Monday, December 18, 2023

It's December

Not keen on starting another massive painting project again in the immediate near future. For me the Borodino project cost me a lot in terms of time, energy, motivation, enthusiasm. More than three years on it's still exerting its hold on me with the refight itself still unfinished. The refight was never intended, but once the list was painted up, what was there left to do but put them to use on the tabletop.

Despite the recent interesting promotion from my local hobby forum site for its slow-grow 2024 painting endeavour, I will not be actively partaking of it. However, it has planted that irritable tiny seed of interest. Perhaps I might work alongside but do so on my own terms. I no longer can post pictures as I've somehow used up my quota allowed. And people, for the most, like visuals as much as they don't mind long-winded explanations.

Like so many others involved in this hobby, I have a storage space full of miniatures of the tabletop variety in varying stages of completion. Slowing dusting away and ignored. Wife would like to see me sell off my modelling collections. For now I am resisting her pleas even though I know I am fighting a losing battle knowing she makes perfect sense. 


There's quite a large amount of unfinished or not-started models covering all three arenas of operation - air, sea, and land. To simplify matters for me therefore I am alloting every project that I can remember off-hand into two groupings - Big projects and Small tasks. It doesn't mean squat though, but it's nice to have them categorized. 

Big projects simply mean those that are either still new in their boxes, or are opened but unassembled. 

Small projects are just unfinished projects already started and/or are in various states of completion. 

The listing below, no doubt, will miss a few as I am relying solely on memory alone to identify. So this listing is neither final or comprehensive. No doubt I will add more as they are rediscovered over the coming months and years.

Air arena

Big projects:

  • 1/72 WW1 aircraft. Airfix duo starter sets: Fokker Dr-1 vs Bristol F28 Dogfight double. A pair of kits. Mission: Assemble. Purpose: Part of my planned squadron-level multiplane combat missions for 2024. Unfortunately I won't be able to access those kits until after Christmas as they are presents to me by me via my wife. Don't ask for an explanation; it's just how it is in our household.

Small tasks:

  • 1/72 WW1 aircraft for Canvas Eagles game. Mission: Repair those broken from game play. And there are few, mostly wheel carriages and propellors. Gaming buddy mentioned using soft clear plastic circles which sounds good enough for me. Unless I can either 3D print or hand sculpt. Have to wait and the see the outcome.
  • 1/700 plastic WW2 aircraft for use in naval air ops with either SMR or GQ III rulesets. Mission: Repaint and mount onto bases the remaining few. Mainly roundels and aircraft markings. These are by Chinese maker Dragon. And found by accident whilst browsing my local go-to bricks-and-mortar hobby store. Ideal for my 1/700 naval ships, especially my one Japanese carrier.
  • 1/600 white metal WW2 aircraft for European/Western Desert theatre of Operations (Bag the Hun 2). Mission: same as for 1/700 aircraft above. Mostly painted up but no decals applied. A few unpainted though. Keen to get back into BTH for some squadron-level action.
  • 1/100 (15mm) helos for Vietnam War. For use primarily with Too Fat Lardies CDS rules. Mission: Decals and final paint touches. Got a couple of excellent historical source references, ideal for creating scenarios and the like. 
  • 1/48 WW2 aircraft of the display kit variety. Mission: To be mounted properly for final display in my display cabinet.

Naval arena

Big projects:

  • Anglo-Dutch ship build (including rigging). One ship I believe but need to verify if there is not another although my memory of the purchase made is decades ago and thus currently unreliable. Will eventually become display model as I don't have the time to devote fully to the period unless I meet someone equally interested. Scale: 1/1200. Models by Langton Miniatures (UK). Ruleset is Tiller & Whipstaff.
  • World War 2 1/3000 white metals ships. Formerly Skytrex (UK). Mostly US & Japanese ships for Pacific theatre of Operations (leftovers and others from a local buy years ago). Many duplicates. Most probably paint them up either as sister ships or as spares. I believe Navwar (UK) now own the moulds and are retailing the Battle fleets in smaller nation lots. Plus they are also now pricier. Regret not buying the Battle of Jutland battlefleets (both sides) back then when I had the chance. 

Small tasks: 

  • Galleys from Ancients period (Persian/Greek/Spartan). These are 3D printer files I downloaded some time ago for a refight of the Battle of Salamis using He Hemetera Thalassa, Mare Nostrum rules. Vessel scale is forgotten but a guess might be 1/6000 because I wanted to field single ships instead of stands representing groups of ships (doesn't give that grand sense of scale and magnitude). Complete with a rework with paint.
  • WW1 paper ships. Always wanted to refight the Battle of Jutland or its opening situations. Rather than miniatures which now cost a lot I chose paper models backed onto plantation-grown paulownia wood (option instead of balsa). Mission: playtest the rules - Admiral of the Fleet by Seekrieg (USA).

Land based

Big projects: 

  • Napoleonic. Finish the Battle of the Borodino solo refight according to plan. This happens to be the main priority between now and the new year. It comes downs to motivation and time.  This remains the #1 priority.
  • WW2 Willys Jeeps - a large collection of 3D printed from own design sit idle in several storage boxes. Some assembly still required to complete. Part of an abandoned WW2 Battle of Arnhem project. Scale: 1/72. Designed to be used with Rapid Fire (UK) ruleset. NB: Rapid Fire 2 is the current meta.
  • Repaint makeover Lion Rampant 1/72 medievals in preparation for returning using the latest 2nd edition rulest. Maybe revive my solo campaigns from a few years back is on the cards.
  • 1/32 Truck rig kit. Mission: complete assembly including final painting, decals, and display stand. I have a mental image of how I want to display it. Finding the time and assembling all the materials needed to finish it in a few modelling sessions is the major problem.
  • 1930s terrain - inner city. For use in gangster wargames. Translating the mental image inside one's head can be difficult. Lacking the appropriate modelling skills and knowledge adds to that difficulty. Would love to finish it however to gaming table standard.
  • Copplestone car. For use with .45 Adventures ruleset. White metal car with figures. Unassembled and unpainted. A task for the spray gun?
  • WW2 terrain board. Modular system. Italy 1943. Many pieces incomplete. Was hoping to one day run a big Rapid Fire game on it when I was in a local gaming group. "Hoping" being the operative word as I ran out of steam after several months. Then quietly and conveniently forgotten.
  • Tin Tin & Snowy. A childhood aspiration that is still wishful thinking. Seen a few retailers of suitable figures. But looking for something appropriate of that era for the European-style nations of the early twentieth century. A thought might be to convert European figures from the mid-19th century as they look similar to some of the nations from the Tintin universe. 

Small tasks: 

  • Part 1: Vietnam War Riverine fleet. A group of half-finished Tangos and Monitors. Scale: 1/100 (15mm). For Too Fat Lardies fun Charlie Don't Surf ruleset. 
  • Part 2: Vietnam War land forces. Both Charlie/NVA and Free World. Same ruleset. US aircav units (helos) needing decals added.
  • 1/72 Russian Civil War collection. Primary ruleset: Red Actions. Wanting to add a modified armour train from the period.
  • Large presentation board of a Lizardman open temple with a mountain facade. Would make an excellent backdrop for a Fantasy game.
  • Burrows & Badgers skirmish game. Assembling more figurines for the two small playtest warbands. Project of fairly low priority.


Primarily GW in origin. Interest began back in the late 90s when I got involved while living in Sydney. First list was Chaos Space Marines. Over the years I've become more interested in Eldar although I did branch out into Warhammer Fantasy. Interested mainly in High Elves, Beastmen, Ogres. Many many projects, big and small, sitting gathering dust.

Fantasy genre

All are from a certain period (c. 2007-13) when I was first entered and then immersed myself within Warhammer Fantasy universe. As with the 40K component, many of the worthy or "good" models were sold off (such as my then-expensive Forge World Eldar Phantom Titan). What's left is sitting on my shelving or dumped in boxes stored away. 

Big projects:

  • Ogre Kingdom. Main reference: 6th & 8th editions. A few units have been assembled that are at least painted to bare minimum tabletop standard. Loads more unassembled in my bitz pile however. The usual Ogre type include:
    • Tyrants
    • Bulls
    • Bruisers
    • Butchers
    • Ironguts
    • Leadbelchers
    • Maneaters
    • Hunters
  • Associated creatures include:
    • Gorgers
    • Gnoblars
    • Yhetees
    • Slavegiants
    • Sabretusks
    • Rhinenoxen

Small tasks:

  • Beastmen. Main reference books: 6th & 7th editions. The usual types. Lots of surplus in bitz pile, mainly accessories (weapons, shields, arms bearing weapons, etc). As it was my first Fantasy army, it's fairly complete but a bit shabby nowadays from neglect and wear. Definitely in need of a makeover as does my entire Warhammer Fantasy collection.
    • Bray-Shamans
    • Wargor
    • Gors
    • Bestigors
    • Centigors
    • Ungors
    • Minotaurs
    • Warhounds
  • High Elves. Main reference: 7th edition. Smallest army list created. Several loose units that are incomplete. Includes:
    • Ellyrian Reavers
    • Swordmasters of Hoeth
    • Lothern Seaguard
    • Elven Archers

  • Lizardmen. Small and limited to:
    • Saurian units
    • Temple Guards
    • Skinks 
    • Stagadons
    • Krexigors
    • Cold One cavalry 
    • Slaan Mage Priests

Sci-fiction genre

See comments above in the Fantasy introduction.

Big projects:

  • 40K Eldar. Several groups that include specialised foot units and combat vehicles. Mision: major repainting of the vehicles and assembling the figurines. Mounting on to bases is another task.
    • Eldar grav tanks - I have a small group of Eldar Falcons painted in what I now call "hippy" style. Looking to improve on that loose and carefree style by changing it something more elaborate, deliberate, and thereby fitting to a perceived Eldar style. Problem in the past is deciding whether to align with an existing Craftworld or generate a custom one. Still undecided. Alos looking to modify a couple into variants such as the Night Spinner and Fire Prism.
    • Wraith Knights - only one left. Other one disappeared when I loaned it long ago to a gaming associate but it was never returned. Repaint or touch-up with remaining knight? Not sure yet.
    • War Walkers - two that need a definite repaint of both walkers Was more interested in painting their bases at the time and therefore gave scant regard to the Walker's colour scheme and painted something temporary.
    • Storm Guardians. Far too many within this group. Idea is to paint in either standard Eldar craftworld colours or distinctively unique colours. That's the plan for now. More as it unfolds. 
    • Warrior Paths - I don't have the complete set. Maybe this might be a nice sidepath mission to undertake in 2024. I do have:
      • Dire Avengers
      • Stinging Scorpions
      • Warp Spiders
      • Shining Hawks
      • Howling Banshees
      • Fire Dragons
      • Dark Reapers

Small tasks:

  • Xenos Rampant. A new project that is still in infant stage.
  • Dragon Rampant. Adapt more figurines from my GW surplus. 


I have a few boardgames. I am not a collector however. Main objective would be to play those boardgames that have not been opened.



Situation at the end of Turn 6 for the French. These are selected images that weren't shown at the local forum site. Russian Turn 6 is next. Time is 9am. View is mainly from behind the Russian defensive lines as they await the French assaults. The French artillery, for their part, are trying to correct their inital deployment mistake.

At the second table, Tuchkov's request for help is being answered as Duka's cuirassier division is heading south and should provide an effective counter to Latour-Marbourg's cavalry corps now assisting Poniatowski's feint on the Russian far left. Duka's arrival is just in time too as the Polish light cavalry are wreaking havoc in the Russian rear as the photo below shows

North of the Grand Redoubt the French are amassing in greater force after being repulsed initially. Units from Ney's corps have joined the attached divisions of Morand and Gerard. Meanwhile Eugene's command is pressing their initial success in taking Borodino and capturing the main bridge across the Kolocha by moving up the New Post road toward Gorki.

Yes, it's been a very long time since last played. It is a sincere wish to grab a few turns between now and my next Nap game with the new gaming group in January 2024. However I won't be overly upset because I can return to the game any time I like. Part of the joy of solo wargaming. Cheers.


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