Saturday, December 23, 2023

Looking ahead to 2024

Reviewing the previous post, I eventually realised I had more than enough to run my own "slow grow" project for 2024. Unfortunately it is another MASSIVE project. Not intentional but there you go.

It is made possible because I will no longer be distracted by my ongoing participation in an online PC game begun back in 2020 where I have been playing daily for several hours on average. That involvement is now winding up as I near my two personal goals. Now I can fully devote time and energy to my tabletop wargaming and general hobby interests without any distractions whatsoever. Or at least make an honest attempt at it. I may discard or ignore some objective mentioned in my last post subject to priorities. 

For now I am writing up a simple straightforward timetable schedule to get me staring in the right direction. This, of course, is subject to amendments and revisions as the projects unfold. Cheers.

JANUARY - MAY: Complete as many Historical projects as possible. Note: time for actual tasks given where possible. The longest time though, as most will know, is gathering the necessary materials. 

    • Ancient naval ships - Battle of Salamis fleets touchup. Painting. One day for task. Plans to run another small solo engagement set in the same time using an alternate ruleset yet to be determined. Future of this venture? Unknown at the moment. It was a foray in the first place, something that piqued my interest back when. Probably a one-off.
    • Anglo-Dutch Wars ship - single ship or two? Complete build from start to finish. Two-three days allocated for build. Still for display purposes. One of many to-do challenges I've set myself over the years that got started but never finished. Perhaps this time round? It will really challenge me given I'm not that skilled a modeller and because I've always been lazy.
    • WW1 planes - Airfix duo set build. Also a complete build to completion. Two days for a comfortable endeavour. Spruce up both groups for a multi-plane game later in 2024. Still interested in taking multi-plane gaming further. Ran a published campaign associated with this ruleset (Canvas Eagle) back in 2022. At the time it was purely graphical - no models. Now I would take it a step further using actual models. Got the equipment and table. And a live opponent who is eager and willing to participate.
    • French Foreign Legion fort. Interior layout of fort needs completion. A project began many years back. Exterior structure completed. Got bogged down in details at the time. Now I want it finished. Three days total alloted.
    • Russian Civil War - armoured tank acquisition and build. Low priority at the moment while I research scratch-building to scale which is the real challenge. Unlikely to see light of day to be honest; it depends on how well I am travelling with the other projects. No time limit as project not started yet.
    • WW2 planes - 1/600 & 1/700 sets - decals and mounting. Probably take a day or two to fully complete. Two different scales for use with two different rulesets - Bag the Hun 2 and General Quarters III. The latter because of carrier air ops. One day.
    • WW2 naval ships - 1/3000 - paint and mount the surplus ships. Most US and Japanese vessels from the Pacific theatre of operations. One day.
    • WW2 land vehicles - Willys Jeep build - wheels and accessories attached - painting - decals. Integrate them into an airborne force or existing Allied forces supplied by the American war machine. Mid to Late war period. One day. 
    • WW2 Kelly's Heroes terrain board (modular) - Very big project - mostly complete construction of the various modular boards - train tracks - trains - buildings - cars - etc. This will take up the bulk of the time allocated. Expect to make some inroads and possibly complete one or two modules. It may become an ongoing long-term task. Giving a week for this endeavour.
    • 1/100 scale jet planes - small task - various periods and nations. One day.
    • Vietnam War riverine force - rivercraft build completion - decals & painting. Being generous with myself and giving it two days the entire flotilla.
    • Vietnam War aircav helo - small task - decals & painting. Aircraft assembled and mounted on wooden stands. May search around for clear acrylic rods as replacements. One day to complete the task - decals and painting and replacing rods. 
    • Vietnam War Free World transports and armoured vehicles. A day for the whole group - painting and basing. Including markings and figures.
    • Vietnam War terrain boards and buildings. Three days.

JUNE - AUGUST: Complete as many Fantasy projects as possible. Lower priority than Historical at the moment.

    • Burrows & Badgers warband - acquire and paint up more figures (if possible) - low priority small task as more figures are bought and added to existing warband. Subject to availability too.
    • Ogre Kingdoms list (6th edition) - big project - painting. I have a decent bitz pile to kitbash various combinations in order to fulfil objective. 
    • Beastman list (7th edition) - small task - painting. List already created but will review and amend given I sold off the most valuable items - charioteers (why?) and giants (again, why?). 
    • Lizardmen list (7th edition) - big project. Time consuming simply because this is my most incomplete list. Lacking Cold Ones and a few other support units.  
    • High Elves list (7th edition) - small task - paint touchup and completion. Mix of figures from two editions. Lacking firepower. For now finish what's there and add as required and/or as available.
    • Warhammer Fantasy Lizardmen presentation board - big project - painting makeover, repair, and completion. About 80% done regarding general layout and presentation. Replace items removed (such as palm trees)

SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER: Complete as many Sci-fi & Other projects as possible.

    • 40K Eldar grav-tanks complete paint makeover - big project
    • 40K Eldar list or collection - main Eldar force. Points size irrelevant. Aim is to include most of the Shrines with support vehicles and weaponry - big project
    • Early 20th century urban modular terrain build - complete to tabletop gaming standard. Quality will be 5 out of 10 - big project
    • Dsiplay aircraft - small task. One day allocated. 
    • Truck rig & display board - big project. Keen to finish this off and have it on display. One week devoted to it. 

DECEMBER: Final report of goals tallied up - done or not done.

Of course this timetable schedule runs in conjunction with gaming activities undertaken throughout the year. 

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