Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Problem with WOWS and Steam?

Noticed that record of hours spent playing WOWS increase by 0.5 hour every time I login for a new session through Steam. Been keeping record of hours spent playing since I started keeping records, and it has always been consistently the same whenever I log out and then log in the next day. But lately, since the new update, it's changed. Now I notice that when I log in the next day the tally has incremented by half an hour. Someone asked this of Steam in the community some time back about the discrepancy; they were told it was nothing to get overly concerned about. Also that it had something to do with Steam not being updated by the WOWS servers regarding hours played. Poster was basically told to let it slide as it was an insignificant matter. Well, it's not really. I will keep tabs on this if it continues into the next Update in which case I will then query Steam. Not worth bothering WOWS over it because they don't care: their customer service is very much a hit-or-miss affair anyway these days.

UPDATE - 18 Jan: Yeah, server was down all day and night Thursday. Not sure why but it was up and running and business as per usual Friday. Atmospherics? Funny weather lately. 

UPDATE - 22 Jan: Logout and login times now differ by 0.4 hour (@ 24 minutes). Which is an improvement from 0.5 hour (@ 30 minutes) of last week. 

Santa crates are still available till 30 January for those brazen and shameless with their spending. Gunning for SmalandHaida or Nelson

UPDATE - 25 Jan: Smaland would be nice (got Haida and Nelson) before the crates event concludes at the end of this month. But I am not expecting such luck so am declaring my ship chase very much finished. Sixty-two ships acquired is not a bad haul for four months "work". Definitely cheaper than buying direct (if you accept that you are paying for the privilege to access virtual ships for as long as your account is active, that you do not own those virtual ships). But such is the nature of online gaming these days. 

The difference between Steam and WOWS accounting of time spent in the game still remains at 0.4 hour (the difference between logging out and logging back in).

UPDATE - 26 Jan: It fluctuates between 0.4 and 0.5 hours. 

UPDATE - 29 Jan: Still much the same. Now and then WOWS tries to get me to sign up for a new WOWS account even though I am playing through Steam. What the right hand does unbeknownst to the left.

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