The Christmas Update 13.11 carried on over into the new year and into Update 14.0. Final tally for the month of January is based on the rewards/acquisitions from the numerous Santa crates, the Update Dockyard events, Battle Passes, Common Missions and other events is as follows (based on the spreadsheet kept):
In-game credits: 50,907,920
Doubloons: 46,750
Economic bonuses: 621 (grey - lowest value)
1224 (green)
1493 (blue)
219 (red - highest value)
Elite Cmdr XP: 2,669,750
Free XP: 382,523
Signal flags: 3,799 (of all types)
Camo: 16
Coal: 620,400
Premium Days: 613 *sigh*
Ships: 62 (mostly from the Santa crates)
Steel: 28,480
Vacant port slots: 32
Commanders: 16
Miscellaneous: 154 (event flags, event tokens, festive certificates, explosive effects, etc)
Research Bureau points: 18,750
Overall, a nice haul but not as good as last year. The fear of not reaching six hundred ships was quickly allayed; now the goal for this year will be seven hundred port ships. Did not get the Smaland but then I got loads of others, some I had forgot existed. Maybe this Christmas?
Thus ends my odyssey of World of Warships. Been an interesting and consuming daily journey. But now it's time to pull right back to what I want to undertake. Weekly missions will be the norm going forward from February. Will be tough but there are too many other interests worth pursuing, and six years is long enough an involvement...for one game.
UPDATE: The variance between logout and login times on Steam for World of Warships has not changed. It has remained consistent since first observed. After consideration, however, I've decided to let it slide given my involvement with WOWS will now begin to taper off considerably. And neither parties involved (both Steam and seem to care one way or the other that it exists. If they do know, we (the player base) are usually the last to know. Finally, getting involved in anything these days only invites attraction from those elements who are basically online predators and aggressors. Learnt that the other day when I made an innocent comment on You Tube and basically was attacked for it. It's akin to that old saying: Never volunteer! Not worth the grief. Plus, responding to the trolls was not worth my time or energy anyway.
UPDATE: Only with this game do I constantly have problems staying logged in. Last few days have seen me kicked off the server in-game. Simple solution is to log out of the game (if on Steam) and then relog in quickly. Chances are you will return to the same game and continue from there.
WG seem fond of offering you the chance of signing up for a new account from time to time which can prove disruptive, or coincidental because that's when I have problems with connection. It's been so the past week. But the opportunity to start a new account is not permanent as it disappears after a few times (especially when booted off the server). And I question the logic; I can only ASSUME that having an account through WG direct is preferred rather than through a third-party such as STEAM. I am simply speculating as I don't have a clue why this keeps happening even though my account is registered on WG. And the authorised stats book keeping site (WG profile page and Wiochi at show this clearly. I don't have a second or third account elsewhere, WG, so stop offering me a new account.
One interesting point is the difference between what (the ASIA server) declares the number of ships on my account and what my spreadsheet shows. The discrepancy can be explained away by the simple fact that I have new ships that are unplayed. So this weekend I hope to run all forty-four of them to bring me up-to-date. Cheers.
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