Sunday, June 16, 2024

12 June 2024: Weekly Digest

12-16 June 2024

Bloody & Billions

Planned to take the week off from gaming and/or modelling. But the brain always remains active so I've pulled out some notes I made regarding Bitumen & Blowholes while incapacitated in hospital. 

1. Rules state that for every Spell chosen/employed, the Magic User must also take the Delicate (1) and Weak (1) skill

2. Every Spell costs five pennies. 

3. Spells taken must be from the same Magic school. One cannot mix different school spells. 

4. Spell ingredients do make it easier to cast the spell or enhance the potency of the spell. Or both. But they cost pingas. 

5. Every spell within a magic school are available for use. 

5. A warband starts out with 350 pennies. This covers the cost for characters, their equipment, and any items they might use. Also, items selected must be shown on the mini so WYSIWYG. You cannot claim a claymore if your model only has a knife.

5. Every warband must have a LEADER and DEPUTY LEADER. Leaders receive a 1 Skill bonus plus 1 die level increase of their choosing. Deputies/2IC get only the 1 Skill enhancement. The wording of this option permits exploitation (Mouse deputy with Strong (2) skill.  

6. No stat can be over d12. All others in the warband start without any skill apart from their own race's natural skill.


Spent time absorbing this important part of the rules. 

Routing Roll-Off occur whenever:

  • 50% or more models have been taken Out Of Action with side conducting Routing Roll-Off using their leader's Fortitude stat against the enemy leader's Presence stat.
  • If either leader is taken out, use the deputy/21C. 
  • If both leader and deputy/2IC are taken out then the warband automatically routes.
  • If the warband passes the Roll-Off, game continues. 
  • If the warband fails, game ends. 
  • If both parties have to Roll-Off and both fail, loss is recorded to both sides. 
  • A side may Voluntarily Rout but only after 3 Turns have been played and no experience points are gained for surviving but applies for any other reasons such as completing secondary objectives or scenario condition. 


Not a section of the rules that interests me at the moment as it relates more to campaigning than single games.


Now that I know how much to spend, how does that translate to what was purchased originally. Originally I purchased a starter pack with one additional extra model. Using the 350 pennies limit from the rulebook to calculate the cost using what's on the actual model, here's my breakdown. The enhancements are in italics.

Hare knight
Large Beast - Leader - Base cost: 53p - Skills (base): Leap, Strong (1)
Additional Skills (afforded by Equipment and/or Items): TBA
Bonus (Command): 1 Skill and 1 die level
M        S        B         R        N        C        A        F        P
d8       d10     d8       d6       d6       d6      d6       d8      d8
Equipment: One-handed weapon = 8p; Heavy armour = 25p; Heavy shield = 20p
Total cost = 106p !!

NOTE: Already spent nearly a third of my allocation and I still have five others to go. 

Mouse knight
Small Beast - Deputy/2IC - Base cost: 24p - Skills (base): none
Additional Skills (afforded by Equipment and/or Items): TBA
Bonus (Command): 1 Skill
M        S        B        R        N        C        A        F        P
d6       d6       d4      d6       d6       d6      d6       d6      d6
One-handed weapon = 8p; Heavy armour = 25p; Heavy shield = 20p
Total cost = 87p

Mouse Shield Maiden 
Small Beast - Base cost: 24p - Skills (base): none
Additional Skills (afforded by Equipment and/or Items): TBA
M        S        B        R        N        C        A        F        P
d6       d6       d4      d6       d6       d6      d6       d6      d6
Equipment: One-handed weapon = 8p; Heavy armour = 25p; Heavy shield = 20p
Total cost = 87p

Medium Beast - Base cost: 36p - Skills (base): Fearless
Additional Skills (afforded by Equipment and/or Items): TBA
M        S        B        R        N        C        A        F        P
d8       d8       d6      d6       d8       d6      d6       d6      d6
Equipment: Crossbow = 20p; Light armour = 25p; 
Total cost = 61p

Medium Beast - Base cost: 34p - Skills (base): none
Additional Skills (afforded by Equipment and/or Items): TBA
M        S        B        R        N        C        A        F        P
d8       d8       d6      d6       d8       d6      d6       d6      d6
Equipment: Mage's Focus (staff) = 15p; Mage's Pouch = 10p; 
Total cost = 59p

Medium Beast - Base cost: 36p - Skills (base): Poison (Pain), Unarmed Fighters, cannot use any Weapons
Additional Skills (afforded by Equipment and/or Items): TBA
M        S        B        R        N        C        A        F        P
d6       d6       d4      d4       d4       d8      d8       d8      d8
Equipment: Mage's Focus (staff) = 15p; Mage's Pouch = 10p; 
Total cost = 59p

Mouse scout/thief
Small Beast - Base cost: 24p - Skills (base): none
Additional Skills (afforded by Equipment and/or Items): +3 Concealment
M        S        B        R        N        C        A        F        P
d6       d6       d4      d6       d6       d6      d6       d6      d6
Equipment: One-handed weapon = 8p; Concealment cloak = 15p
Total cost = 47p

Calculating the total cost is as follows: 106 + 87 + 87 + 61 + 59 + 47 = 450 !!! I am therefore 100 points over and this tally is based just on what's shown on the models. I haven't factored in the impact equipment and items bestow nor the costs for Magic Spells and/or their ingredients. It does mean some trimming down is required. 


14 June 2024

Budget & Bogan

So how does one trim down a warband of seven figures to conform to the 350 pennies limit? You either up the pennies ante to accommodate all the minis in your warband, or else you trim down the warband numbers to fit the pennies limit.

There are several permutations available although it is restrictive because what's available is not wide-ranging or extensive.

Option 1: Power Player

This seems obvious given two of the figures are knights while a third is a shield maiden type character. Then there is the weasel crossbow. All four have some degree of armour protection. This combinations therefore reeks of heavy hitting potency. Add a magic user to round out the complement.

Typical grouping: Hare knight, Mouse knight, Mouse Shield Maiden, Weasel Crossbow, Adder/Squirrel.

Allegiance that might best fit this grouping are Royalist, Rogues, and Freebeast.

Option 2: Size Matters

Another option that is more suited to specialty tasking such as sneak thievery. At its core is the need to have at least one character of undertaking the speciality task, so you might go for a Mouse Scout/Thief or a the Adder Mage. The rest of the warband - depending on expenditure - can be any combinatioin that has to operate both fast and stealthily, 

Allegiance can be any of the four listed in the rulebook although the Wildbeast faction conjures up more of a single species kind of warband. 


15 June 2024

PC Gaming: World of Warships - D-Day Part 2

Part Two began yesterday but didn't feel up to a long grind. Felt slightly better today so jumped right into it. Was lost for the first three games as I adjusted to the requirements. It is harder (at first) than Part One but once briefing was properly understood and implemented, it's became a matter of playing to your team's strengths and weaknesses. And the stars were harder to get as a result, at first.

Part Two has you dealing with D-Day from the Axis perspective. You are part of a destroyer flotilla comprising six destroyers (all players). You have the minelaying module (press the '9' key calls up aircraft who will deploy mines at your behest) to assist in your defence,. There is long cooldown (around 2 minutes) though once you deploy first time followed by a short lock out before you can call up again. By that time, if you're not dead, you will be busy dealing to the Allied ships targeting you.

The primary mission requires the laying of nine minefields. So some of your flotilla will have to lay twice. I soon learned to lay my minefield early to facilitate the primary mission.

To assist in this mission, the game loans you a few slightly more potent DDs (Z-32, Z-34, Z-38 are three I remember) for the duration of this phase. Instead I chose to run my own German DDs (Tier V to VII) - initially the premium K. Schonberg, and two tech tree ships, the Maass and the Z-31 - mainly to upskill my captains as once this phase is over, the loan ships are gone and so are the captains. Maximize your gain where possible.

My eventual tactic was to stay central in the map - sort of like chess where you try to control the centre board in order to gain better leverage over your opponent)  - and hang back. Let them come to you. Others chose a more aggressive stance and attacked deep which also worked because you could deal to the enemy ships quicker. But it came at a risk to your own team. 

Losing a team mate added a buff to the remaining team members. I forget what that buff was, whether it was restoration of HP or something else beneficial to your potency. 

Initially the Allied side runs trios and duos of destroyers at you from several directions, all at once. Once you manage to overcome this initial threat, then a pair of cruisers with DD escort show up. This is then followed up by a pair of battleships also with DD escort. Finally there is an aircraft carrier with DD escort lurking at the back to complete the Allied vessel threatening your position. 

Trick I found with minefields is not put them in the one spot such as when the enemy DD pop up. Firstly, it dilutes your defensive capabilities and secondly it smacks of panic. Yes, place your minefield in the approach path of the Allied vessels and hope the mines cause enough damage for your group to sink with torpedoes. But don't all overlay minefields one on top of the other as it does not cover the threat spread. Mines laid cause no damage to your ship but does alert your presence to the enemy. You also have a limited minefield laying range whereby the centre of the minefield must be inside that laying circle. A good option, if teammates are working together, is to lay the minefield in depth so that the chances of causing damage imcreases. 

Hydro and smoke are pretty much essential for this series of missions which is why I stayed with the Z-31 throughout after settling into the routine. Bought all the modules and improvements to make Z-31 contestable. Using the secret documents mods earned in the game also helps your battle performance is certain ways - buffing your damage prospects whilst decreasing enemy damage chances. 

The two Allied cruisers showing up are the Dido and Baltimore. They appear at different times and never together. The two battleships that appear are the Nelson and Queen Elizabeth. The Allied destroyers you will face include such historical ships as the Jervis, Icarus, Benson, Stord, Huron, to name those that I recall. The carrier varies although I recall seeing the Audacious.

I managed to complete all the mission phases for this Part. Subsequent rewards is a drop of a D-Day container. These include among the usual nothing rewards a chance to obtain new ships, such as the Rodney. Not that fussed about them to be honest as the chances are slim. 


Clan Naval Battles are happening this weekend. New clan members are jumping right in and proving their worth already. I will see how the clan is faring against our latest opponent to see if it's worth mu while bothering to join in. Noticing new members and winrate improving for many so I may have to "put in the effort" or else look elsewhere for another clan. Or simply go solo. Probably the last option as I am getting really bored with this game. 


PC Gaming: New Games

Saw a new Jingles video on YouTube today and am keen to try out a couple of the new games he's recommending. Downloaded The Alters demo game on his recommendation. But am also keen to try out Little Kitty Big City, a fun casual cat game that's not as involved as Stray which, incidentally, I've not touched since my old PC crashed just starting necessitating buying a new gaming PC. Also wanting to try out the classic Days Gone game because I enjoy a game with a good narrative. 


Canvas Eagles

Gaming buddy caught up with several others for an evening game of Canvas Eagles today. The thought of mult-plane games is enticing to me but it's just a casual thing with these guys so any serious consideration of a league or competition depends on several factors, all outside my control or concern. Nice thought though. He sent through a few pics of tonight's engagement. 

Recognise the DH-2 push plane (left middle), the Fokker Eindecker (E-3), and the French Morane single wing (bottom right). Not sure about the other two planes - think the multi-patterned camo is either a Haberstadt or LFG Roland CII. The top left plane is French, possibly a Nieuport 11. So guessing this is likely an Early War period game. 

Mate later informed me he shot down the Eindecker in the above game. Expected that of the DH2 as it's firing arc is its greatest advantage whereas the Eindecker is fixed forward and therefore limited.

Two games were played between four players. Know my gaming buddy took his DH2 and black Fokker Drei from the photos supplied. 

Noticed the bases of the other planes looked similar to mine although thinner rods are used with determining elevation done using dice. Dissimilar to the rods I use which are telescopic and therefore give a 3D view. You could tell my gaming buddy's base went that little bit extra though because he's decorated it to resemble churned-up battleground a la World War One. Very realistic as well as eye-catching. 

Another scene from the second game. Mate is flying his distinctive black Fokker Dr-1. He looks to be chasing a French Niueport 28 aided by his companion who looks to be in Fokker D VII but can't too sure. 


Boris & Bevin - A couple of power play warbands

Mate also sent through a couple of pics of warbands. Not sure if they're from the same group he gamed with tonight although he did say that one of the lads is keen to get into B&B. If so, and these are his warbands, then he's heavily invested in the game.

That badger in plate armour looks menacing, ready to dong someone into oblivion. Thinking he is part of a Rogue warband. Or even a Wildbeast lot. Not sure until it's revealed.

Another tough looking warband with a couple of hare knights and a massive bulldog knight in the background. Thinking this might be a Royalist warband just going off the knight figures. Nice colour scheme. Basing is perfect.  


16 June 2024

World of Warships

D-Day: Part Two - The German perspective

Another session play the D-Day event game. Enjoying it more so because it's relatively stress-free and fairly mechanical insofar as I don't have to think much - if at all. It does foster team work and team play because the AI (bots) are more accurate and relentless. Perhaps more so than Co-Op mode although not as much as Operations mode. And the rewards are okay if nothing spectacular; not expecting any new free ships from the D-Day crates whatsoever. 

Spent some money to unlock the second level of the Battle Pass event; price keeps rising so I noticed. But I don't mind the expenditure because it's okay value for the rewards. Fair exchange I guess.

Had a quick look at how the clan is performing in Naval Battles. They are doing good. I believe they are moving up the clan battles as last time I look they're now at Level 1 whereas before they were at the lower Level 3. So I am guessing. It seems the clan now has access to clan battles on the NA server as well as our own ASIA server. Interesting.


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