Friday, July 19, 2024

19 July 2024: ECW Royalist list circa 1645

Bit the bullet and sent through my order this morning. My Royalist list, mostly derived from Battle of Naseby (1645) with alterations, is as follows:

Prince Rupert - commanding general (1 figure)
    Prince Rupert's Lifeguards - 2 stands (6 figures)
    Couriers (x3) (3 figures)

Left Wing - Sir Marmaduke Langdale (1 figure)
    "Northern" Horse - 4 stands (8 figures)
    Cary's Horse - 4 stands (8 figures)

Centre - Lord Astley (1 figure)
Note: Going with units that have a history as far as colours (standards) go. Uniforms are similarly treated although sources are a lot more sketchy but it provides for some "creative" manipulation. Lol.
    Sir George Lucas tertio (or brigade) (1 figure)
        Lisle's Foot or Hopton's Foot (to be finalised) - 7 stands (24 figures)
        "Shrewsbury" Foot (units returned from Ireland and amalgamated) - 7 stands (24 figures)
    Sir Bernard Astley or Sir Henry Bard's tertio (1 figure)
        Duke of York's Foot - 7 stands (24 figures)
        either Page's Foot or Bard's Foot (to be finalised) - 7 stands (24 figures)

Right Wing - Prince Maurice (1 figure)
    Prince Maurice Lifeguards - 2 stands (6 figures)
    Queen's Horse - 4 stands (8 figures)
    Prince Rupert's Horse - 4 stands (8 figures)
    Earl of Northampton's Horse - 4 stands (8 figures)

Reserve - King Charles I
    King's Foot - 7 stands (24 figures)
    King's Lifeguards - 4 stands (12 figures)
    Prince Rupert's Foot - 7 stands (24 figures)

Artillery & Baggage
Note: Bought more artillery to balance out both sides so that each will have two Sakers and two Falcons apiece. Also paid for one heavy mortar and transport for use by either side in Siege situations.
    1 x Grillage and gabion stand (stand plus shot barrow)
    1 x Heavy mortar transport (4-team, limber, drover)
    1 x Heavy mortar (nicknamed "Black Betty")
    4 Falcons (4 guns)
    1 Saker (already have 3)
    5 artillery crews (20 figures)
    2 x 3-donkey baggage trains (6 donkeys with assorted baggage)
    1 x Wine/Water cart (single horse cart)
    1 x Powder cart (single horse cart)
    Firelocks - 4 stands (12 figures)

Figures are 25 mm Hincliffe metal figurines. You know, the old style from the 70s. 

Once this lot arrives and is eventually painted up, I can begin solo gaming the period using the ruleset Victory without Quarter and entertain suitable small-scale scenarios. Looking forward to seeing this project to fruition. Cheers.


27 July 2024: ECW Research updates

Learning that this Royalist list is largely comprised of veterans according to the VWQ ruleset classification. So their historical defeat at Naseby is pretty significant. 

Discovered another interesting ruleset: For King and Parliament, the ECW part of the To The Strongest series (Simon Miller, UK). I think I heard the garage gaming group mention it in passing but can't confirm. Looks interesting and may purchase a PDF copy through Wargames Vault for my own collection and perusal at my leisure.

Going to add another unit - Prince Maurice's Dragoons. Or Washington's Dragoons. May tweak whatever's left over from my small but growing bitz pile. Failing that, I can simply purchase more figures from Lancashire Games. 

Scots and Irish. Planned as a future expansion (2026?). Going with another manufacturer however. Should be interesting...


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