Tuesday, February 25, 2025

February 2025 - Part Four

18 February 2025

English Civil War

Finished the Oxford foot units apart from the final basing and flocking. Started two more foot units - Bard's and Hopton's Foote. Bard's unit replaces Page's Foote and grey coats and Hopton's Foote wear blue uniforms. The tercio is still under the command of Bernard Astley, son of Lord Jacob Astley so I have since learned.

20 February 2025

World of Warships

My Steam WOWS account is playing up. Keep being disconnected. By sheer coincidence, I receive notification of the glorious opportunity to sign in directly with WeeGee. It means my old Steam account with my 600+ ships cannot be transferred over. It would mean therefore starting all over again. Shame...

21 February 2025

World of Warships

Follow on from last night. Logged in after reinstalling and everything seemed fine. Today, logged back in and no problem whatsoever until... 

First sign something was up was being disconnected from the server. Sure enough, WeeGee was trying again to woo me to sign up directly. But this time luckily being disconnected only happened once. The notification is still there when I logged out (I had done my daily grind anyway). 

Read the latest news regarding developments. New events and bundles being offered. Fortunately for me they are ships I already have so happily won't be bothering too much. Even the next Battle Pass which is a Russian one features two ships I've had for ages - Tallinn, a tech tree ship and one other whose name eludes me at the moment. May be the Markarov which is a premium.

Watched an interesting YT video a couple of night back by a veteran of WOWS. In it he mentions that WG are running out of ideas for new ships whereby the assets they received when it and Lesta split (Ukraine war) have all been used up. And every new ship since is simply a clone of an existing ship.  Lesta, on the other hand, are going gang busters with new maps and ships. Seems the art and design departments went with Lesta.

One good piece of news from WG however. They are no longer incorporating Secret Documents into Random battle mode for the next two Updates while they figure out how to do without being overly blatant and upsetting the playing community. So while it may seem they've listened to the many complaints, they haven't entirely removed it altogether. As someone pointed out, it's not happening...for now!

22 February 2025

English Civil War

Hobby day...sorta. Taking a break from yard work (clearing the slopes of all those noxious weeks can be draining physically not to mention also dangerous with the steep sloping ground and poor footing traction). Anyway, I finished cleaning and priming Talbot's and Bard's regiments yesterday. Continued with the remaining foot units - "Shrewsbury" Foote with their mostly green uniforms and Duke of York's Foote with white/grey uniforms. 

This now gives me a total of six complete foot units. Will commence the cavalry next week but first gather the forlorn hope and the firedrakes. And dismounted dragoons.

23 February 2025

Grandson's Football Scholarship

Yesterday learned my grandson's football (American football) scholarship in Santa Monica, California is now official. Starts schooling in April. Expect he will be gone (if he succeeds) for the next two years which should give him time to adjust and learn the game proper. Happy he's about to forge his own unique path. 

Meantime he's getting plenty of rep football happening both in American football here and rugby league in the meanwhile. Proud of his achievement and grateful for the opportunity being presented. Here's hoping he's smart enough to make it work. 

English Civil War

Easy relaxing Sunday so it's time to work on minis. Painting finally started on Talbot's units and Duke of York's regiment. Yellow is always a tough colour to get right when displaying, so I've found. Below is Talbot's yellow-coated regiment. Started with Yellow Ochre over the priming coat. Then added Something Yellow. Will highlight with Lemon Yellow before applying first wash. 

The coat colours of the Duke of York are speculative at best, according to the various sources consulted. Going with the generally accepted promotion that white was the most likely colour for units from the Yorkshire region. But it's the flag though that has attracted this unit for me. And the gryfonny flag make a nice contrast to the white uniforms.  

Postscript: Did some further online research and have pretty much verified the uniforms for the listed units. Swapping Hopton's unit with Duke of York because I want a contrast in uniforms. So, all I have to do is just copy and not stuff things up (as sometimes happens). Cheers.

25 February 2025


Too exhausted from long-neglected yard work and general maintenance around the home to bother with minis. My fault really for ignoring the obvious fact that the homestead needs constant maintaining. Now I'm paying for it. But it's good in a way; gets my lazy self moving again. Hoping the body can handle it. Pacing myself but it still feels like running an RFL every day! Sweating profusely while working but that's also the Frusemide kicking in (trying to lose weight to a livable and manageable 145 kgs). And the constant joint aches, declining physical health, it's becoming a real challenge. 

All day while I was trimming the bush tree that had overgrown at the letter box I kept hearing Madness' Our House". Been playing on and off all day in my head. Tonight I happened across another tune from their latest album Theatre of the Absurd C'est La Vie. Heard other tunes from the album (Round We Go, C'est La Vie, No Reason, and Theatre of the Absurd Parts 1, 2, 3)  the other night but this one is a "new" one and starts off on a familiar opening riff. After a few frustrating moments, I realised it was very similar to the keyboard opening from the Michael MacDonald and James Ingram collaboration, Ya Mo Be There. Link

Hour of Need

Odd thing is that I really like the tunes I've heard so far on this album. Hoping to buy it later and listen to this six-piece while painting. Still very much the same line as the original 70s start up. This album, so far from what I've heard, is not a rehash but a sign of their maturity as musicians. Suggs is still in fine voice. And that sax solo is choice, eh bro! 


Monday, February 17, 2025

February 2025: Part Three

10 February 2025

PC problems

Unrelated to wargaming but important given I use my PC to generate material for my wargaming hobby - batreps and design work especially. The current Windows 11 update, version 24H2, has been fraught with problems so I've been informed, and am now experiencing. 

Noticing problems whenever I switch it on every day to begin my session. Logins are slow. Thumbnails sometimes do not display on video platforms like You Tube. Errors logging in to my email accounts that take a while to resolve (either restart PC or wait several minutes). And those errors extend to the overall performance of the PC itself which can be frustrating and stressing.

Gaming issues are also affected although I suspect that one specific game that's causing me angst is itself contributing to the constant in-game dropouts. Tried another game and no issues whatsoever with performance in-game.  

But back to version 24H2, rolling back to 23H2 is one option but I am loathe to go that far. Do I wait for 25H2 to appear and hopefully it will remedy the situation? Don't know. I have learned that some criticize 24H2 because Microsoft has added spyware into the update. What's new though? Gmail engage in it as well. All major corporations do it so I believe. 

Recently has an IT specialist visited to sort out connectivity issues (wifi). He informed me of a US wifi extender would boost the wifi signal. It seems the connectivity issue concerned recent additions to our wifi network (added aerials to both the studio and garage workshop and this was causing the frequent connection issues as the PC was trying to connecting to the aerials instead of the router). Unsurprisingly, adding the USB wifi boosters has resolved the connectivity issue (along with some tinkering done by the technician). 

One good thing from this present situation though is that I can walk away from the PC and straight back into my hobby.


11 February 2025

English Civil War

Slow progress but progress nonetheless. King's Foot almost done. 


14 February 2025

Astartes II

The big question after the release of the teaser trailer is are Games Workshop going to stuff this up? The quick and cynical answer is yes. 

A quick look at those who have a vested interest over 3% (according to Games Workshop PLC) is interesting with all being investment entities. Link. Close 40% of the business is owned by investors. 

The current CEO of Games Workshop is a CMA or Chartered Management Accountant. So, a top-dog bean counter.

I have a sinking feeling that somehow Games Workshop will totally stuff this up; the degree by which is unknown but not promising. Look at how Disney screwed up the classic Snow White big time.

Same with Amazon and The Rings of Power. The list of recent stuff ups by commercial entities proves (to me at least) that many who oversee such creative projects often lack either talent or that degree of creativity to fully entertain the hungry audience. Or vision. Or their personal agendas come to the fore that often runs contrary to the needs or wishes of the vast majority. Reminds me of the dog chasing its own tail and going round and round but never quite achieving its goal. 

Happy (and dying to be proven so) to be wrong if Astartes II indeed meets and exceeds expectations. But given the recent kerfuffle among the community regarding female Custodes, and now the uproar over denying the mystical aspect that bone singing has in the Eldar culture, I somehow suspect the powers-that-be over in Nottingham really don't care for its own 40K history. Or its customers. Hence why I have serious doubts that Astartes II will be anything but a more diluted and Hollywood-ised version of Episode 5, The Secret Level. 

Maybe we'll see Titus head up the squad after surviving Episode Five? Or, better still, Leandros becomes head of the Kill Teams and sets out to "discipline" the Kill Teams to his world view and sends them on death missions much to the benefit of his secret sponsor, one of the acolytes of one of the Dark Apostles of the Word Bearers?


16 February 2025

World of Warships

Haven't really bothered to take note of the recent developments through their blogsite apart from heeding the reactions by several YT streamers. 

The return of Classified Documents in Random Battle mode has not been well received by many veterans of the game. In fact, there is talk of migrating to Lesta, and a few YT streamers have actually gone over and returned with praise for Lesta's setup, citing new maps, clearer defined visuals, and so on. 

Complaints regarding the upcoming changes have been ignored - unsurprisingly - and WG continues to foist ridiculous designs (with experimental ships) upon the playerbase and expect many to embrace it happily. The more astute players complain that these new developments are designed to make it easier for newcomers to play with OP ships; skill no longer exists, and the playerbase continues to devolve into dumber than ever. Pay, pay, pay!

So far, I am unaffected as I stick with Co-Op, do my daily grind routine, and avoid paying for every new offer thrown my way. The current Battle Pass event celebrating the Lunar New Year has nothing of any real value. One new 10-pt commander (WTF?!) as the final reward and the T6/7(?) Huanghe Pan-Asian cruiser (which I already have) at the halfway mark makes it very easy to skip buying the second level altogether.

Nothing in the Armoury is worth it any more. I just grab what's for free and simply ignore the paywall events (Wishing Wharf, Early Access Dutch light cruisers, Ming's Adventure, and so on). I will await these ships eventual release into the Armoury either as a coal or doubloon premium. Or even wait until Christmas 2025. 


Sunday, February 9, 2025

February 2025: Part Two

7 February 2025

Health delays. Resumed work on the King's Foote. And cleaned and primed Prince Rupert's regiment. Want to get at least both units done to face off against the Roundheads for a quick refresher game. 

King's Lifeguards are basecoated. Using crimson which is sort of a madder red as described by one uniform source.

Managed to clean and prime Rupert's Blews in the same session. Amazing!

Flags of the Oxford units. Going for colour as much as variety. The contrasting coat colours should enhance the visual spectacle planned. Cheers.


9 February 2025

Some spare time today so continued with the Oxford foot.

King's Foot nearly done...I am liking my effort thus far. The madder red of the uniform is accentuated as I've gone for a bright red hose for the majority of the foot. Going with tall standard staffs because of the size of my flags - 35mm square. Large enough to clearly show who they are without overwhelming the overall look of the unit. 

Basecoated the Blew regiment and added the flags. Fine detailing to follow. These chaps are wearing the montero caps which I've since learned were as common as the helmets and hats. Cheers.


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February 2025: Part One

2 February: Huxley: The Oracle and Huxley trailers

I have rewatched the Syama Pedersen trailer for HUXLEY: THE ORACLE numerous times since coming across it in his Digital Bones studio trailer on YT. And I am intrigued by the world thanks to Mr Pedersen's involvement in bringing it alive.

This in turn led me to discover and rewatch the earlier trailer HUXLEY, the official trailer produced by Sava Zivkovic and Ben Mauro (author), and directed by Sava Zivkovic. Link. The trailer lists the entire production crew who contributed to this trailer. And it has further raised my interest in this world enough to want to read about it. But everything is on Pre-Order so I will await its eventual release.

In the meantime, I will go down the Digital Bones rabbit hole and see what Mr Pedersen is up to. NOTE: There is an unrelated and unreleased MMOFPS game of the same name which I managed to locate a single episode from fifteen years ago and should not be confused with Ben Mauro's work. Link. 

Yes, it's easy to claim DUNE vibes when one views both trailers of HUXLEY. But that's just a lazy connection to make for Frank Herbert's world is totally different, and the assumption made is due to the recent successes of the Dune film remakes and its subsequent huge imprint upon current memory and consciousness.

Things I've noticed or am beginning to notice - thanks in large to the more observant commenters of the HTO trailers - show aspects of Mr Pedersen's cinematographic skill that somehow makes his work quite relevant, noticeable, and which connects immediately with the audience. 

(1) When the recruits are being inducted, the tingling of the bell pole device (reminiscent of the Chapeau Chinois (Chinese Hat) or Jingling Johnny (familiar to those Napoleonic Wars enthusiasts) synchronises perfectly with the solemnity and gravitas of the music being played in the background, accentuating the ceremony being played out.

(2) The frequent use of zoomed-out overhead shots to convey size and magnitude - the solo aircraft flying across the desert with the remains of something huge buried in the sands, the overview of the hole into which the Ronin scavengers are about to enter and reminds one of the hole the Space Marines are about to journey down in the Secret Level's episode - are just two of many examples. The epic scale, the empty vastness of the terrain, is shown so well. The horizontal plane is conveyed also as when the Ronins are patrolling among the ruins of desolation which speak of huge monuments (such as the opening scene depicting the parade against the huge metropolis. It's similar to when Titus, Metaurus and the other two Bladeguards are moving through what looks to be the remains of either a Titan or Knight claw in the Secret Level.

(3) His familiar use of black space to convey both mood (the unknown) and as a way of introducing new scenes (most strongly seen and felt in the original Astartes) without being abrupt or sudden. Prime example of the switch between the command vessel and the squad on the Heretic ship and then back again from the Orb back to Interrogation cell. 

(4) Lack or absence of dialogue. Letting the visual tell the story. Mr Pedersen shows a complete mastery of the "picture paints a thousand words" adage. Same as the "show and not tell" axiom promoted in good writing. I watched a newcomer today absorb and quickly recognise what was going on (even if unable to fully understand why) in the five shorts of ASTARTES. That tells me that Mr Pedersen can tell a story using effective visuals.

(5) Economy of motion exhibited by Mr Pedersen's Retributors throughout (Astartes) and the Lamentor (the original Astartes II short) when he blocked the second Ork before swiftly counterattacking. No extraneous efforts. No flashy movements. No Hollywood bogus. Just brutal efficiency at its prime.


3 February: Book Review

The book I've chosen for this month's read and review is a library discard: The Late Medieval Balkans - A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest by John V. A. Fine, Jr. (1996), The University of Michigan Press.

Bought this at the local Bookfest last year for eight dollars. 

Why this title? Because it might provide information regarding the East European region that formed part of my paused solo Lion Rampant campaign, Season Seven. I have given myself the entire month of February to read and absorb the text. A book review will likely be made available at the end of the month but it is such a weighty and detailed tome so no promises. Cheers.


3 February: Season Seven of Lion Rampant

Looking for further information regarding this period (mid to late 12th century), I am using the book I am currently reading to draft up the various retinues that will play out the renewed Season Seven of my ongoing solo Lion Rampant game. Took a long hiatus however and am now keen to get back into some medieval conflicts of the solo kind. 

My main retinues will primarily be fourfold - Vlach, Cuman, Byzantine, and Bulgarians. Currently have none of the models. May try paper. For now I will proxy from my existing Lion Rampant collection. My knowledge of the retinues is spartan, noob quality to be frank. But hopefully that will expand as I get back into the swing of things, so to speak.

Time period will be around 1188, give or take a few years. 

Theme for this new revitalised season of campaigning will be the constant raids conducted by the Cumans (or Kipchak) into imperial (Byzantine) territory after the establishment of the Bulgarian state under Peter and Asen. The Cumans raid at will as neither the Bulgarians nor the Byzantine are able to deal with them. For now. 

The next few weeks I will draft up some maps and tabletop scenarios to game hopefully tabletop or computer-generated. Cheers.


4 February: English Civil War: The Royalists

Started my first Royalist unit this morning. Aptly enough, I grabbed the first unit from the sorted piles and it happened to be the King's Foot. The trimming, as per usual, took some time before I applied the grey priming coat. Then I left it to dry and took a break.

I am now in the process of printing out the two flags of the King's Foot (undecided on which companies as yet) this afternoon. Had to resize the printout below as they were too large. Showing the 3rd Captains and Lieutenant Colonel's standards (top right).

Update: Resized the above. Added a few more infantry flags. Two - Prince Rupert's and Talbot's - are MS Paint creations based on online sources for flags. 

One, Queen's Foot, is actually a cavalry standard (the blue one with lots of fleur-de-lis) and is a nice contrast to its companion infantry red flag with the single fleur-de-lis. Transposing a cavalry standard into an infantry one is an idea I thought would look okay.

One of Tillier's Foote flags is also speculative. I wanted to add Broughton's Foote flag but could not locate a reliable source. Both Broughton and Tillier are thought to have contributed units that made up the "Shrewsbury" Foote unit. 

Adding Talbot's Foote (with the Talbot hound) to the Royalist list because they wore yellow coats and I thought it would look nice on the tabletop. Who they replace has yet to be determined. Or maybe they will join later should I choose to expand the list which seems likely once I have the finances. Cheers.


Saturday, February 1, 2025

World of Warships tally for the month of January and regular gripe at WOWS

The Christmas Update 13.11 carried on over into the new year and into Update 14.0. Final tally for the month of January is based on the rewards/acquisitions from the numerous Santa crates, the Update Dockyard events, Battle Passes, Common Missions and other events is as follows (based on the spreadsheet kept): 

In-game credits:                50,907,920 
Doubloons:                        46,750
Economic bonuses:            621 (grey - lowest value)
                                           1224 (green)
                                           1493 (blue)
                                           219 (red - highest value)
Elite Cmdr XP:                  2,669,750
Free XP:                             382,523
Signal flags:                       3,799 (of all types)
Camo:                                 16
Coal:                                   620,400
Premium Days:                   613 *sigh*
Ships:                                  62 (mostly from the Santa crates)
Steel:                                   28,480
Vacant port slots:                32
Commanders:                     16
Miscellaneous:                    154 (event flags, event tokens, festive certificates, explosive effects, etc)
Research Bureau points:     18,750

Overall, a nice haul but not as good as last year. The fear of not reaching six hundred ships was quickly allayed; now the goal for this year will be seven hundred port ships. Did not get the Smaland but then I got loads of others, some I had forgot existed. Maybe this Christmas? 

Thus ends my odyssey of World of Warships. Been an interesting and consuming daily journey. But now it's time to pull right back to what I want to undertake. Weekly missions will be the norm going forward from February. Will be tough but there are too many other interests worth pursuing, and six years is long enough an involvement...for one game.



UPDATE: The variance between logout and login times on Steam for World of Warships has not changed. It has remained consistent since first observed. After consideration, however, I've decided to let it slide given my involvement with WOWS will now begin to taper off considerably. And neither parties involved (both Steam and wargaming.net) seem to care one way or the other that it exists. If they do know, we (the player base) are usually the last to know. Finally, getting involved in anything these days only invites attraction from those elements who are basically online predators and aggressors. Learnt that the other day when I made an innocent comment on You Tube and basically was attacked for it. It's akin to that old saying: Never volunteer! Not worth the grief. Plus, responding to the trolls was not worth my time or energy anyway.


UPDATE: Only with this game do I constantly have problems staying logged in. Last few days have seen me kicked off the server in-game. Simple solution is to log out of the game (if on Steam) and then relog in quickly. Chances are you will return to the same game and continue from there. 

WG seem fond of offering you the chance of signing up for a new account from time to time which can prove disruptive, or coincidental because that's when I have problems with connection. It's been so the past week. But the opportunity to start a new account is not permanent as it disappears after a few times (especially when booted off the server). And I question the logic; I can only ASSUME that having an account through WG direct is preferred rather than through a third-party such as STEAM. I am simply speculating as I don't have a clue why this keeps happening even though my account is registered on WG. And the authorised stats book keeping site (WG profile page and Wiochi at wows-numbers.com) show this clearly. I don't have a second or third account elsewhere, WG, so stop offering me a new account. 

One interesting point is the difference between what wows-number.com (the ASIA server) declares the number of ships on my account and what my spreadsheet shows. The discrepancy can be explained away by the simple fact that I have new ships that are unplayed. So this weekend I hope to run all forty-four of them to bring me up-to-date. Cheers.
