Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Badgers & Burrows - Warband Darkslyde

Split my starter pack into two separate warbands. This second warband include two mercenaries who were introduced in the last post. Leader of this new warband is Tarkus Slitheruss. He is an Adder who is a master of Dark Magic. 

Tarkus is an ex-Royalist who decided he wanted more from life than simply serving others and not receiving the rewards for his efforts. He exhibits the basic traits of any slitherer - furtive and sly. He is naturally poisonous causing pain to any unfortunate bite victim. As an Unarmed Fighter he cannot use normal weaponry, but he does possess the Rod of X'arth Maxis. The dark rod is imbued with Dark magic and is a very powerful tool in the competent hands of magic. 

Distemper Slotheye is 2IC to Tarkus. A veteran of many wars he harbours an intense dislike of mice, especially civilised mice. He is a former comrade to Blackadder Mogley, his mentor and friend, who was killed when he stepped into a bar fight between mice and got stabbed for his imposition. Distemper is both strong and equally adept both on land and in water. He does favour the crossbow and can easily wield it with accuracy.

Blutus was introduced in the previous post. As a Yeti he is not local and therefore classed as a rare beast. Somehow he found himself standed in far away Northumbrya many cycles ago. He pines to return to his mountain home of cold and ice but he does not have the necessary finances to fund his return. Besides, he doesn't know which way home is. Not particularly bright, he is nevertheless loyal and devoted to whomever feeds him. He is the strongest member of this warband, and very tough. He is also resistant to most Magic. Those bare hand have the hardest and sharpest talons of any creature. Blutus finds extreme cold most comforting and he tends to fare better in cooler climates.

Finally, we have the fourth member of the group, another visitor from distant lands. Originally from vast deserts of ancient Aegypty, Kalid Janga is a crocodilian spearman with a blood lust akin to berserkers. Although no skills are listed in the rulebook, Kalid is methodical and disciplined and superior master of the long-bladed spear he wields. 

Home for this tiny warband is a former beaver lodge along the Winding River. The original owners protested at first but were soon convinced to find somewhere else to live once a couple of the younglings were transformed into wooden statues. They are still there both guarding the entrance and as a deterrent to anyone poking their noses about. And with this bad bunch, being nosey can be detrimental to one's continued health.

Next post: Equipment and Magic Spells


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