Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Planning Ahead


Spotted a likely candidate for a new wargaming project. It ticks off the main boxes for required figures - I already have the figures and they are painted. 

It is a small enough engagement (compared to the Borodino Project), and it's something to aim for October 2022. More details to follow once the Borodino Project is done and dusted.

The OZTGG 21 project: a revised full listing of what needs building but as yet unstarted. Scaled down to fit FoGN game.

  • Borodino village - two buildings: one Russian style dwelling and one Russian Orthodox church
  • Gorki village - one Russian-style dwelling
  • Utitsa village - one Russian-style dwelling
  • Semenovskaya village - two Russian-style ruined dwellings
  • Raevski's redoubt - large lunette capable of accommodating one full three-gun artillery battery
  • Bagration's Fleches: sitting atop two separate mounds
    • Two lunettes
    • One redan 
  • Shevardino redoubt
  • Utitsa mound
  • Borodino bridge - one intact and one ruined
  • Pontoon bridges - quantity 
  • Streams and rivers - various lengths
  • Roads - various lengths
  • Trees - loads

That's the current revised list. Also slated for completion by end of April. Doubt I will get all of these items complete but will tackle the main elements first - the fortifications and the villages.

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