Tuesday, January 2, 2024

January 2 - Part Two - A proposed layout for the harbour

Strike while the iron's hot.

Began planning a suitable layout tonight while trying to recover from this nasty flu that's been with me for over a week now. First proposal. As pointed out in header description, this will be subject to (much) amending, mind-changing, and revising. 


Otherwise, I am happy to go with this layout design if there are not too many objections or revisions. There is also the time constraint, i.e., the time schedule of my 2024 Makeover Project plan as posted earlier. I should add though that the Makeover Project plan was only ever a guideline to help me focus and not really a commandment. 

Port description
Natural deep water that is able to cater to nearly all types of ships. A typical Pacific island overtaken by the enemy. Much construction made to improve and strengthen its function as a main harbour for the region. And it's a major threat to the Allied command as they strive to regain control of the region. 

Capital Ship Pier
For future use. Specifically for use by big ships like Yamato/Musashi. When not used, handles several lesser capital ships - battlecruisers, cruisers, etc. Can even handle aircraft carriers (which I do have but not revealed yet - the Shokaku)

To handle all the vessels plying their trade in these waters. 

Port Facilities
Storage warehouses as well as some limited manufacturing, repair shops, and administrative buildings. Includes accommodation for large military contingent.

Oil Storage

Fuel Storage
Also self-explanatory

No-Go Area
Sizeable local/native population areas clustered around a small headland. I may add more later on. It all depends on how complex or cluttered I make this board. This is marked on the map above in RED for a reason: don't target it.

Green hatched areas
Yes, you guessed it. Targetted areas for the Allied bombers and attack aircraft. 

Will likely use styrofoam on a hard board base as foundation and then layer-up amd shape the landscape using some type of suitable modelling paste to give physical form. Then add some jungle foliage to add an element of "realism". But not going overboard.  

Port Defences
Not started because the items are not yet acquired or assembled. Can use proxies to represent at a pinch (flat tic-tac toe counters for example) or can even scratch-build something suitable (time-willing).

Considering whether to have an airfield (off-map) on the island or opt to have them stationed on a nearby island within reach. A harbour of this importance will have aerial coverage for certain. And that will be the case as I have both Naval and Army airplanes. 

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