Monday, January 1, 2024

1 January 2024 - Part One of Harbour set done

 Happy New Year and all that jazz. 

Sat down and painted up a few things to complete the first part of this Harbour set build. 

These painted ships should suffice for the solo combined naval/air wargame that will take place later on this year. From left to right the "bigger" vessels are the destroyer Akatsuki, the destroyer Sakura, the Type 19 Minesweeper, the Type 13 Sub chaser, and the Hiroshima-class Minelayer (according to the Tamiya site). Heavy black wash finished off the painting. Used both Vallejo and cheap craft paints.

The port facilities and surrounding buildings including enough for a small town or couple of local villages. Just added another coating of paint on the main structures. Not going to improve the oil storage tanks. They'll probably get bombed anyway by the American attack aircraft.

With that done, Part One is complete. Part Two consists of the remaining terrain elements - part of the island for a backdrop and the port itself. Maybe add a nearby military airfield.

Correction: While I acquired Tamiya 1/700 Waterline series aircraft (Early War), I also acquired Trumpeter clear plastic aircraft (also 1/700). I have yet to drag them out and start painting. Will add them to Part Two's to-do activity. Needing more 20mm round bases as well. Cheers.


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