Saturday, August 31, 2024

26 August 2024: Weekly Update

26 August 2024

World of Warships

Kuznetsov's turn. Ran him in the Soviet premium cruiser Kirov at first but wasn't having much success so switched to the 'war canoe' the Soviet premium destroyer Okhotnik. Slow going to begin with as my mind wasn't on the game, i.e., I kept dying too quickly. But soon I locked in (woke up) and got the results expected. However, I soon tired of playing as it was becoming more of a grind and, as with Sansonetti, once I reached the halfway mark (150,000 Cmdr XP) or close enough I completed the remaining requirement with saved-up Elite Commander XP. Then logged out.


27 August 2024

World of Warships

Yamamoto Isoroku's turn. 

Also got enough to buy outright one of the Super ships. Had my eye on the US battleship Maine since its release but also keen on the UK cruiser Edgar. Wanted to ensure I had enough credit left over once my final choice was selected, i.e., at least 100 million credits. Undecided however as I also want to have at least one super ship for every nation eligible. To date, these are the eligible nations: Japan, USA, UK, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, Europe, Pan-Asia.



Forgot to mention that you lose your sense of smell and taste while you have COVID. Terrible feeling as nothing tastes quite right. As for smell, only one to notice are those closest to you. Mind you, your fur kids don't care. But people are such fickle and sensitive creatures. And hypercritical. Lol. 


Soapbox Rant

I like to watch YT streamers who move to NZ to "get away from the rat race" that was their former lives in whatever country they originated from. Why? Because they get to sample and taste for the first time how I felt when growing up in Aotearoa. Having lived in Oz now for over thirty-two years, you could say I'm firmly implanted in my country of existence. I miss home (NZ will always be my home - my roots so to speak - as it shaped me for the first thirty-odd years of my life) but Oz is my home now. For good or ill. Met some lovely people living and working here; even made a few lifelong friends. Oz is the land of milk and honey to this Kiwi boy made good who never expected it. Having lived on both sides of the fence, I might consider myself qualified to comment on the differences and similarities between both cultures, and for the most part NZ still wins hands-down for those intangible qualities that I still value - humility and family. Learned early in life that "wherever I lay my hat, that's my home..." to requote a famous song line by Paul Young. Lived under all kinds of conditions from being homeless and sleeping rough between the roots of a tree to living in a million-dollar home. Structures are just that - an environment upon which to build your actual home. Tough doing so on your own; much worse when you have a family behind you expecting of you. Yet it still surprises me when people who've made the long move to NZ end up leaving after a few years. Trying to make the country fit their ideals is not the way to do it; you adapt your ideals to help integrate you into your new environment. Admittedly, it doesn't always work out but then that's the crux: if you factor in every little detail, you are always going to miss something. So, why not embrace the adventure and make it work for you. I know from my own experience, now that I have the life I never imagined for myself, I find I miss NZ even more. Maybe it's because my life is winding down...I don't know for certain. Anyway, those who leave after a few years, safe travels on your next adventure wherever that may lead you. Can the last one to leave please turn off the lights. Thank you. 


28 August 2024

World of Warships

Today it was the turn of the Pan-Asian legendary/unique commander, Sa Zhenbing. Played him on the Tier VI premium Pan-Asian destroyer Anshan. Got as far as I could (end point was the last daily loot crate) before using up the remaining ECXP (plus some Free XP) to upskill him to 19-point level. That's four done so far.

Tomorrow the next mission set in the Dockyard event is released; only need three more event tokens to finish the event which come with this next mission. I will also incorporate the other Unique or Seasoned commanders due for upskilling in the grind: Philippe Auboyneau (France), Jerzy Swirski (Europe), Andrew Cunningham (UK), Ramon Osario (Spain), and Michiel de Ruyter (Netherlands). 

KOTS XVII is happening right now. Well, the qualifying rounds are happening. What puzzles me is that the games replays or live are delayed which can often take up to half an hour as in a couple of streams. Who in their right mind is going to hang around waiting for such a delay when you have CS2 games replays happening as soon as they're done?! It's not like hundreds or thousands watch KOTS anyway. Sort of turns me off bothering. I can always wait until AFTER the event's been played and find out then but by then who really cares. 



Lingering recovery is frustrating. Able to function for a few hours before I have to return to bedrest. Any physical exertion, such as lawn mowing, is simply out of the question. Tried lifting a couple of heavy boxes this afternoon and had to crash shortly after as it took a lot out of me. I now regret not having the COVID booster shot when I had the chance earlier this year. 


29 August 2024

World of Warships

Finished dockyard event and got the reward. Meh is all I can say for now. More relevant that I managed to upskill a couple of those listed captains (see above): it was primarily de Ruyter and Auboyneau who received the upskilling. Tomorrow it's the other three.


30 August 2024

World of Warships

Ran Ramon Osorio, #1 Spanish commander (for me at least) on Canarias. Meh effort, meh interest. Another sesh tomorrow, same-same.

Stardew Valley

Change of game later in the evening to break the monotony of the WOWS grind. Usually a Stardew Valley session nowadays consists of playing one whole season. End up doing an all-nighter because I started late (COVID recovery).


31 August 2024

PC Online Gaming

Slow grind today; still upskilling Osorio on the Canarias. To wash the bad taste thereafter, I played another season of Stardew Valley as well as a couple of other games in my Steam library.


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