Saturday, January 27, 2024

27 January 2024: Borodino Refight - Turn 7 French Part 1

TURN 7 - FRENCH (Part 1)
(0900 - 0930)

Got sidetracked by other activities today so post is confined only to the activities at Table 2. Turn opens up with the French and Poles assaulting the Russians near Utitsa. Arrows in the photos below denote who the attacker(s) are and respective target(s). Attacked from two sides, the Russians are in square can only really stand and fight. They open fire on their attackers but cause no serious harm. 

Meanwhile the Polish light cavalry brigade who performed brilliantly in the previous turns attempt to charge the wavering Russian light infantry. But the light infanry are able to repel the impending threat with good defensive fire aided by their comrades - also in square - to their immediate left. The Poles beat a retreat as a result in disorder.

On the Mound, the Allied commander there opts to continue pursuing the Cossack unit chased off by the Polish light cavalry who have reformed and advance upon the Mound. But their determination seems short-lived because they automatically evade when faced by the threat of more enemy cavalry action.

Back near Utitsa, the Russians infantry in square receive the double assault (see below). In the ensuing melee the Russians try hard but finally drop to Wavering. They do not break though which is good news for them.  

The French cuirassiers pass through and immediately smack into the lead units of Duka's cavalry division.

The French cuirassiers pass through and immediately run into the lead brigade of Duka's division newly arrived on the scene. The struggle is tense to which the Russians, to their credit, recover from their surprise and a hearty beef-up ensues. Surprisingly both formations are lost - the Russians forced to retreat off the table while the Westphalians/Polish heavies are Broken. 

Situation after the Recovery Phase. Half of Duka's command is left. The Russian infantry are still in combat with the Polish infantry. The rest of Tuchkov's infantry are left in square due to the threat of the Polish light cavalry. Atop the Mound sits Lorge with the rest of his heavy cavalry - Westphalian cuirassiers and Saxon heavies. Roszniecki's light brigade are racing round to support Lorge. But no other infantry are available to Poniatowski however. Should he request assistance? For what is basically a feint designed to tie down Tuchkov?

Started the activities on the main table but got caught up with other activities. Tomorrow hope to finish this off. Cheers.

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