Monday, November 13, 2023

Badgers and Burrows - Creating Warbands and additional characters

Today I found my original group which was a relief as I thought I had put them away too well. Anyway, I began searching for further "recruits" to my original grouping of six figures. Managed to find these two.

This crocodillian-type figurine was part of a group of minis purchased many years ago. The B&B (Badgers and Burrows) book is set locally being geographically specific. There are options for expansion beyond the normal local bounds as stated on page 43 of the rulebook

"The Kingdom of Northumbrya is also home to many visitors from other lands; whether from the far reaches of Albion, or even from distant lands from over the seas. Although such beasts are rare, you may see lizards, marmots, and even such strange creatures as armadillos, and the platypus."

Originally thought the above figurine would be a crocodillian mercenary but the Traits in the rulebook are limited so am happily assigning it the Green Lizard trait. I have added the Swim skill however because he's a crocodile! 

Backstory is that it is a mercenary who is stranded in Northumbrya and has therefore thrown its lot with any warband fortunate enough to recruit it. Its long spear and overall appearance adds to its foreign exotic look. I keep recalling the Morgan Freeman character from Kevin Costner's Robin Hood movie whenever I look at it.

The second figurine (below) belongs to my long-dormant In Her Majesty's Name steampunk game. It is the blue Yeti. I am calling it Blutus (image of Bluto, arch nemesis of Popeye). Because there is no Yeti listed in the creatures listing, I simply matched it with the Wildcat trait because its characteristics are close to how I am using this creature in B&B.

Only modification is that I have given it the Resist Magic instead of the Wildcat's Natural Hunter skill. Initially thought to give it the Berserk trait but in the end I decided against it as Berserk manifests upon certain actions happening beforehand. And I didn't think this creature seems typical of the wait-and-see kind. Couldn't find the Resist Cold trait because it doesn't exist. Hmmm...



The starter pack I acquired came as a starter warband. But because I am introducing my gaming buddy to the game, I have decided to split the warband into two separate warbands and recruited extras.

First warband I am creating is a Royalist faction by the name of Warband Harry Humps Megan. It is led by loyalist Hare knight Sir Harry Harefoot.

Identifying the more potent B&B characters seemed simple and straightforward with this starter band when first sighting. Sir Harry, aside from being a Large beast (up to 40mm round base), is quite impressive looking. Commanding. Casually resting his Dicemaker sword upon his shoulder, wearing the royal emblemed (red fleurs-de-lys) shield to the fore, he certainly looks like he means business. He is exiled from his true love, a scandalous social climber who has wriggled her way into his heart. Their union has invoked the wrath of several high-ranking noble lords who've managed to poison the ear of the King. Sir Harry has sworn to redeem himself and his honour by taking on the warbands ravaging the North West marches. Like the Black Templars on their redemption tour in the 40K universe.


Assisting him is his second-in-command, Wanda Redtail, a Squirrel witch. She wields Unbound Magic. She is shown pointing the Red Stone of Blitherblabber at something to her front. It is a potent crystal and acts as a channel to her Unbound spells. Her staff, an heirloom from her grandmother, Esmeralda Greyfluft, is also imbued with magic. Surprisingly, it is called The Stick. Wanda is not to be unestimated or trifled with. She is fast, agile, deadly, and decisive. When she is not casting her skills against opponents of the Royalist cause, she is practicing her healing arts. She is knowledgeable and respected within her guild and widely known as She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed. Her antipathy is directed especially toward users of the Dark Arts who she cannot abide to be near. 

Two Royalist experienced soldiers are next in the warband - a brother and sister combo pairing. Firstly there is Gawdy Padfoot, a mouse Knight, from Kardyf. He is taciturn preferring to let his actions, in particular, his skill with the blade, speak on his behalf. However when he does speak he does so with a heavy Western Marsh accent. Think Welsh. He, like his sister, receives the Expert Training booster. This reflects his high level of disciplined training. He is an old battle comrade of Sir Harry. His skill as a smith is highly valued not just within the warband. Locals are known to visit to request help mending broken or damaged equipment. Or else he is creating tools for sale, earning extra income to the warband.

Unlike her more reserved brother, Molly Tenderfoot is openly loud and very vocal in all her endeavours. It most expressive in her fighting. She has the Expert Training skill. Like many of her kin - the fighting mice of the West March - she is fleet-footed, nimble, and very skilled with her weapon of choice. She often talks to her blade in the middle of combat, comparing blows and kills as if chatting with an old dear friend. Upon hearing her, however, it's quite hard to believe that she is kin to Gawdy for her accent is less pronounced and free-flowing. But she is devoted to her elder brother and very protective of him. Their bond is worth admiring if observing from afar. Molly is also a very good seamstress which was her original trade until the Kin Slaying. Ever since then, she's been a mission to find and eliminate those responsible for their heinous kindred-slaying crime. Out of the two, she is the better all-in fighter while Gawdy is more skilled and precise with his weaponry. And, like her brother, she is utterly loyal to Sir Harry who saw potential in her from the moment they met after the Kin Slaying.

Finally the warband is rounded out by the inclusion of Penfold Dangermouth, a feisty little mouse skilled at sneaky-sneaky stuff. He is a thief who is ostensibly Wanda's assistant and herbal stockist; and he is very skilled at procuring all manner of resources for Wanda's magic. However, young Penfold has also developed his own set of unique skills that usually involves a set of lock picks, a large gunny sack, and a nose for sniffing highly valuable precious items. 

The above photo shows him with particularly dark rims around the eyes. Penfold won't divulge how that came about, refusing to talk about it. If pressed, more often that not, the enquirer will be staring down a particularly wicked stiletto pointed inches from one's face. No one knows his true origins apart from Sir Harry who will not satisfy curiosities of that kind. This endears him enough with Penfold to earn his loyalty although the young mouse is often conflicted because another part of him resents Sir Harry being privy to his life's secrets. In combat Penfold is averse to direct conflict, preferring to strike from cover or shadows, or cause mayhem and discord against an opponent's weakness.

Home for this merry band of Royalists is the ruined abandoned manor house Hodge Hall. The manor is a few leagues west of Commonton, a northwestern market town that also is a regional centre of Royalist importance although the town itself enjoys a wide mix of allegiances. The war-ravaged estate includes a manor buildings of several rooms, a barn, a storage shed, and a stable that contains a usable Smith. The smithy is perfect for repairing equipment or forging new wargear.

Next post: Warband Darkslyde (Wildbeast)


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