Friday, January 26, 2024

26 January: Borodino Refight

Took me a while to pick up from last year. But I got there in the end. 

Turn developed into three distinct "sectors" of activity. 
  • Table 2 - Utitsa. Tuchkov's AO
  • The fleches
  • Grand Redoubt
Part 1: Table 2 - Utitsa
Duka's heavy cavalry division finally arrive to help out Tuchkov. His remaining infantry units are able to take on the Polish cavalry with accurate musketry. The Cossacks regroup and maneouvre to retake the Mound. 

Photo above shows the situation at the end of the Recovery phase. On the Mound still stand the Polish cavalry. Meanwhile, the Cossacks are regrouping and preparing to retake the high ground. Duka's heavy cavalry have arrived and will take on the advancing French and Polish heavy cavalry. Around Utitsa the remaining Russian infantry are able to halt the successful Polish light cavalry from causing more havoc.

Part 2: The attack on the fleches
The French 61st Line having entered the redoubt are now faced with the Russian counterattack by Voronstov's grenadiers. The assault is fiercely countered by the French who inflict heavy casualties upon the Russians who break and flee the battlefield. But they cause the French to abandon their newly-gained prize. 

Photo above shows the now-empty fleche. Voronstov's grenadiers have routed off the table. The other two fleches are still in Russian hands however. Meanwhile little is happening near Semenovskaya village which is now defended by one of Borozdin's brigades. But the French are setting up for their attack.

Grand Redoubt
The Russians await the French advance relying on defensive fire to cause further problems. But the effort is almost pathetic with the French suffering hardly a scratch. The reinforcements from the Russian right continue to make their way south to assist Tuchkov. 

Siever's cavalry corps has lined up ready to tackle Ney's advancing cavalry. 

View from behind the Grand Redoubt. Firing there yields poor to absymal results. In the foreground, reinforcements from Baggavout's corps continue southward. 

Victory Points
French are leading thus far because they've completed their initial goals - capture Borodino village (1 point) and seize the New Post road bridge over the Kolocha (1 point). And they've caused casualties on the Russian defenders earning several more points - routing several infantry and artillery units. The Russian however have also scored victory points. 
Have the French done enough though to earn outright victory? Not sure. Seems too early for that. Will see how it goes tomorrow when I play out Turns 7 & 8. Cheers.

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