Sunday, June 6, 2021

Borodino Project: Progress Report - Short Breather

 Hi again

New month already. Time seems to be ramping up towards the September deadline. Not much has happened painting-wise which only adds to the sneaky feeling I may not make the deadline with all the components complete. But I will struggle on.

Uploading Pictures

Experiencing trouble uploading and positioning photos on this blogsite so won't bother. So, no photos to verify what I am posting but I have posted pics on other sites (my Wordpress blogsite and my local wargaming forum site).

Borodino Project

Finished the French/Allied infantry component of Part Two - that is the French Imperial Guard infantry. Now it's time to finish off the remaining outstanding cavalry which might pose some problems so may end up proxying from my Austrians and Bavarians to make up the shortfall. But will use what I currently have in my bitz packet first before drawing from them. 

Started thinking about storage for this mammoth lot after reviewing the lack of space in my studio with two full tables of minis. So I went to the local mall and went for some storage containers. Came up with an initial response - one large bin containing multiple store and stack boxes. Idea was spontaneous and using what was there. Bought a large 120L tub and twenty 2.5L store and stack that are the long slender type. Fifteen fit comfortably within the tub; the remaining five slot into the remaining gaps and can hold loose minis or terrain items. Brought home a first test lot and was pleased so went back and bought another identical set.

OZTGG 2021 project

To provide some incentive and motivation I entered the Borodino terrain and landmark features as a project not longer after it was announced publicly. Talk about biting off more than I could chew, this additional to the main refight project might prove difficult because it involves some effort to complete. But a worthwhile challenge as I get bored quite easily.

Borodino Refight Table

Customised and yet to be started. Just need to know the ground scale and correlate it to the rules ground scale and hopefully the rest will fall into place. Location is sorted out but I need the fold up tables the lists are currently displayed on. Hence the storage container search and purchase. The table will concentrate on the main thrust made in the centre. Will include specific villages (there were lots more) like Borodino with its distinctive Orthodox Church, Utitsa, the partially ruined Semenovskaya, and Gorki. And the main defensive fortifications that would cost so many lives - the Bagration fleches and the Grand Redoubt. The other defensive fortification, captured the day before

Uvarov and Platov's raid around the northern flank may (or may not) be moved to a separate table. It is a minor sideshow and not worth displaying on the main table.

Gaming and Other Activities

No tabletop gaming as my regular gaming buddy has lost his wargaming mojo which is a bummer. So, no more Canvas Eagles or Dragon Rampant shenanigans, and no idea if it's permanent or for a while. Solo campaigning is on backburner at the moment with Season 7 of Lion Rampant set for 2022; Season 6 was completed earlier this year and yielded a few more surprises. 

Other tabletop gaming activities and projects are currently also on the backburner due to the priority of this Borodino Project which will be the last ever such project I undertake.

PC Gaming therefore fills the gap as it's very convenient. Currently playing a selection - World of Warships, Counter Strike Global Offensive, War Thunder, Elite Dangerous, Dorfromantik, Stardew Valley, Surviving Mars, Factorio, Unity of Command and two old CS favourites - Source and Condition Zero. I have others but these few are my go-to since the start of this year. Some more than others. They are simply distractions and meaningless but time-consuming.

Plenty of books to read, two are priorities for my book reviews for Quarterstaff, a little ezine I put together every quarter for my own edification and enjoyment as well as the small gaming circle on our group's facebook page. One is a biography on Field Marshal Sir Thomas Blamey, the only Australian ever wielding the prized baton. The other is on Maj-Gen. Howard Kippenburger, who ended up as commander of the 2nd NZ Division. 

Other books reading are for enjoyment like finally reading The Hobbit. Seen the movie and multiple replays of excerpts from YT videos so I have a fair idea of the plotline. I sometimes miss the literary unfoldings that visuals often bypass (for pace and narrative flow). It was evident from the reading of The Lord of the Rings many times - the storyline with Tom Bombadil was necessary in the rich prose narrative but added nothing to the film narrative. It deserves a storyline of its own as Tom Bombadil is one of the most intriguing characters in LOTR. And the absence of Glorfindel, one of the Firstborn, was criminal even if the scene with Eowen at the river crossing was also memorable: "Come and claim him!" I guess Sir Peter Jackson did not want too many powerful Elves competing (you already had Elrond and Galadriel). Peter Jackson delivered a masterpiece of a film trilogy but for me it was always the book first that opened that entire universe. That, and the Silmarillion, one of my favourite books ever.

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