Saturday, July 10, 2021

Borodino Project: Part Two, Three, and Four

Done with Part Two for now. Painting overload and am not motivated to continue. Switching to Part Three and Four. Already started new terrain feature builds with two bridges, the Borodino church (my interpretation of this historical structure), and the main defensive fortifications - the grand redoubt and the three fleches. 

Doing this the basic scratchbuild way, namely using what materials are at hand and with no great care over quality other than what suffices for tabletop gaming. There may be some embellishments and adornments but at my skill level, it's very crude in output. 

Never used modelling clay before so am learning as I use it. Got some offcuts of styrofoam and using these as ground elements. Any spaces between strategically placed foam is occupied by Spakfilla which I've used before but am nowhere near proficient enough but am comfortable using this tool. Dollop like ice cream is my motto with filla.

Built a couple of plank bridges as temporary crossing of the Kolocha. Based on a commercial design which served as inspiration but my version is not a direct copy. Gone with the rough look because it works for me. Used coffee stirrer sticks cut to base width (nothing more frustrating than a lovely bridge but with figures stands that don't fit the width!). Combination of modelling clay, spakfilla, styrofoam. Flocked it after laying down PVA to get a visual impact of what it will look in final state. Pleased enough with the look and will go with that. Just need to texture and paint the river banks and water.

Now the church. I wanted to replicate the actual Borodino church and used some recent photos for referencing. But I am not certain if the current structure was as it was in the past. My reason might be nitpicking but why is there a sealed off door on the upper level. On both sides. To me, such a door implies access/egress. And raises several questions that can't be answered without further research into the history of the actual building. But that's outside the scope of this project. So all I can do is go with what's given. As can be seen, I've taken some liberties especially around the domed roofs and octagonal towers. Used foam and modelling clay. Worked on it twice so far. Will wait till it fully dries before sanding, sealing and then painting. 

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