Wednesday, September 4, 2024

2 September 2024: New month. Weekly Update

2 September 2024

World of Warship: Upskilling commanders grind

It's the turn of Andrew Cunningham, the Unique commander for the British tech tree line. Played him on an old favourite, Hood


3 September 2024

World of Warships: Ninth Anniversary month

Andrew Cunningham upskilled. Made it past halfway point which is 130K XP, and then used Free XP to finish the upskilling. Last Unique commander for upskilling this year is the European Unique commander Jerzy Swirski. Will be playing him on the premium Polish destroyer Blyskawica although I have him alloted to the Tier X Ragnar.

September is also WOWS anniversary month. Nine years this game's release I believe. Lots of free goodies with the next upgrade 13.8 next week. Note: Do NOT spend money as nearly all of what's being offered is free as long as you participate. Well...mostly. The next Dockyard event requires some spending but only doubloons if you have it. I don't have much doubloons so will have to buy some in order to satisfy the Dockyard event requirement where you have to spend a minimum amount of doubloons (at least two phases worth) to be eligible for the final reward; the rest of the phases you just grind away.

November sees the return of the Black Friday event which has some goodies on offer. Then December and January will close out the year with its annual Santa crates. That is the big event for me playing this game - lots of ships on offer. After some of the rare ones like the Tier IX Friesland and the Tier X Smaland. Or Tier V Kamikaze and/or its variants.

Still aiming for six hundred ships in port by year's end. Targeting one more coal ship but nothing really of real interest among the remainder (already have all the 'good' ones like Moskva, Napoli, Pommern, Marceau and others) so will likely spend what's accumulated on much-needed economic bonuses and upgrades instead. My next steel ship will likely be the Mecklenburg or Austin. Already have the Bourgogne, Stalingrad and Ragnar. As for Research Bureau, I've not yet reset a tech tree line (for a reason though) but willing to attempt it once because there are some Research ships that interest me like Vampire II and Paolo Emilio.


4 September 2024

World of Warship: Swirsky grind

Turn of Jerzy Swirsky, the Unique European commander, for upskilling. Forgot how much fun the Blyskawica is to play. But also forgot her fragility means playing requires more thought and/or care than simply YOLO-ing into the cap first gun a-blazing and torps a-running. Guns are handy taking out other DDs of the same tier however. Can farm cruisers and battleships too when the opportunity presents itself.

Definitely getting the Maine and the Edgar but wanting to have at least 200 million creds first before acquiring both ships. Likely to happen by month's end. 


5 September 2024

News Update

Ongoing declining health issues means limited activity. Usually confined to a few hours before I crash hard. Can barely survive a grind in PC gaming which is all I am interested in at the moment. Still waiting on my ECW Royalist order from the UK. What's left of the New Model cavalry sits idling in the garage awaiting attention. And painting is not happening.


World of Warships

Month of events started today. Got the Rochester only to remember I already have it but instead of the promised compensation coupon (to obtain a free new ship) I got 1 credit coin. Ninth Anniversary crate (free) yielded a Pan-Asian submarine, the Xin Zheng Guo-14. No interest in playing it so it will rust in port.

Did an evening session. The more ships in your port means more extra Festive tokens. Just earn 1000 base XP (cumulative) in-game and you receive the extra rewards. I get to earn six bonus festive tokens because I have over five hundred ships in my port. Also the higher the tier, the greater the token amount earned. Just finished grinding through my Tier Xs worth 250 tokens per ship. Tier IXs are worth 200 tokens. And so on. Steel is the reward for Superships (or unoofficially Tier XI). Aiming for 6500 Festive tokens to see if the 100% discount coupon offer still stands. I suspect I stuffed up by spending on the Rochester when I didn't need to, i.e., I could have just checked the Armoury coupon tabs to see if the offer was available PRIOR to spending the tokens. Will have to see over the weekend. 


6 September 2024

World of Warships

The 100% discount coupon was available when I logged in so got the Tier VIII Soviet battleship Borodino. Free. It was always my first choice. Only has two turrets in the front; rear turrets are secondaries. Its gimmick though is its 12km radar (base value of 25 seconds though). Its armour is weak and citadel can be smashed when presenting citadel side-on as when I got destroyed by the V. Veneto and Sinop.

Spent some of the accumulated credit to obtain the British supership cruiser, the Edgar. Was about to get the Maine but did not have enough. Further credit grinding before that happens. Noticed the price has increased from several months back for all superships. BBs used to cost 49 million but are now over 57 million; DDs costs over 43 million, up from 38 million. As long as I'm not spending real money, it's okay.

Hurrying through my port ships to get the collection tokens and earn for free the reward of the Pan-American Unique commander whats-his-face. 


Space Marine 2

Seeing a lot of playthroughs by favourite YT streamers. Impressed enough to almost buy the pre-order. Almost. As one YT streamer pointed out repeatedly, Space Marines 2 is "so cinematic". He was quite impressed by that fact. And it does looks amazing visually. But as a number of commenters pointed out however, it's much the same linear combat - defeat a horde, rinse, repeat cycle. Endlessly. Irrespective of the impressive visuals. It goes on sale September 10; I will wait until then to make a final decision. Of course, I am looking at it from a single solo player perspective. There is online multiplayer options but that part doesn't really interest me for now.


7 September 2024

World of Warships

Was planning to play the Dutch #1 commander but instead continued playing Kuznetsov in Okt. Revolutsiya. Mainly to earn enough Collection tokens (needing total of 60 to earn the Unique commander for Pan-America tech tree line). Short seven tokens. Earned enough coal to obtain the Tier VIII US cruiser Tulsa. 


8 September 2024

World of Warships

Continued grinding for the Festive tokens. New goal: Earn as much as possible and then spend it on Supercontainers. Thought about converting the Festive lot over to the Aquatic token in order for a very very slim chance (0.02%) of obtaining either the new battleship Victoria or either the Anhalt or Karl Johan XIV. Decided the cost was not worth the effort. I had over a 1000 Festive tokens accumulated and spent them on Supercontainers instead and got a decent enough return for the spend. Much better than the one Aquatic "attempt" which cost 500 Festive tokens and yielded just a few blue Economic Bonuses. WG really want you to spend money even though they promise you lots of "freebies" which in the end turn out to be worthless or else you have to read the fine print to extract the best deal for oneself. 

Just one more Collector's token required to finish the jigsaw and obtain the reward - the Pan-American Unique 10-pt commander Joaquim Marqes Lisboa. This has been one use for Festive tokens. No rush though for now as I only need a couple more duplicates and these are guaranteed in the Daily Rewards drop. Got over one hundred and seventy port ships left to go with converting to Festive tokens. For me, I get to do them in batches of six because I have over 500 ships: just earn the 1000 base XP each time and you get your six lots of Festive tokens. Of course, they decrease in worth the lower the tier, so that Tier VII are worth 50 per ship, Tier VI earns you 35 per ship and Tier V just 25. A Supercontainer costs 125 Festive tokens; you are limited to 180 all up. Bound to get a free ship in that lot somehow playing the odds.

Outlay money-wise? Zilch so far. 


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