

Current Points tally so far is based on the starting Army Combat Value total. Losses accumulated over the course of the game is calculated as a differential value. When that differential reaches 30%, an arbitrary value assigned that is simply taken from the rulebook, then Victory is declared. The game deviated from the historical in Turn 2 and I have been following the course of the game as it has unfolded therefore. Apologies to any purist. And solo gamers.

French Turn 9 outcome (thus far. Still to play the Russian Turn 9):
French = 200 - 0 (losses) = 200 (Originally started with ACV of 248)
Russian = 182 - 26 (units/formation that Broke/Routed) = 156 (Original total of 180)
% Differential = 25% (getting close to 30% minimum)

Breakdown of results
Losses - the Russians lost heavily in this part of Turn 9. Below are those units/formation that broke or routed off the table. It is quite a lot of dominoes that fell.
  • Bogdanovsky's brigade (7th Inf. Corps) = 2 points
  • Tsybulsky's brigade (6th Inf. Corps) = 2 points
  • Denisyev's brigade (6th Inf. Corps) = 2 points
  • Dorokhov's brigade (3rd Cav. Corps) = 2 points
  • Glebov's brigade (7th Inf. Corps) = 2 points
  • Pantzerbiter's brigade (7th Inf. Corps) = 2 points
  • Panchulidzev's brigade (4th Cav. Corps) = 2 points
  • Arty bty (6th Inf. Corps) = 2 points
  • Arty gun (fleche) = 2 points
  • Arty gun (redoubt) = 2 points
  • Arty gun (behind redoubt) = 2 points
  • Emmanuel's brigade (4th Cav. Corps) = 2 points
  • Vasilchikov's brigade (4th Cav. Corps) = 2 points
Victory Points tally so far:
French = 4 + 3 = 7 VP (gained 2 of the 3 fleches)
Russian = 7.5 - 3 = 4.5 VP (lost control of 2 of the 3 fleches)
Total VPs on offer = 14 (New Post Road added today)

Decided the game will end Turn 9 irrespective of any further outcomes. Today's results (for the French at least) looks promising and really turned the game on its head. The collapse just north of the redoubt sparked a chain of panic among the Russian troops in those areas affected. Not like the historical outcome for sure but then nothing about this game was ever purposefully accurate from the start. It was merely a tabling of all the painted lot done over the past three years. Nothing more although I was unrealistically optimistic that some grand might eventuate. Playing solo? Lol. Yeah, right...
