Tuesday, December 24, 2024

World of Warships

20 December 2024

Repeating what was done with Chapter 1 of the Battle Pass event. It costs more for sure. For 45 points, or 1200 BASE XP, two Festive certificates are awarded. With nineteen days left, that's roughly fifty-plus certificates or at least ten Megas. Maybe a ship will drop then.

23 December 2024

The Advent Calendar is unreliable. It usually unlocks around 10am AEST. Today however unable to claim the reward. Keeps saying "Available soon". How soon? Tomorrow? Then it will be two rewards.

Two more ships left to go (aside from the Dockyard Niord which I am continuing to grind). 

Acquired Satsuma today which I played when they first started the whole supership thing. Played both the Satsuma and Hannover in some forgotten event. Promptly forgot thereafter although I enjoyed both in the few Random games played. 

Because I'm determined to finish the year on six hundred ships, I'm having to spend hoarded credits on superships, carriers, and submarines - ships I rarely play, especially the last two classes - in order to achieve this goal. Maybe run them in Asymmetrics to recoup some of the lost credits? Best bet would be to run those Enhanced Credit Income premiums instead.

Ship drops have been disappointing in terms of rare ones. So far, this Christmas, only received two rare ones from the nearly thirty ships dropped. Can't complain because I never thought I would make six hundred. But now there's a real chance it will happen.

Noticed a trend after viewing several other Mega drops on YT. The ships are much the same for nearly all which seems to be standardise. Much like the daily coal crates. Supercontainers continue to spew garbage rewards.  

24 December 2024

Usual cmdr-upskill grind today which for now is the new "normal routine". List includes Unique or Legendary commanders Swirski (Europe), Lisboa (Pan-America), Auboyneau (France), Kuznetsov (USSR). Seasoned commanders include Doe (USA), Jutland (Germany), Dunkirk (UK), and Honore (France). The remaining duo are normal commanders Hallgren (Europe) and seasoned de Ruyter (Holland).

Battle Pass bonus rewards. So far, since Chapter 2 began on Thursday, I now have eleven Festive Certificates which is just over two Mega crates worth (remember 5 festives trades for 1 Mega. Going for Gift crates is really not worth it unless you're only after resources instead of ships, but even so Megas offers more for value). 

Cost? Nothing but time. 

Normally first game is sufficient because of the leftover from the previous day's session. That leftover DOES eventually whittle down to zero but if my calculations are correct, that won't happen until Monday (30th December), and the last day of the event (9th Jan 2025).

For example, today's effort yielded the usual two Festive certificates. The leftover value is +20. Tomorrow I just have to play one game to get the next two Festive certificates; the leftover value will be +15 after I've completed the second task (1000 Base XP). Diminishing value is -5 per day. 

Every Thursday besides the usual 45 points an additional 50 points (two attempts of 2000 Base XP for 25 points apiece) unlocks. This means Thursday is a booster day yielding four Festive certificates instead of the usual two. For a total of 3200 Base XP. Or at least ten games. 

Why waste time grinding for no reason?

Cheers. And Merry Christmas.


27 December 2024

Decided to whale in order to cross the 600-ship line. Paid for 20 Megas. Converted the pool of accumulated Festive certificates for another 3 Megas. 

And succeeded. 603 to be exact. 

Ships acquired include Tier V - Kamikaze R; Tier VIII - Asashio, Massachusetts, Kutusov, Fenyang.

Happy New Year.


Sunday, December 15, 2024

15 December 2024

World of Warships

Keeping an active record of the Event Pass bonus rewards now. Still cannot explain the loss of fifteen points so this will hopefully jog the memory.  The new chapter for the Battle Pass event commences Thursday. The missing 15 Battle Pass points (for the bonus rewards) would have enabled me to obtain 2 Megas instead of the 1 Mega and 3 Gift crates now projected. Sneaky WG. Very sneaky.

Above shows prior to gaming for the bonus points. Daily it is 1200 Base XP - one costs 200 Base XP and is worth 20 points while the other costs 1000 Base XP and worth 25 points. Total therefore is 45 points per session; you need 50 points to receive the 2 Festive certificates. Any excess over 50 points carries over to the next session (which is usually daily for me). Every week you get two more additional chances for rewards, both cost 25 points each but each needs to earn 2000 Base XP to receive those bonus points. Unfortunately they're a one-off thing per week.  

After earning the points as shown above. Roughly it takes six or seven games in Co-Op mode, less in Randoms or Ranked I believe. This is a very cheap and convenient way of earning Megas (remembering that five certs exchanges for one Mega) that I've stumbled on by accident. It means going through the Event phases as quickly as possible, i.e. advancing quickly by paying through the phases. Hoping to repeat it for the next chapter with Olaf which starts next Thursday. 

Primarily using doubloons to obtain Megas instead of straight cash - when I have enough dubs. Going with 8 Megas instead of the more expensive 20 lot. 


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Observations upon comments

Warhammer 40K - Episode 5 of the Secret Levels series

Interesting read of many of the comments regarding the suicide mission of Titus and his 40K comrades. 

(1) Comments of correction on the credits. Someone tried to correct the crediting the main foe as not a Tzeentch sorcerer but some pumped human corrupted who practiced the bird-beaky's way. Well, interestingly enough, Tzeentch sorcerers can be human too. Also why would the producers, who sourced the information directly from 40K, be so wrong that someone who believes they know better calls them out on it? 

(2) Many 'fans' of Syama Pedersen's style of work noticed it throughout Episode. He is even credited as part of the creative team. Yet some love to speculate that he played a greater role in the production. I'd like to think not. I'm just happy to see that his original work, Astartes, had such a profound effect and set a high bar according to many that has not always been met. Until now. Maybe he was more involved and that there are those wanting to take greater credit. It's possible but I'd like to think not. I prefer to believe he was PART of the creative process and not the main force behind the work. Consulted maybe, but not credited as a director or supervisor.  

(3) We're all in agreement though that it's easy to rewatch Episode 5 several times over because it's that good. It just sums up what Space Marines are meant to be - powerful yet fluid superhumans capable of serious damage. Not clunky robotic jerks who fall over at the merest wind gust! They are the front-line against the Warp. There is no room or place for namby-pampy wishy-washy emotional claptrap with agendas apart from fulfilling the Emperor of Mankind's will. With lots of faith and goddamn badassery combat skills. 

The fight with the Cultists was brutally good. Quite a few gasp moments. The outcome with the Chaos sorcerer was fitting as the team began to fall apart. 

Titus looks to be the main protagonist for what's to come. Here's hoping Leandros gets his in the end. The sin of envy is strong in the Ultramarines Chaplain. Very strong. If anyone is corrupted it's Leandros. Titus is just a fearless killing machine. 


A bit of good non-wargaming related news

Just learned today my grandson's American football team won their local U18 championships on their first go. New team. Demolished one of the most established local team (been on the local scene since 2006 at least) 40-something to zip. Chuffed for him. Shame I couldn't make the game though. 

He's still adjusting to the game. First season. He's hoping to score a high school scholarship to the States. Maybe the outcome will provide some interest to the US scouts. He's playing offensive line - left tackle. Hard position to play (right-handed QB's 'blind side') and he's still unsure on his role and assignments. But he'll settle in. Am extremely proud of his achievement. 


19 December 2024

Follow up. Grandson heading to US on high school football scholarship in the new year; he received news from the US-based scout. Pleased and proud of his achievement. 


Friday, December 13, 2024

Nine ladies dancing

 World of Warships

Decided to open up the forty Mega crates I'd managed to accumulate over the week. Got eight premiums including two rare - Belfast and Fujin. Also among the openings were six Golden crates which produced the steel ship G. Hoffmann. This makes for nine ships in total received. Or nine ladies dancing. Still twelve days to go. 

Correction: I was mistaken when I said I had 14 ships left to go: it was actually 24 ships. With the nine from today now it's only 15 left to go.

Full list: Guiseppi Verdi, Tianjin, Pyotr Bagration, Wiesbaden, Tiger '59, Belfast (R), Fujin (R), Orkan, G. Hoffmann.

Although the popular Asymmetric battle mode is now active, I've not involved myself yet as it's not part of my current grind routine. 


Thursday, December 12, 2024

Two weeks till Christmas

11 December 2024

Asymmetric Battle Mode

Returning for a while longer. Kicking off tomorrow. One of the more popular battle modes. Teams of five players up against twelve BOT ships. BOT ships will be two tiers lower so that if you're team is made up of Tier VIIIs, then you will face off against Tier VIs. 

Great for grinding anything - credits, upskilling captains, and so on. 


12 December 2024

World of Snoreships

Next Dockyard mission unlocked today along with the double Battle Pass points (25 points each). Short interest while grinding my Upskilling captains. 

Server down for maintenance while playing so was transferred to another. 

Noticed being shortchanged Battle Pass points. Fortunately I keep written records: shortchanged by 15 points. Hope it's a glitch but it's if not then being quick to accuse I expect it's another example of WG shortchanging its player base on the sly. Why would I think that? Because I think they made a mistake with the bonus BP reward by using Festive certificates (obtainable only through haveing Tier X ships). You receive 2 Festive certificate rewards for the cost of at least 1000 Base XP (or 4 games in Co-Op). And I've been doing so every day. In other words, I've earned another 4 Mega crates ON THE CHEAP this way. And WG don't do things for free unless there's a pay back to them somehow. 

Dreaming of starting a clan and trying to come up with a decent clan tag has been a fun exercise. For a while it was [BWP], short for BOTS, Potatoes, Whales. Went through several combinations of lettering. Now, the current frontrunner is [P_RIM], short for Pacific RIM. Clan's aim and purpose for existing would be enabling those (most newbies to the game) wanting to grind tech tree lines through a no-pressure clan that offers clan bonuses on items such as coal and other resources. Not that it will ever eventuate as I also don't want the responsibility or burden of starting a clan. But it's nice to dream.

Just saw another WOWS YT streamer tonight run through the opening of a quantity Mega Santa crates and realised he was doing it on a WG press account where they provide a free account with over 1 million dubs and basic TT ships (in his case just three Tier I ships) and a few other things. So, that's explains what I saw earlier with another YT streamer who was chasing 1 million steel. Dangle the carrot? Definitely.

Lancashire Games & Hinchliffe

Received notification today the Winter Sale has been extended. Christmas shopping opportunity anyone? 15% off Standard Packs and Army Packs in 10mm, 15/18mm, 20mm, 28mm. Also 10% off painting services. 

The renewed and revamped Hinchliffe (25mm) website is now up and running. 


Just saw a 28mm tabletop game conducted by an English wargaming group tonight (see link below). It got me tingling again. There is something strangely compelling when viewing a big battle tabletop game that draws me in easily.


If I do go ahead (simply in my head at the moment), the most likely candidates will have to involve figures from my existing minis collection as I really do not want to spend any more money. Will give due consideration during the festive season and make outline plans in the new year. 

Planned timing? Most likely King's Birthday long weekend (October here in Queensland) will be the most suitable date. Easter is too close. But I may do something small first for ANZAC Day involving my 15mm Vietnam War collection using TFL's Charlie Don't Surf rules. Maybe a historical engagement or a scenario from the rules. Everything is set in terms of figures and terrain so it's most likely will be my first tabletop solo game for 2025.

Other likely options include refighting Borodino (20mm) using lessons learned from first attempt. This time round, I will be using the decking area for the table layout which will be much larger. And I would need to paint up more minis to replace the various proxies I used in my first attempt. And timeframe - run it over a suitable long weekend (hence the King's Birthday idea) instead of taking months. Problem will be staying focussed on such a grand scale. Will have to review my battle records carefully to gauge how to best utilise the rules used. I managed to streamline play using the rules but I do know I missed a few nuances. 

Or I could go with a phase of the Battle of Arnhem (20mm) as I do have a small collection of WW2 figures and a large quantity of jeeps - lol! I can always borrow figures from others if I ask. Maybe the scenario will involve the initial landing debussing and deployments by the Allied forces from the gliders? Lots of work required to get this to tabletop so maybe, for now at least, it's just an idea. 

Another strong consideration is to refight a new battle such as the English Civil War Battle of Naseby in 25mm. Main problem will be the figures and cost. Already invested over two thousand for my current two army lists. And I reckon I will need to spend another three thousand to fulfil the complete Naseby OOB. Painting won't be an issue but obtaining the necessary figures will.

Then there is the almost-forgot American Civil War Red River campaign I was planning earlier this year using Terence Wise's Airfix Guide rules recently acquired. Amended of course using that modified set by Mr. Empson. I will have to do some tweaking to make it all work together however so that may take some time because I tend to dawdle and circumvent rather than take the direct approach. As for figures? Will have to either purchase more or recycle. Terrain? Need researching and construction on the campaign to obtain the necessary confidence to create suitable elements. 

Amazon Prime - Secret Levels

Forgot to add that they showed a series of episodic short animations recently. One of them was the focus on the personality that is Titus post-Warhammer 2 (he who won the laurel). He teams up with his old mentor, Metaurus, on a definite suicide mission (thanks Leandros) to a Tzeentch world. Small team of four (called Bladeguards nowadays) sent destroy an apostate relic. Shades of Astartes in the perspective. And Syama Petersen is credited as a layout artist (part of a team), and his influence in the style, the camera angles, the minimal dialogue (let the picture tell the story) is so evident in this brilliant presentation. Got many excited. 

Henry Cavill

And if you haven't heard already, Henry Cavill's 40K project has been given the go-ahead. All systems are go, as they say. 


Sunday, December 8, 2024

7 December 2024

Online PC Games - World of Warships

Last night I watched a popular YT streamer and competitive player commentator (King of the Sea and various other community-based events) do something I think was insane - he sought to obtain 1 million steel using doubloons. He did it (obviously) although I lost interest (and not a little envious) after a while. 

I've watched numerous streamers post their opening of varying amounts of Mega containers but this was the first (and only) time I actually witnessed someone spend over USD5000 in order to obtain steel. Mind you he had the doubloons to do so - well over 1 million dubs. Crazy, simply mad! But funny. Makes me feel better about whaling from time to time.  

Wished a Happy Christmas all the same. 

8 December 2024

Finishing grinding the Star Trek collection today. The total collection consists of sixteen collection tokens representing the Star Trek universe in four categories - planets, vessels, figureheads, distinctive hand weapons. To obtain a token you need to complete a set condition which usually consists of accumulating a required number of token POINTS in order to unlock ONE collection token. This can be spent on any missing item from one's collection. 

These sets, however, increment each time you reach the goal set. So, for example, the first goal is to earn five points which equates to completing a fully successful mission (see below for mission conditions). The next goal set means earning ten token points. And it increments by five to the next one, and the next one after that. And so on. 

These points relate specifically to achieving mission goals - primary and secondary - of which there are five such objectives. Therefore five token points are on offer each time you join battle. 

Given this is the last phase of the event, entitled Queen's Rage, it involves the following tasks that need completion: (1) retain control of three key areas (prevent the Borg from capturing them), (2) destroy the three Queen's Minions (single ships designated so) which appear one at a time throughout the mission; be mindful they will be surrounded and protected by swarms of Assimilator vessels and Disruptor vessels; destroying the third Minion triggers the Borg Queen's arrival (3) destroy the East and West guards (three apiece per Gate), which can be done quickly early on which unlocks reinforcements (three new cruiser-type vessels) (4) finally, kill the Borg Queen (in her Yamato-class vessel), and (5) you have a set time in which to kill the Borg Queen. Note: the Borg Queen is hard to kill because she had a very high amount of HP - 200,000 I believe if my memory is correct. By comparison, the T'Pau has somewhere in the 60,000+ range. Big discrepancy. 

Failure to kill the Borg Queen and the demise of your team is a Defeat. No points. Partial completion of some of the mission objectives AND killing the Borg Queen rewards with those points obtained thus far. 

Because I, like everyone else, had not completed the collection, I was forced to grind for the remaining collection tokens which by the time I finished it today was up to forty-five points! You just hope your team mates understand the mission tasks and work together in achieving the full success each time you enter battle.

Completing the collection also rewards you with the Assimilated camo skin as well as four distinct patches - the distinctive Star Trek comms badge, a Klingon emblem, the Federated Planets emblem, and the Enterprise-D patch.

Played the battleship-type T'Pau throughout for the most part, occasionally jumping on the DD-type Deridex and the cruiser-type "Todger" (name escapes me). Never tried the Enterprise-D-type carrier except a couple of times in the second Mission. Played the T'Pau because I got quite comfortable playing it; only problem was steering. Numerous times I steered into these damn islands. Slow to respond and reversing takes forever.

Tips for surviving to the end. Just one: have some form of shielding active when the final planet strike occurs. Once the strike ends all shields will drop entirely no matter what. If you have no shields to begin with, you are dead. If still alive after all that, then you can reactivate your shields (if you have it), otherwise hide to restore some shielding (takes a while) because the Borg Queen has all the weaponry available and they are potent. 

Killing the Borg Queen. Attack from all sides. It confuses her and is the only tactic that effectively works. Charging to ram is not worth it at all (you hardly make a dent on her massive HP pool). Some play the EMP defence and cruise missile assault. I prefer the bomber strike and my pulse torps and attacking from range. All friendly vessel types work well when combining firepower but it requires cooperation from everyone. A hard thing but when it happens, you wonder what all the fuss is about in the first place.

Killing the third Queen's Minion activates the final planet strike and the inevitable Borg Queen appearance. And killing her always means a successful mission (alongside completing any/most/all of the secondary tasks). 

The new Battle Pass event. Completing all the phases enables you to earn 2 Festive certificates for only 50 points. Learned this after completing the first chapter "Li Wei" when I noticed I had time left on my hands. Quietly earned myself two Mega crates (swap five festive certs for one Mega crate) since becoming aware of this "gift horse". Not sure if it was a deliberate ploy by WG gone and left to go unnoticed except by those acutely aware. But I'm exploiting it. Got ten more days. Which means at least another two more Mega crates before the second chapter "Olaf Whathisfacesvenson" kicks off. 

Yep, Mega crates is the way to go if after free ships. Just fourteen more ships left to go. And my goal will be achieved. Over five years now...well, four years (skipped several months after registering back in February 2019 and did not kick off playing religiously - as in every day - until early May of 2020).

Funny incident (well, it was to me). Playing on the Hotspot map. Spawned in the south (bottom middle, right side of the bigger island). I was playing Dunkirk in the Monarch. Nearing the end, I was watching the minimap and noticed an enemy cruiser making for our cap (bottom middle four islands). Guarding it was our CV Independence. Cry went out for assistance from the CV player. I simply told him/her/it to "move". He/She/They/It did so and I/Me/We/Us was able to take out the cruiser. It was funny because people in-game often ask for assistance to which most do not reply. I did on this occasion. My response though was to simply tell the player to get out of Dodge quick. Player complied. Enemy cruiser noticed me thereafter and concentrated any fire my way instead of the CV because my AP shells hit hard. Situation defused. I thought that was funny on reflection.



Monday, December 2, 2024

2 December 2024

World of Warships

New month. New Update. Same-old, same-old. This year's Christmas event, one I've been looking forward to all year, is different somehow. There's not the same enthusiasm nor thrill as in previous years. I attribute some of that indifference to the changes made to this year's event.  

Star Trek final operation of taking on the Borg Queen is interesting. As long as you focus on the priorities: (1) defending the three key areas, (2) destroying the East and West gate guards (three in each), and (3) knock off the three Queen's Minions (they appear throughout the game so be alert for their spawn) as quickly as possible, and you manage to survive with strong shields and health pool you should be able to take her on provided you survive the final orbital bombardment that weeds out any weakened friendlies and remaining Borg. 

1,000 points can be a tall ask especially if there are only three or four of you AND you're widely dispersed (hence congregating in the centre is ideal). Two is virtually impossible because of her high health pool and formidable arsenal of weapons. 

Friendlies do show up (three Intrepid-class cruisers from each of the gates once the guards are eliminated) and they can be helpful but don't rely on them. As long as the rest of your team is on the same page tactically, you stand a good chance. And the rewards are worth it, especially the surplus stars that yield a collection token - handy for those unfilled slots in your Star Trek collection. Completing a subset also rewards you with a patch. Preferring to complete the collection while the event is still active, nine days left.

Currently grinding my Unique and Seasoned commanders to get them to their stipulated level: Cunningham on the Tier VI premium cruiser Dido, Dunkirk on Tier VIII battleship Monarch, and Honore on the Tier VIII premium battleship Flandre. Playing the Dido is proving to be a lot of fun and I'm quite comfortable playing her in whatever setting (apart from YOLO-ing into a nest of enemy). But only in Co-Op mode of course. 

Monarch is more potent compared to Flandre. Monarch's spotter plane enables comfortable long range sniping. And her super heal is paricularly useful. These two modules alone elevate her above her French counterpart and several others in that tier. In one game today, I took on a Scharnhorst '43. After whittling down some of her health pool instead of ramming her, I rubbed up against her. The resulting collision saw my health drop almost to dead but I quickly hit the superheal and got her back up to at least one third. By the end of the game, I was almost back to full health. 

On the Two Brother's map, did a similar stunt running down the middle channel with a friendly cruiser in the van. Cruiser died leaving me to tackle the enemy cruiser and battleship. Came back from certain death from rubbing up against the battleship after destroying the cruiser. Even managed to run down another enemy battleship. Health was three-quarters by game's end. Monarch's guns however are meh although still functional. 

Bow in is certain death if choosing to collide; rubbing up offers more a chance for survival. So I've found while playing the Monarch with its superheal.

Flandre, on the other hand, has no gimmicks. And her armour isn't all that great so angling and hanging back seems the order of the day. I recall getting annihilated by a Richelieu upon presenting broadside by mistake. But she suffices for my commander upskilling tasks. 

Regarding the Festive certificates I am currently going through my lower tiered ships first (first steel, then coal) before playing for the Festive Rewards certificates (Tier X). Five Festive certificates equates to one Mega container while it's a one-for-one-swap with Gift containers. Consensus, and the odds, favour going for the Mega crates. Already bought 20 Megas and got three ships and a few Golden containers (Red economic bonuses only so far). The various Gift crates collected along the way (Battle Pass events) have yielded no ships. With my Festive certificates, though I am going to exchange for 13 Megas. Will consider whether to spend for another 20. If I do, that's it for this year.

Other expectant ships for my port fleet that I will continue grind for free: the two Battle Pass rewards - Teng She and Lugdunum; Dockyard ships - Kalmar and Niord. That makes another four. 

Today I spent credits to acquire the Pan-Asian supership DD Kunming and the French supership BB Patrie, two vessels on my bucket list for some time. Their 200 steel reward will also useful (aiming for the Austin). 

Yesterday I received the British CV Audacious as the final reward for the Exploration North event having attained the required 10,000 tokens needed to receive the Tier X ship prize. The Tier VIII ship prize I believe only relates to the last mission still active (7,500 tokens on offer). All up then that's seven confirmed ships over the duration of the Update. Expect another three or four more ships with the Megas. So not exactly the haul I was anticipating. Fall back plan is to keep playing till my Premium days run out in two months time. 

English Civil War

Not touched the minis for a while. Lost my mobile phone a few weeks back which had some really nice snaps. Dithered getting a replacement phone because I couldn't stand my lost phone anyway so wondering if it's worth the money when I could just buy a digital camera instead. 

In the end, the New Model Army is almost ready to start campaigning as-is. Read and reviewed the civil war campaign rules I purchased earlier in the year. Interesting document. The campaign is set in the county of Worcestershire. Looking for something different and this might fit the bill. Introducing economic factor into a campaign makes sense, I guess, if looking beyond just lining up across from one another and having a go for a couple of hours. And logistic - not just political - factors did and still do indeed play a huge role whenever conducting a war. The campaign rules also tie in with the historical timeline nicely. Combat, when agreed upon by both sides, is usually small affairs. Large battles such as Naseby can be catered but as the focus is on the county itself, everything is connected and/or tied in with one another. 

At least that's the hope. Will likely start making serious inroads in the new year towards organising something. That heavily depends on how quickly I can get the Royalist army painted up and assembled.  


Can't see that far ahead so not going to try. 
