Saturday, August 31, 2024

26 August 2024: Weekly Update

26 August 2024

World of Warships

Kuznetsov's turn. Ran him in the Soviet premium cruiser Kirov at first but wasn't having much success so switched to the 'war canoe' the Soviet premium destroyer Okhotnik. Slow going to begin with as my mind wasn't on the game, i.e., I kept dying too quickly. But soon I locked in (woke up) and got the results expected. However, I soon tired of playing as it was becoming more of a grind and, as with Sansonetti, once I reached the halfway mark (150,000 Cmdr XP) or close enough I completed the remaining requirement with saved-up Elite Commander XP. Then logged out.


27 August 2024

World of Warships

Yamamoto Isoroku's turn. 

Also got enough to buy outright one of the Super ships. Had my eye on the US battleship Maine since its release but also keen on the UK cruiser Edgar. Wanted to ensure I had enough credit left over once my final choice was selected, i.e., at least 100 million credits. Undecided however as I also want to have at least one super ship for every nation eligible. To date, these are the eligible nations: Japan, USA, UK, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, Europe, Pan-Asia.



Forgot to mention that you lose your sense of smell and taste while you have COVID. Terrible feeling as nothing tastes quite right. As for smell, only one to notice are those closest to you. Mind you, your fur kids don't care. But people are such fickle and sensitive creatures. And hypercritical. Lol. 


Soapbox Rant

I like to watch YT streamers who move to NZ to "get away from the rat race" that was their former lives in whatever country they originated from. Why? Because they get to sample and taste for the first time how I felt when growing up in Aotearoa. Having lived in Oz now for over thirty-two years, you could say I'm firmly implanted in my country of existence. I miss home (NZ will always be my home - my roots so to speak - as it shaped me for the first thirty-odd years of my life) but Oz is my home now. For good or ill. Met some lovely people living and working here; even made a few lifelong friends. Oz is the land of milk and honey to this Kiwi boy made good who never expected it. Having lived on both sides of the fence, I might consider myself qualified to comment on the differences and similarities between both cultures, and for the most part NZ still wins hands-down for those intangible qualities that I still value - humility and family. Learned early in life that "wherever I lay my hat, that's my home..." to requote a famous song line by Paul Young. Lived under all kinds of conditions from being homeless and sleeping rough between the roots of a tree to living in a million-dollar home. Structures are just that - an environment upon which to build your actual home. Tough doing so on your own; much worse when you have a family behind you expecting of you. Yet it still surprises me when people who've made the long move to NZ end up leaving after a few years. Trying to make the country fit their ideals is not the way to do it; you adapt your ideals to help integrate you into your new environment. Admittedly, it doesn't always work out but then that's the crux: if you factor in every little detail, you are always going to miss something. So, why not embrace the adventure and make it work for you. I know from my own experience, now that I have the life I never imagined for myself, I find I miss NZ even more. Maybe it's because my life is winding down...I don't know for certain. Anyway, those who leave after a few years, safe travels on your next adventure wherever that may lead you. Can the last one to leave please turn off the lights. Thank you. 


28 August 2024

World of Warships

Today it was the turn of the Pan-Asian legendary/unique commander, Sa Zhenbing. Played him on the Tier VI premium Pan-Asian destroyer Anshan. Got as far as I could (end point was the last daily loot crate) before using up the remaining ECXP (plus some Free XP) to upskill him to 19-point level. That's four done so far.

Tomorrow the next mission set in the Dockyard event is released; only need three more event tokens to finish the event which come with this next mission. I will also incorporate the other Unique or Seasoned commanders due for upskilling in the grind: Philippe Auboyneau (France), Jerzy Swirski (Europe), Andrew Cunningham (UK), Ramon Osario (Spain), and Michiel de Ruyter (Netherlands). 

KOTS XVII is happening right now. Well, the qualifying rounds are happening. What puzzles me is that the games replays or live are delayed which can often take up to half an hour as in a couple of streams. Who in their right mind is going to hang around waiting for such a delay when you have CS2 games replays happening as soon as they're done?! It's not like hundreds or thousands watch KOTS anyway. Sort of turns me off bothering. I can always wait until AFTER the event's been played and find out then but by then who really cares. 



Lingering recovery is frustrating. Able to function for a few hours before I have to return to bedrest. Any physical exertion, such as lawn mowing, is simply out of the question. Tried lifting a couple of heavy boxes this afternoon and had to crash shortly after as it took a lot out of me. I now regret not having the COVID booster shot when I had the chance earlier this year. 


29 August 2024

World of Warships

Finished dockyard event and got the reward. Meh is all I can say for now. More relevant that I managed to upskill a couple of those listed captains (see above): it was primarily de Ruyter and Auboyneau who received the upskilling. Tomorrow it's the other three.


30 August 2024

World of Warships

Ran Ramon Osorio, #1 Spanish commander (for me at least) on Canarias. Meh effort, meh interest. Another sesh tomorrow, same-same.

Stardew Valley

Change of game later in the evening to break the monotony of the WOWS grind. Usually a Stardew Valley session nowadays consists of playing one whole season. End up doing an all-nighter because I started late (COVID recovery).


31 August 2024

PC Online Gaming

Slow grind today; still upskilling Osorio on the Canarias. To wash the bad taste thereafter, I played another season of Stardew Valley as well as a couple of other games in my Steam library.


Monday, August 26, 2024

18 August 2024: Weekly Digest

18 August 2024

PC Gaming: World of Warships

Only 79 Premium days left on my account then I am free...! Today's session is a reminder just how bad this game has declined. Concentrated on finishing the Colourful Regatta event tasks; figured it would take just two runs in the Pommern, and it was so. Done, I logged out and went and did some work in the garage setting up new shelving and a general tidy up in the workshop area in preparation for its new use. 


19 August 2024

Wargaming: English Civil War

While waiting for my Royalist army list to arrive from the UK I finally pulled out the remaining New Model cavalry - Vermuyden's, Whalley's, Ireton's Horse. Ireton's Horse will be Ironsides so three per stand while the other two units will be 'lighter' cavalry with two per stand. Aiming for four stands per Horse unit. Any spares will likely be converted to guidon ensigns...that's if I have any spare. Sat staring at the carefully laid out pile of untouched minis for a long while before I got up and walked out locking the door behind me. Lol.


21 August 2024

News Update: COVID

Recovery still slowing me down. Lacking energy all the time - fine for a short while before it kicks in. Feeling tired always. Sleeping it off helps but then I get tired of sleeping. Continual cycle that is wearing.


Mapmaking: Maps for my story

Passes in the Eagles mountains. A visualisation based on a description in the Background notes.


World of Warships

Enjoying a happy routine for once. Incentive is to play my Pommern as many times it takes to grab the two Base XP rewards in the Colourful Regatta event. This usually takes between 2-3 games to accomplish. Then it's log out time. Today's highlight was on the Tears of the Desert map when myself and a Shchors were on our own to cap on the left. Didn't expect the enemy to show up in force though. Faced off against a Pommern, AL Agir, Azuma, Seattle. 4 on 2. Good odds. Lol. Charged in and managed to survive my bravado. Sunk three; missed out on the Azuma as the remainder of the team finally showed up just as I was lining up for the killing blow. Shchors hung back and provided supporting fire: it would have been smashed by either of the enemy cruisers so it chose wisely. Me? Well, wisdom I lack anyway. Good game though.


22 August 2024

News Update: Sick again..!

Thought I had a pretty bad head cold but it turns out it's COVID...again! Dang! Having to endure that awful lingering aftertaste of the medication makes recovery an uncomfortable situation. Tempting to eat and drink just to kill that taste but it's not really an option that works because that bitter awful aftertaste stays throughout the entire period of pill popping. Aftertaste goes away once you stop though.


PC Gaming: World of Warships

Longer session than usual because the next mission in the Dockyard event was released and therefore played extra games as a result. The Colourful Regatta event had three instead of two objectives but this was nothing major or even minor; more affected playing those extra Dockyard mission tasks instead. Played the Pommern as per usual thoughout. But drained afterwards. Going to crash now.


News Update: Lancashire Games

Summer Sale extended to 31 August due to backlog in orders and queries, so I've just been informed by email.


23 August 2024

PC Gaming: World of Warships

Finished the battleship requirement for the Dockyard event using the Pommern. Then did the cruiser requirement using the Zao CLR using economic bonuses to fast-track the grind, so only two more phases to go before receiving the Almte. Oqendo. I actually like the Zao and its derivatives and am learning its capabilities - strengths and weaknesses. It's one thing reading the pros and cons but I learn better playing. Sometimes I forget that a salvo of five torps can, if all score hits, total over 100K worth of damage so basically most ships are fair game even the superships. But 12km range makes it easy to avoid so use it to ambush instead. Low health pool means it can be one shotted if not situationally aware. AA defensive fire is better than average for a cruiser so it can support capping DDs without too much problems. 


Mapmaking: Watabou

Is a town and city builder familiar to RPG and D&D players. Found a YT streamer who used Watabou to create a town map and integrated his townscape into Wonderdraft as a symbol. Pretty brilliant so I reckon. Watabou is free. Below is an example of what it's all about. After using Watabou and you're happy with the final layout export it to GIMP, and further edit to your satisfaction before importing it into Wonderdraft as an asset in Symbols. And voila! Below is what's standard in Watabou. Randomly seeded town/city scapes galore. Not 3D but plan view with structures in block form.


News Update: COVID

On the mend but won't really know until Monday.


24 August 2024

PC Gaming: World of Warships

Played three ships today - all Tier IX, all battleships. Did so to upskill their captains to the next level. Ran Pommern first and upskilled its skipper to 14-pt. Then it was the turn of the Alsace (now 11-pt) before ending session playing Lepanto (now 12-pt). Next few sessions will concentrate on upskilling my Unique commanders - Yamamoto Isoroku (Japan), Sa Zhenbing (Pan-Asia), Nikolay Kuznetsov (Russia), and Luigi Sansonetti (Italy). These four are at the 18-pt skill level. Will play them on whatever vacant premium ships that I have spare with/without economic bonuses (depending on how well they fare in-game). Will also run Jerzy Swirzki (Europe) who is the lowest ranked Unique commander at 14-pt. And possibly Adrian Johnston who is going to be my Commonwealth #1 captain; he's currently at 16pt. Expect it will take me through to Upgrade 13.8 (September) and beyond some to achieve my goal. 

Thought about creating my own clan just for the economic bonuses but then I remembered I've done all the nations tech tree lines except for subs and carriers. Only reason to really start a clan therefore is for the clan bonuses on coal and oil, and perhaps play with like-minded clan mates. Having tried it twice already, I'm finding it preferable going solo.


25 August 2024

PC Gaming: World of Warships

First of the commander upskill grind. Sansonetti is first up so played him on the Leone, an interesting Tier V premium DD. Reached halfway mark (needed 300,000 Commander XP) and then used some of the Elite Commander XP already saved to cross the 19-pt line. 

Rather than make it a long grind, I am now going to switch to the next commander off the rank, Kuznetsov. Tomorrow, I will run him on the premium cruiser Kirov. Playing lower tiered premiums in order to save on the running costs - the higher the tier, the heavier the cost. 


Wargaming: ECW Royalists

Received notification that the package has not left the UK because of some stuff up with the Royal Mail postal service. So the retailer is sending the package by courier instead. Should arrive by end of next week, so one hopes. Not overly concerned but then I am still distracted by this COVID situation which is slowly going away (test tonight showed I've still got a trace of it). But I've run out of medication. Being extra careful not to re-expose myself to the flu/cold again otherwise COVID will return. 


Writing: Memo to Self - Be Consistent

When writing becomes an overwhelming passion, then fulfil that itch. Once done however, if it was only ever a one-off thing, move on to the next project or item on your to-do or bucket list. Keep moving. Before you do, ensure it's finished to the best of your ability otherwise it will haunt you to finish it fully. 


PC Gaming: Command Modern Operations

Getting back into this game. Like the complexity of its design, the overall strategic and tactical objectives, learning to master and then coordinate the various elements that comprise the game, beating the AI who are more organised and efficient than you...stuff like this makes this game very appealing all over again. But I haven't played it in a while so having to read the manual fully this time to full reacquaint myself with the game mechanics. Will post a few sessions next month.


PC Gaming: Black Myth Wukong

This game is selling gang busters, a trend that is encouraging given the recent flops like Concord and Dustborn. Over 10 million copies already sold on in the first week globally across all platforms since its release. Easily outperforming favourites like Cyberpunk 2077 and Helldivers 2 in sales. On Steam it's going for over eighty dollars (AUD) so that a whole amount of profit to the game/developers. From the few snippets I've seen from other YT streamers, and the overall comments thus far, this game is a big winner simply because it gives the gamers what they overwhelmingly want - a great game. Personally not my kind of game but I am sorely tempted to buy it just to see what the fuss is all about. Tempted being the key word.


Friday, August 16, 2024

9 August 2024: Weekly Digest

Friday 9 August 2024

World of Warships

New Dockyard event began yesterday. Bought the two starter packs available to those who don't want to do the long grind. Why? Because I'm a potato whale (someone who has more money than sense and cannot play anyway). And a collector of pixel ships. The keyword is "collector". Anyway, I am gathering all the rewards associated with the event because I am accumulating as much resources as possible in preparation for the Christmas Santa event in December and January. Well, that's the justification for the expenditure. 

Today's session saw me finish off the last task of the first Dockyard mission in the US heavy cruiser Pensacola. Then just as I was about to log out, I checked the Colourful Regatta event again in the Armoury and noticed the North Carolina CLR was obtainable using the tokens (plus spend a few pennies). So I got it and played the three missions attached with it (rewarded with bonus economic boost as well as credits). Used the special discount coupon (40%) to obtain it at a cheaper price. Will likely also obtain one more Colourful Regatta event ship for sale, either the Zao CLR or Kleber CLR. Both are the same price. Not interested in the Roon CLR

At the same time, obtained the European Tier IX destroyer Jager which was released into the Armoury with the latest update. Also used one of the regular discount coupons and spent reduced coal to obtain it. So, two new ships. 


English Civil War

Notification reached me that my Royalist army order is done and will leave the UK next week. Time over this weekend however to finish off my New Model foot units. Fingers crossed. Still have several Horse units to assemble. 

Will review the new rules I've acquired from Wargames Vault and start planning how to integrate them into new solo campaign scenarios for future gaming tabletop.


Writings (including Paintings)

Transcribing the original printed out MSS into digital format continues at stop-start pace. Doing it because the original paper printed MSS is fading and bulky; having it digitised and stored on a USB stick or whatever will save space. I still have the old 3.5 disks but they've probably degraded so much that any file retrieval will be pointless, not to mention expensive. 

Will continue to work on creative a few more maps using Wonderdraft. Keen to grab a few Dark Age models together and modify them based on my writing. There is one major battle written into the original  MSS that is part of the narrative and I would like to see if it does pan out like the written plot. Highly doubt it is my initial thought. 

Painting progress - to be composed soon.


Scourge of War: Remastered

Planning on more tutorials with this new game (to break the monotony of retyping the MSS). Hoping to play one of the single battles at least by next weekend. Interesting how it differs completely from the original Waterloo game played back in 91 so much, but perhaps the surprising thing is that playing against the AI (hard or easy setting) is a piece of pi**, according to the YT streamer. And it's not far wrong because the really good players rise to the top.


Saturday 10 August 2024

Lancashire Games

Summer Sale ending 18 August. Wide range of products as advertised on their site. Happy to help out where I can.


Monday 12 August 2024

World of Warships

Normal grinding the Colourful Regatta event and Daily Loot crates. Playing both Jager and Almirante Grau. The funny button on the Almirante Grau relies on you being unobserved for it to activate. HE spammer. In a battle with the Napoli I lost out by the faintest of margins. 

The Jager torps are plentiful (12 in one run) but weak; they can still take down a Tier VIII battleship (if you can get close enough). Reload is average (85 seconds). Boosted speed to 90 knots via the Commander skill upgrade. You're better off ambushing from cover as the guns are pi** poor - you only get three. As a YT streamer pointed when reviewing the new ships in the Armoury, the Jager is a WW1 with post-WW2 torpedoes. Get it?


Tuesday 13 August 2024


Wife started showing symptons that we thought was COVID last Friday evening. Took the test Saturday morning and confirmed it was positive. She was bed-ridden over the weekend and much of yesterday. Today's she been able to sit up and seemed well enough to even drive to the doctor for her appointment because unfortunately I came down with COVID Monday night. Yay!


Wednesday 14 August 2024

World of Warships

Went full potato today and paid for the Zao CLR after re-reading the requirements. Why? Because I liked the green camo? Nah, I did it purely because I had locked my sights on getting it and went for it. Played it and had immediately fun in the five games for the extra bonuses reward. Managed to uptier the 10-pt captain that came with the ship to 11-pt too! I chose instead to go with Top Grade Gunner with my last 4-skill points instead of Concealment Expert. And Survivability Expert was deemed essential.  The torps hit hard (@20K damage per hit) so it really demolishes battleships if she's able to connect. Its HE also does damage especially against cruisers and low-health battleships. It has submarine radar, and its AA suite is not too bad. Demolished a flight of planes from the Shokaku in one game which was nice. You can switch your AA Defensive Fire for Hydro but why would you; it's not like you're going to YOLO because she has a low health pool, less than 45K. I've learned post-session that she is ideal as an ambusher if you can her stealth down to 9.9km. 

Oh, today I am heavily medicated so not quite the zombie I was yesterday. But the medication only helps briefly before exhaustion set in so it's back to bed for me. Cheers.


Thursday 15 August 2024

World of Warships

Interesting session. Used up my quota of discount coupons bar one acquiring accessories like economic bonuses, unique upgrades, and signals. Second mission for the Dockyard event also began today so played long enough to reach five of the six completed tasks. Will finish the last task hopefully tomorrow. 

Feeling better thanks to the COVID medication. That awful lingering taste in the mouth from the tablets however means having to periodically rinse out the mouth with something other than water. No, not alcohol. Surprised at the speed of my recovery; I am not as sick as my wife though. She is still suffering despite the medication. I am nowhere near back to my pathetic useless self but at least I'm no longer a walking zombie. Proof are my posts. Gotcha!


Writing Project - More Fantasy Maps

Some more practice tonight using Wonderdraft. Happy enough with the result and this rendition for now, especially with the basic layout of the main dividing mountain range separating the western coastal realms with the central realms. Still got time to improve however and this is just the start. 

 The two yellow stars represent the capitals. Quorg is kind of a backwater realm filled with feuding nobles more interested in their own local disputes much likes those states in the David Eddings Belgariad series who is incidentally my favourite fantasy series ever. Sorry Tolkien. And speaking of David I must also knowledge his wife Leigh who co-authored with him on later works. Quorg is known by many names - Land of a Thousand Lakes being one. 

West of the coastline are many islands (not shown) as well as island states. They do not feature in any of the first three books but do so in the future series which I managed to outline very roughly before I got distracted again. Further north are the Wildlands (barren apart from a few hardy souls and prospectors). And then there are the difficult Barria mountains. Beyond that though is whole new world that is rarely visited except for a few intrepid and fearless adventurers. The land here is wide open steppes and land of the fierce and nomadic Gruks (pronounced Gr-ooks - roll the r). I was bereft of original names for many of my place names so borrowed inspiration from other authors. And being of droll humour I invented a few myself (such as Yacca because well he talks a lot). I had originally filled in the area between Penelanor and the independent Five Free Cities with many smaller states but I soon realised later doing so did not fit the narrative too well so have simply dumped them. Maybe I can recycle them later in one of the later stories. 

Went back and updated the Five Free Cities map shortly after finishing this. Map, if I haven't already explained show roughly the territorial boundaries (which are shaded in different colours) that mainly access the Bay of Winds which is a major trading hub for the western lands. The mountains of this earlier copy are incorrect especially given I've since updated the mountains in the Penelanorian map (which itself will be amended eventually). I will replicate that amendment into a new version of the Five Free Cities map. 

Much of the first book takes part within these three maps (city of Calmar to be refined in the coming days as I practice more with Wonderdraft). As I continue the slow work of redrafting and more redrafting I will corroborate as well vary my workload by doing more maps and lots lots more sketches for the books of Part Two. And so on. Cheers.


Friday 16 August 2024

Writing - Sketch maps from my old story

Found three more sketches done in 2015 which is a surprise to me so I am feigning short-term memory loss because I thought I had abandoned this back in the early noughties. 

Pen sketch of plan view of Calmar, the capital of the central kingdom of Lammoria. It is divided up into three main area or quarters. Starting with the Old City which just above top centre. It is bordered by two major rivers - the slower wider Marl on its western side and the faster and narrower Lam that borders its southern side. East is what's known as the Escarpment, an L-shaped line of sheer-faced cliffs. Access up the Escapement is via its southern face. Several forts line these cliffs guarding the eastern approaches to the Old City. 

Over the decades, the city grew and expanded. First south which is now the Port quarter. It's where most of the trading houses have their headquarters and warehouses. It is also the busiest and most active of the quarters. Here is where the City Watch, expanded later into the City Guard, had their origins. The land south of the Port quarter is both arable and highly cultivated spreading east and rising to the higher ground (so I imagined it in my head) that is in the south-east corner. It's where two of characters enter the story from. 

The most recent section of the capital is called the New City is less than one hundred years old although some of the structures have been around for much longer. It's where the Palace and its spacious parks, armoury, and functionaries are quartered (those that are essential that is). Its eastern riverbank is prized real estate and home to many court nobles and officials. Even other nobles have quarters here.

The city walls have built up over the centuries thanks to the expansion over the centuries. South of the city is a series of three forts. They're known as the Gates of Aulus. A gigantic bronze and gilt statue once stood there but it was destroyed when Calmar was sacked by marauding corsairs a century ago. The Lammorians replaced it with something less attractive and more functional. This is also the main entry and exit point for all river traffic. 

That's the brief run-down. The old citadel is situated near the centre of the Old City. A newer citadel is located on the Escarpment which was not well received at the time but the builder happened to be their king at the time who went ahead anyway. As you do. 

Another 2015 drawing. Also in ink pen. It is based on memory and only reveals part of the land mass that this story takes place. Did this deliberately because I wanted to provide a sense of revelation as the story unfolds. But as someone said to me upon reading my Appendix said plainly, "...if it's not relevant to the story, why bother?'" A valid point. Still, I persevered because (a) it helped me with my world-building, (b) it is relevant to the story but not just this one, and (c) no other valid reason apart from personal enjoyment. Conformity can be a crock sometimes.

I am not sure but this pencil sketch was in the same location as the other two so I am speculating this was done around the same time - 2015. The Hidden City is simply an exercise in drafting. Dad wanted me to be an architect. I wanted to be a field marshal. In the end I settled for tabletop wargamer who enjoyed structures and from time to time liked to draw them, real or otherwise. Did several sketches of this place of which I've only managed to locate this few. Oh well...


World of Warships

Started much later than usual thanks to a combination of late sleep-in and COVID relapse. Felt meh about playing but wanting to finish the last task of the second Dockyard mission kept me at it for as long as I could before I just gave up and logged out. Then crashed.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

10 August 2024: Lancashire Games

Lancashire Games

Happy to promote Allan's site. 

Summer Sale ending 18 August. Wide range of products as advertised on their site.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

4 August 2024: More Writing than Wargaming

4 August 2024

World of Warships

Finally quit the clan today. Trigger was a very poor performance in clan battles. Spent the rest of the day session feeling miserable with myself and ended up playing the Venezia in Randoms. Suffered way more defeats than wins, but I didn't care. At least, I wasn't always dying within the first two minutes. Logged out but returned later in the evening to run the French token event - Personal Challenges. Bar reached earns 10 tokens which go towards obtaining the next reward in the Early Access French destroyers (second line). Got the Tier VI DUCHAFFAULT as a result. Thought about spending real cash to buy the bundles but then thought "Nah! Spent enough". So I logged back out and will wait for the new line to be released for free grind. Relieved I am no longer in the clan; aside from being useless and a liability in Clan Battles, I felt pressured to participate when I really didn't feel like it or wanted to. Now that pressure is off and I can relax and enjoy the remaining Premium days left to me (over 70 days). Cheers.


5 August 2024


This blogsite is devoted to both hobby (wargaming) and writings (prose/poetry/paintings). This is the writing part which from time to time resurfaces for air then returns to the depth of my mind. 

Found an old story that has its origins back in March '90. Found it sitting on my printer but didn't recognise it under a pile of awful poetry during the Night Owl session. It is MSS size. Reread parts of the "newer" version (opening chapters) and immediately got back into the story flow. Lots of revising but the essence remained as engaging as when I first conceived the notion of writing this fantasy opera-style melodrama. Lol. The characters I well recall now with fondness. Dare I return to it and complete it as part of my unfinished business bucket list? Have to wait and see.

World of Warships

Logged into WOWS today and played out the Personal Challenges for CVs to obtain more French DD tokens (event ends in two days). Proved a frustrating (but in a pleasant way) time as I failed to reach the first bar - earn 300 Base XP. Up-tiered to Tier VI. Still no success. Finally quit the session and logged out. Not really pushing it as the event ends soon anyway. Learning how to play CV and realising that commander skill is essential to even having a chance. Hosho (T4) has only one torp attack while Ryujo (T6) has two. Bombing was fun and managed to knock out a couple of ships with well-placed bombs. 

Scourge of War: Remastered (the Waterloo edition)

Checked out Scourge of War Remastered after viewing the latest YT video from the dude that inspired me to buy the game. His game tag is DarkRob. He is a veteran of the game, well known for his intelligent play (will to win) and insights. Loads of tutorial play-throughs which he's updated recently. The mod is an improvement on the stock standard toolbar. Had to smile when he went through the attack column (by divisions) process using the Grog mod toolbar. Noticed that the stock standard version showed a brigade in mixed order, the standard attack formation. But the tutor showed his version that leaves smaller footprint and enables a concentrated attack. He then mentioned and showcased "the fortress" considered (within the game) the most impregnable defence. How much deviating from the real-life case arises from this confession? How much more is this a game therefore and not some milsim? Cheers.


6 August 2024

PC Gaming - Scourge of War: Remastered

Spent a session learning how to use the Toolbar. Having already downloaded and installed the Grog mod toolbar I figured it would make using it easier. But it wasn't to be. I was too busy figuring out how to move the units around in the tutorial; I would follow the tutorial but it wouldn't work out as intended. In the end, I just ignored the tutorial instructions and played after it ended and kept at it until I'd had enough and logged out. Gradually became accustomed but still having problems selecting commanders and entire brigades. Not sure if I'm using the stock standard Toolbar or the Grog one. Will have to check out DarkRob's tutorial videos for clarification. Enjoyed it nonetheless because I felt I had progressed a little more than previously. 

Map Making tools

Today I went searching for map making tool. This came about because in trying to locate the earlier sketches I did for my MSS characters, I located copies of several drafts (the original but out of sequence and several redrafts - earliest 1992, latest 2015). Among them were several sketches of geography and locales which got me interested in locating suitable map makers. 

In the end, I found a listing of the top ten. And chose a couple of likely looking fantasy map makers and installed them. First one is free - Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator. Reminded me of Minecraft map seeding. Each map seed comes with fully labelled states and so on; it all depends on how full you want your map (check boxes everywhere). Type in your requirements and voila, a full map is created just for you. You can also start with a blank canvas and take it from there. 

However it wasn't quite what I was hoping for so I ended up obtaining the second, Wonderdraft. It cost around USD30. A one-off payment but you could download three files (the original old file plus the latest version as well as extras in a zip file). This app is more map-looking than the other. When installing the icon to open the program will be in the Program folder. Why? I don't know. Tried moving it to the Desktop but it wouldn't open. Anyway, it allows you to create the map the way you want it. Which suits me as I already have much of my DR fantasy series mapped out (sketch maps mainly). But having proper-looking fantasy maps seems more appropriate. And it certainly helps with the storyline. 

However the map maker will also prove useful drafting up batreps (presentation counts it seems these days) and proposed scenarios, not just fantasy but also historical. Below is a sketch of one of the locations within my story - a hidden city. Shades of The Silmarillion and the First Age? For sure. 

The second app has several options depending on the scale being used. And it shouldn't be too hard to replicate the geography once the program has been mastered. Certainly an improvement on MS Paint.

But the map maker also comes with the option to generate overviews or close ups of habitable areas (villages, towns and cities), a very handy tool to have as a map maker. Above is a pencil and pen sketch plan view of the Hidden City sitting atop a mountain top.

And here is another graphical representation of the Hidden City and surrounding defensive walls (or Gates as I called them) done all those years ago. 

Steam has a couple of map making programs available. Both are more geared towards D&D style gaming. I did download a demo of Fantasy Map Simulator. Full release in September of this year. Haven't really studied it properly but for now I will stay focus using Wonderdraft.


7 August 2024

World of Warships

Noticing something odd regarding this game. Whenever you get a free premium day as a reward, it does not boost your total; in other words, it does not count because it's separate from your daily diminishing tally. Whatever you're existing total is (through purchasing), any bonus days earned does not improve your overall tally even though it may look so at a glance. So, the other day I got a free premium day that I thought would boost my current total from 74 to 75 days. But today when I logged in, my total days was 73!! And this has happened multiple times whenever this bonus is earned. Please explain WG!



What's possible in Wonderdraft. Just started playing with the program. There are tutorials but nothing like simply jumping in and having a go, so to speak. I had already designed my landscape and needed a program able to replicate that original vision, which Wonderdraft is doing perfectly...for now. 

Five Free Cities is reminiscent of the Hanseatic League and those independent cities in northern Germany historically. And such independent states existed throughout history; statehood was a concept that occurred after the existence of city-states. 

Anyway, their example worked perfectly for my original story back in the early nineties. This example map is from my DR story and is replicated perfectly by this program . Bay of Winds from the story as are three of the Five Cities - Prodogg, Yrta, Urit. 

I fluffed it when I saved this over the first maps of the Penelanor state (should have simply worked on it and then saved with new name upon exiting instead of during the process. The different coloured ground represent those states as originally conceived: FFC are puce while Lammoria, the central state in my story, is green. The yellow region is a state whose name I can't recall but it features in the second book of the series because of the ruler who is able to stand up to her foes instead of folding and fleeing into exile like many did in the story. 

Next example is not quite there by any stretch. But it suffices as a memory jogger if I need to revisit the place. It is Calmar, capital of Lammoria and opening scene for my story. Cheers.


A Possible New Campaign Based on my writings??

Thoughts of revisiting my story stirred the creative juices. Enough to contemplate doing something I have always wanted to do wargaming-wise. In the late Donald Featherstone's Wargames he devoted a chapter to a fantasy game based on Robert E. Howard's Conan. A fellow English wargamer (name escapes me now) was inspired to create a Hyperborean wargame campaign using 30mm(?) flats. You can see where this is going, right? Why not create a fantasy list of the armies and play the story? I already know the combatants and the landscape (well, mostly). 

Lots and lots of room for being creative and painting minis according to your choices. 

Sort of reminds me a great deal of Phil Olley and Wars of Vaubarian Succession games, set in an alternative 18th century European style landscape. Only this will be Dark Age era or thereabouts. Without too much sorcery and fantastic beasts. There are no historical accounts of anything other than humans killing one another so why deviate now? But mysticism or profound spiritual belief is not absent. There are those with deeper spiritual connections to their environment within the story; it's just not the most dominating feature of it.


Saturday, August 3, 2024

1 August 2024: New Month, new opportunities. Same old, same old...

1 August 2024

Interesting Thursday. Played WOWS for a few hours. Focus was on completing the single Common Mission on offer - a dedicated throwback to the Transformers series they ran several months ago. Gave me a chance to run a few battleships I've not touched in a long while - Georgia, St. Vincent, Pommern, Yamato. Also ran Groningen on one mission task which required scoring 300 main battery hits. Achieved it in the one run. The rewards would be meaningful if I hadn't already completed the Transformers collection long ago. And for playing the mission, you get a Transformer flag. Really? Still, the credit recompense for getting the duplicate tokens allowed me to finally reach one hundred million credits. Just gathering resources for Christmas nowadays whenever I do log in and actually choose to play. Next update (in a couple of weeks) will feature a new Dockyard event of some paper ship. Not sure if I'm going to try for this one as it's another fantasy paper ship probably OP and/or with some gimmick feature. CV rework is considered convoluted and over-complicated; the request by the community to nerf the CVs is not being directly addressed so it is felt by the majority. One of the top comp players (from a EU clan that are in the top five globally) announced he was quitting doing YT streams on the game (and War Thunder). Expressed what many have already pointed out - the game is shite nowadays and WG is determined to run it into the ground with this incessant monetizing and paper fantasy OP vessels. But he did say he will still play competitive but no longer stream WOWS replays as, at least in comp play, they're good players and actually have a clue. I enjoy his observations: says it like it really is. Calls a spade a spade too. I like that forthrightness. Even in Co-Op where I loiter, there are some brain-dead amoeba passing themselves off as live players. No team play whatsoever. No support. Sail around without contributing to the match. Needlessly die within the first few minute. Ecetera, ecetera. Play Naval Battles (Clan thing only) and try to contribute where I can. In the last one I made the mistake of taking the Zara when I should have up-tiered to the Michelangelo. Kept missing out on making required target of 1400 Base XP on the remaining attempts. Might have had better chance with the uptier cruiser but forgot I had it. D'Oh!


2 August 2024

Friday. Which means another round of Naval Battles (Clans) started today and will be running the entire weekend ending Monday arvo. Jumped into it this time in order to help out but also to collect my fifth year anniversary gifts as well as get in early while the bars are set low. Played Le Hardi but failed to get the required 800 Base XP mark (either Ranked or Random or Clan battle modes will work better than Co-Op). So switched to the Edinburgh and Atlanta for the cruiser benchmarks (300 Base XP each). Achieved that after a few attempts in Co-Op mode. Noticed that Base XP in Co-Op mode is not high so was surprised to find I was able to score at least 600 Base XP in a couple of games. Figured it had something to do with the kills: because I'm in a cruiser, killing a battleship or carrier helps. Engaging and sinking more ships, especially higher-tiered and higher-class ships is the goal therefore; in other words, play aggressively - difficult in Randoms but easier in Co-Op. Anyway, kept that little fact tucked away for future reference. 


3 August 2024

Checking out Wargames Vault, the US-based online store for all things wargaming and hobby-related at a reasonable price during the midnight hour/night owl session. Checked out some of the alternate ECW rulesets available alongside a few other things that also caught my eye.

Liking the paper structures models - medieval period gate structures and the like. Immense potential for assembly. Certainly would enhance any tabletop gaming experience. My previous efforts haven't been quite as successful but I haven't really applied myself so may still have another crack at it, especially as I need some medieval style gate structures for planned sieges and the like. 

Seen an interesting county-based campaign system for the period that I may purchase to glean some ideas on conducting smaller-scale engagements in the ECW period. However, there is something already available through the TtS: For King and Parliament series. It's called the Siege of Norchester, a series of encounters set at a fictional Royalist-held town. I realise the core rules themselves have been around for a while (early 2010s) and the system is grid-based, which should prove interesting as well as helpful as I keep misplacing my measuring stick/tape measure! Anyway, I bought it as an option to Victory Without Quarter

Also checked out some medieval naval warfare which, unsurprisingly, is fascinating and a magnet of attraction to me for some reason. Would love to buy more Langton minis from the Dutch wars period but unable to as I'm already financially committed elsewhere. Plus, I don't possess the necessary skills to assemble those exquisite models anyway so will have to look elsewhere. 

A cheaper alternative would be paper models like my dreadnought WW1 sets for the Battle of Jutland that I purchased a few years back but not taken out to sea yet for my Admiral of the Fleet rules. Looking at the great medieval and early renaissance naval battles like Lepanto. Still have good memories of the Salamis solo refight with David Manley's Ancient naval ruleset.

Looking for an alternative to Lion Rampant but in 20mm scale. Think I may have found it with Chevauchee, Rules for battles with Medieval miniatures, a skirmish ruleset which I've just purchased. 

Know absolutely nothing about this system except that it's skirmishing in 20mm. Should be an interesting read over the weekend. May even drag out some medievals and playtest a couple of skirmishes. Or raids as the title suggests. I might even run out my B&B figures using these rules. Should provide an interesting experimentation.

Okay, so I went a bit overboard and purchased another two ECW titles and a wargaming annual: This War Without an Enemy, a county-based campaign system, 6mm rules for gaming The Battle of Cropedy Bridge by Peter Riley, and The Wargamers Annual Vol 1 by Partizan Press and features such well-known luminaries from the UK wargaming scene. And includes articles from the late Stuart Asquith, one of my wargaming heroes.

I've always enjoyed and loved Annuals. Whether it was hobby or comics, they provided a wealth of information and entertainment lapped up and eagerly absorbed. Wealth and variety is what you got - value for money. Looking forward to reading the blocking LOS article and what it has to add to the ongoing debate about its value in wargaming and interpreting it as a functional value in rulesets. Or not. 

There is even a battlefield visit to the site of the 1644 Battle of Tippermuir, part of the Montrose Rebellion of 1644-45. Nice! But of especial interest is Stuart Asquith's article on solo wargaming. Looking forward to reading that one.
