Monday, May 6, 2024

6 April 2024: "Time is made up of zones..." Dave Allen

A WIP short report showing a typical hobby-filled day. Well sorta...Did little really during the night session other than focusing on faces, swords, and hats with some new acrylics acquired the other day. Still in the basecoating stage. 

Did a test display to see how they are looking. Units are Pickering's Foot and Butler's Horse, part of the New Model. They're looking good so far. Going to work on the pikes for the Foot unit next before attaching them. As for the Ironsides, I'm going to start gluing them to their base once I've finished the detailing stage.

The lone command figure of Earl of Manchester was added simply because I like looking at it. Will likely paint up Lord Fairfax next so will have a new model to adore. 

Mostly worked on my set of Orders Cards during the night owl session. Did a test print run and was pleased enough with the output apart from a few design and printing problems - low toner ink, page alignments, etc. Hoping to have the deck printed and laminated and ready to use by next weekend.



After kipping a few hours I awoke and began to finish the design part of the Orders Card but then ran out of toner ink as I was attempting to output a test print of the second page. Initially it was aligning of the front and back pages that took up numerous test print runs. In the end, after several attempts, I believe I had got it right then printer said "Change my ink toner, sir". Dang!

To top off the long day, the cheap laminator I had would not heat up. Tried several times. So, a new set of laser printer ink toners and a new laminator are happening this week. Mind you, the last time I used the laminator was several months ago. And this brand has the habit of working fine for a while before going belly up, contrary to the glowing reports otherwise on the retailer's website for this laminator. 

Anyway, this is the final design I've come up with for my own personal card set. Using MS Paint for the designing part. Bare-basic but functional. 

Front of card shown above. Keeping it simple after receiving feedback and corrections from the gaming group. Banding is in the various faction colour, in this case Parliament. Easy enough to switch to different factions by changing the banding colour - Blue for Montrose, Light Blue for Covenanters, and Red for Royalists. 

Back of the card. Copying the style from another card set I own, the naval dreadnought set. Image is a snippet from a familiar ECW painting. Dispensed with the "Victory Without Quarter" wording as there is no need to overstate the obvious. Once I buy the new laminator, I will post images of the set of sixteen cards.


While hunting down the laminator, which was in the same room all along, I came across my loot from both Briscon and the Dice Spot.

Owl-bear, 3D printed monster. Size comparison with my Oathmark B&B weasel crossbowman which incidentally came off its base when I attempted (stupidly) to bend the figure forward using brute strength: figure ripped from its base and now needs regluing. 

Anyone who really knows me knows that I exhibit obsessive compulsive behaviour traits. Such is my fascination - almost obsession - for dice explained. Long ago I had a very large dice collection; sadly I had to sell them off. Anyway, visiting Dice Spot on the hunt for some poly dice sets, I happened on these going cheaply (well, $8 is cheap compared to what they're selling for nowadays). Bought what remained and going at this fabulous bargain price. In the process I kept laughing to myself. Am I about to resume my dice collection anew, I wonder.

Spotted these first. It was the colour that caught my eye. Easily my favourite set even if they would roll awful during the first Rickyton B&B game.


Liking this set more and more each time I view them. But at first glance, I found the colour combination odd. But they performed well enough in the second Rickyton B&B game so they are worming their way into my affection.

Blue and white set. 

Purple and gold set.

I call these red even though they're more red-purple or red-violet. 

What is missing is a green set. But this was all that was left on the dice stand at the shop. Mate bought a similar set (blue and white) but they cost him over ten dollars! Definitely got the bargain but lost the game so it evens out.

However, today I discovered another set from Oathmark which was part of the first warband bundle I purchased some time back, buried and forgotten until now. 

All dice are Chessex brand. You can easily tell by their numbers and the slightly rounded edges and corners. Chessex is US. They do custom orders as when I had recourse to purchase a custom lot for my FoGN tournament many years back. And they formed a large part of my dice collection back in the day. Also got other brands but Chessex for the win for me. Just enjoyed their style without being too ostentatious or gaudy or weird. Just dice. Cheers....


Thinking we need a dice tower...

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