Sunday, April 4, 2021

Borodino Project: The Russians


As shown in my first ever blog post on this site, here (again) is the bulk of the Russians completed earlier this year minus the full artillery(some there) and high command elements (also some there). Acquired this as part of a collection of abandoned minis several years ago. Promised I would get stuck into them but never did as work and other gaming projects got in the way. Finally had enough of making false promises to myself. Hence the idea for the Borodino Project. The collection was mostly Russian figures in varying stages of completion from still-on-the-sprue to completely-painted but needing a spruce up. The former owner made a go of it as evidenced in his finished lots. But there were heaps more still awaiting completion and assembly. 

There were no flags which I had to sort out but wasn't a problem whatsoever. 

This lot also lacked full artillery and higher command elements. What was there was quickly used up in other gaming lists of mine. After completing the French/Allies part, though, I will figure out what's needed and either convert or purchase.


Will be using FoGN 2 rules for this solo refight. I have done some tweaking to the historical setup using the guide in the FoGN rulebook to make this work for me

Below are the remainder of outstanding Russians not present in the above photo - mostly the rest of Karpov's command that was done too late to show in the main group photo above. Some units of Platov are still missing but I will sort that out after finishing off the French/Allies first.


© 2021 L. Tafa

I'd like to dedicate this entire Borodino project to the former owner of these models. This is, in part, my way of saying thanks for all you did. Hope my contribution honours the start you made way back then.

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