Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Canvas Eagles; Multiplane games continued

Began rummaging through old photos from my other blogsite tonight and found these images. All the images below are from 2018. Planning on running multi-plane games to give a bit more challenge and variety to the normal get-together. Not yet started on generating narrative scenarios but I have several ideas mulling about in the head.

First photo above shows two Late war SPAD XIIICs. Both historical and both American-flown. 

Dramatized aerial combat between two Italian SPADs and a lone German Dr-1. Used Paint to remove the flight stems and add the smoke and flames

Another dramatized encounter between two German Dr-1s and two Allied triplanes (too far to accurately identify, and not sure if same type). Again I used Paint to erase the flight stems and add the lightning/storm effect.

Two Late war period Fokker DVIIs in the above photo (bottom right corner). The Early War period lone Albatross D-III to their left has a companion somewhere but is not shown. There are two Fokker Eindeckers as represented by the yellow one (above the DVIIs). The green one is shown in the photo below.

Just from that photographic evidence alone I can estimate that I can easily table the following paired aircraft for a gaming scenario:

  • Fokker Dr-I - Early War
  • SPAD XIIIC (both American-flown) - Late War
  • SPAD XI (Italian colours) - Early & Late War
  • Albatros D-III - Early War
  • Fokker E-III or IV - Early War

There are other aircraft (of course) but these are singles. However they can be combined to form pairs such as a:

  • recon mission with escort
  • artilley spotting mission with escort
  • bombing run
  • air balloon busting mission
Next post: Creating new multi-plane scenarios

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