Friday, April 2, 2021

Part Two of the Borodino Project: French/Allies forces


Resuming my Borodino Project build has ramped up. Like I stated at my other blog site, this project is motivated by a desire to finally put to good use the large collection of 20mm Nap figures cluttering and gathering dust in my studio. I've already completed Part One - Russian forces. Now it's the turn of the French/Allies. I have given myself to the end of this month (April) to complete the entire grouping. Nothing like a little pressure to get motivated.

Made some serious headway yesterday and last night. First off, did a rough calculation of the figures required for the French assembly and arrived at a figure of over one thousand figures for the three French Corps - I (Davoust), III (Ney) and IV (Eugene). 

The personal highlight would have to be when I decided to print out some French flags. Purists will disapprove and probably hate what I'm doing but I find it helps motivate me.

Here are some WIP photos. Hoping to finish one division (Morand) later on tonight. But I have the lurgy. Working through the night on these left me feverish and I retired to bed eventually knowing well enough this lurgy was going to kick me a bit. It has.

Flag samples printed and added

Laying out the cut bases proved useful and another active tool in motivation. Now I had a visual idea how much of that thousand-plus figures I still need.

Junot's corps was completed last year. The cavalry of Grouchy, also earlier. Still more to go though.

Shows mostly Eugene's IV and Ney's III Corps assembled but still detailing before flocking.

Missing from his group shot are the Imperial Guard, V (Poniatowksi) infantry Corps, and IV (Latour-Marbourg) Reserve Cavalry Corps. I will be scratching to fulfil this part as my bitz box is now depleted to just under a quarter. Most of those are foreign troops. I may have to resort to some proxying. Fortunately I have enough to cover that part with a sizeable Austrian and Bavarian collection to pick from. 

What French figures I do have I am sparing for the Imperial Guard because I kind of suspect they will be playing a bigger role in this refight than historically. So they best be on their best outlook.

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