Saturday, April 10, 2021

Borodino Project: French/Allies WIP


I have don't have much to report other than I finally managed to reach the flocking stage after a fairly protracted and laborious effort to get there. Motivation at the moment is quite questionable although it's still present. Anyway, the first unit to reach this proud moment in this Part Two stage is the French 106 Line Infantry from Eugene's 4th Corps, to be precise the 2nd brigade of Delzons division.

It has been immediately followed by its brigade mate, the 92 Line, seen below with 106 Line. Together they form the brigade group comprising two small units of four stands each. I've even thrown in a small unit of artillery which I found lurking in one of my bitz boxes.

And to complete tonight's offering is Lecchi's foot element of the Royal Italian Guard - the Grenadiers, the Velites, and the Conscripts. These three battalions that fit comfortably into a large unit of six stands. All that's left to go are the Italian Royal Guard cavalry which I will begin once I've completed ALL the infantry elements first.

Below is a group shot of what's accomplished thus far. I am pleased but more relieved to have finally made it to this stage in-between the various distractions happening at the moment.

Several other brigades are ready for flocking on my workbench at the moment. Hoping to finish them in the next day or two providing these little life distractions don't interfere. Will post further WIP photos as they are completed. Cheers.

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