11 December 2024
Asymmetric Battle Mode
Returning for a while longer. Kicking off tomorrow. One of the more popular battle modes. Teams of five players up against twelve BOT ships. BOT ships will be two tiers lower so that if you're team is made up of Tier VIIIs, then you will face off against Tier VIs.
Great for grinding anything - credits, upskilling captains, and so on.
12 December 2024
World of Snoreships
Next Dockyard mission unlocked today along with the double Battle Pass points (25 points each). Short interest while grinding my Upskilling captains.
Server down for maintenance while playing so was transferred to another.
Noticed being shortchanged Battle Pass points. Fortunately I keep written records: shortchanged by 15 points. Hope it's a glitch but it's if not then being quick to accuse I expect it's another example of WG shortchanging its player base on the sly. Why would I think that? Because I think they made a mistake with the bonus BP reward by using Festive certificates (obtainable only through haveing Tier X ships). You receive 2 Festive certificate rewards for the cost of at least 1000 Base XP (or 4 games in Co-Op). And I've been doing so every day. In other words, I've earned another 4 Mega crates ON THE CHEAP this way. And WG don't do things for free unless there's a pay back to them somehow.
Dreaming of starting a clan and trying to come up with a decent clan tag has been a fun exercise. For a while it was [BWP], short for BOTS, Potatoes, Whales. Went through several combinations of lettering. Now, the current frontrunner is [P_RIM], short for Pacific RIM. Clan's aim and purpose for existing would be enabling those (most newbies to the game) wanting to grind tech tree lines through a no-pressure clan that offers clan bonuses on items such as coal and other resources. Not that it will ever eventuate as I also don't want the responsibility or burden of starting a clan. But it's nice to dream.
Just saw another WOWS YT streamer tonight run through the opening of a quantity Mega Santa crates and realised he was doing it on a WG press account where they provide a free account with over 1 million dubs and basic TT ships (in his case just three Tier I ships) and a few other things. So, that's explains what I saw earlier with another YT streamer who was chasing 1 million steel. Dangle the carrot? Definitely.
Lancashire Games & Hinchliffe
Received notification today the Winter Sale has been extended. Christmas shopping opportunity anyone? 15% off Standard Packs and Army Packs in 10mm, 15/18mm, 20mm, 28mm. Also 10% off painting services.
The renewed and revamped Hinchliffe (25mm) website is now up and running.
Just saw a 28mm tabletop game conducted by an English wargaming group tonight (see link below). It got me tingling again. There is something strangely compelling when viewing a big battle tabletop game that draws me in easily.
If I do go ahead (simply in my head at the moment), the most likely candidates will have to involve figures from my existing minis collection as I really do not want to spend any more money. Will give due consideration during the festive season and make outline plans in the new year.
Planned timing? Most likely King's Birthday long weekend (October here in Queensland) will be the most suitable date. Easter is too close. But I may do something small first for ANZAC Day involving my 15mm Vietnam War collection using TFL's Charlie Don't Surf rules. Maybe a historical engagement or a scenario from the rules. Everything is set in terms of figures and terrain so it's most likely will be my first tabletop solo game for 2025.
Other likely options include refighting Borodino (20mm) using lessons learned from first attempt. This time round, I will be using the decking area for the table layout which will be much larger. And I would need to paint up more minis to replace the various proxies I used in my first attempt. And timeframe - run it over a suitable long weekend (hence the King's Birthday idea) instead of taking months. Problem will be staying focussed on such a grand scale. Will have to review my battle records carefully to gauge how to best utilise the rules used. I managed to streamline play using the rules but I do know I missed a few nuances.
Or I could go with a phase of the Battle of Arnhem (20mm) as I do have a small collection of WW2 figures and a large quantity of jeeps - lol! I can always borrow figures from others if I ask. Maybe the scenario will involve the initial landing debussing and deployments by the Allied forces from the gliders? Lots of work required to get this to tabletop so maybe, for now at least, it's just an idea.
Another strong consideration is to refight a new battle such as the English Civil War Battle of Naseby in 25mm. Main problem will be the figures and cost. Already invested over two thousand for my current two army lists. And I reckon I will need to spend another three thousand to fulfil the complete Naseby OOB. Painting won't be an issue but obtaining the necessary figures will.
Then there is the almost-forgot American Civil War Red River campaign I was planning earlier this year using Terence Wise's Airfix Guide rules recently acquired. Amended of course using that modified set by Mr. Empson. I will have to do some tweaking to make it all work together however so that may take some time because I tend to dawdle and circumvent rather than take the direct approach. As for figures? Will have to either purchase more or recycle. Terrain? Need researching and construction on the campaign to obtain the necessary confidence to create suitable elements.
Amazon Prime - Secret Levels
Forgot to add that they showed a series of episodic short animations recently. One of them was the focus on the personality that is Titus post-Warhammer 2 (he who won the laurel). He teams up with his old mentor, Metaurus, on a definite suicide mission (thanks Leandros) to a Tzeentch world. Small team of four (called Bladeguards nowadays) sent destroy an apostate relic. Shades of Astartes in the perspective. And Syama Petersen is credited as a layout artist (part of a team), and his influence in the style, the camera angles, the minimal dialogue (let the picture tell the story) is so evident in this brilliant presentation. Got many excited.
Henry Cavill
And if you haven't heard already, Henry Cavill's 40K project has been given the go-ahead. All systems are go, as they say.
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