Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Canvas Eagles - Multi-plane games

 Which Jasta Unites had the most colorful aircraft, and why during WWI? -  Quora

The idea of a massed planes game seems far-fetched at the moment given we only just caught up after months not playing anything. But one can dream, can't we? Just the thought of running something akin to this familiar WW1 Circus of aces image above is excitement itself. 

One can start small however given neither I or my gaming buddy have squadrons of the same planes. My buddy indeed has one Fokker Drei (a black one based on a real-life WW1 German ace) while I have two (likewise based on actual WW1 air ace with one being my absolute favourite German ace - Werner Voss). The aircraft itself seems to straddle - if I recall correctly - both Early and Late War periods so any Allied opponent group can come from either period. It just depends on what abundant Allied aircraft I have.

SPAD XIII comes readily to mind. But...that may be too late Late War for this scenario. Sopwith Camels? Yes, I have a spare few. The thought of a flight of Camels versus Dreis is very intriguing...

 Next post: Patrol Scenario


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