Sunday, March 21, 2021

Borodino Project: Preliminaries to Part Two


Officially resumed Part Two of my putting together a FoGN solo refight of the Battle of Borodino.

Started work assembling Eugene's 4th Corps but it's slow going. Got Delzons' and Broussier's divisions figures collected and assembled -- sort of. Using the copious spare Russian figures. 

Part Two is the turn of the French and Allies. No particular order in my first choice to kick off this part; I just happened to select Eugene's Corps randomly. I had already completed two other corps - Junot's VIII Corps and Grouchy's III Reserve Cavalry Corps. 

Beggars can't be choosers at times. I have a large volume of Napoleonic figures sitting idly of various other poses that don't fit the perception of how a Napoleonic unit should look. I find that view workable up to a point. And with 20mm plastic figures, I am realising everything has its places. Don't be too surprised if you see an entire regiment of Frenchmen kneeling shooting or about to reload or standing shooting or standing reloading. I mean to use as much of this huge volume of figures as I can.

To date, I've started work on Eugene's IV Corps - assembling both Delzon's and Broussier's Divisions, and the infantry of Lecchi's Italian Royal Guard. Once done, I will look around for the requisite cavalry figures in due course but the priority at the moment is to complete the infantry.


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