Saturday, May 25, 2024

27 May 2024: Weekly digest

20 April 2024 (Monday)

Going with this weekly digest format because it's more convenient for me in terms of saving me space with this blogsite. If the situation warrants it urgently (highly doubt it) I will post individually,  otherwise I will go with this weekly summary of hobby endeavours and the occasional life moments. Most bloggers usually present the end-product, but I'm more into the journey rather than the destination because I already know there are plenty of destinations in one travels. While it's the journey you remember the most more vividly.


World of Warship

Playing Random battle mode is completely different from Co-Op in certain ways. But some ways never change, namely you play for yourself. Team play doesn't really exist in Randoms; it's an illusion as well as a delusion right from the start. If you go in with that mindset that it's a team game, you are headed for major disappointment. Play for yourself at least until you get an idea how the rest of your "team" is playing. Going in with that mindset will spare you rage moments. And on the Asian server, especially, disappointment in your team is very much the norm. Worst part is, for most English is not a first language so you're raging nonsensically anyway - at least to those non-English speakers. 

Often a cluster of your teammates from the outset will collectively head in one direction. Follow them if unsure of tackling the opposing side on your own, especially with cruisers and battleships. Destroyers, not so much as their advantage is their stealth (the smaller their detection, the better) and their importance to scouting is crucial to any plan meriting success. Without their eyes, your team is as blind and as useful as tits on a bull.

Destroyers are important to capping which is a given. Capping earns your team points. The longer you hold a cap, points will accumulate much faster. It is known as playing the objective. And capping is easily one of the game's objectives when present. 

Currently there are only three battle types available. Standard battles have no caps other than opposing starting bases and its main objective is twofold: (1) the destruction of the enemy team and (2) capturing opposing base. Arms Race are buffs useful to your team so capture as many as possible. Domination is the battle type with multiple cap circles. There are other battle types that make their appearance from time to time - Airship Escort (popular), Asymmetric (popular), Brawls (meh), and others. Epicentre was removed in Update 11.4.

Causing disruption to the enemy is also another major DD role. Sneaking up and harassing the enemy who can't locate you is a definite advantage destroyers offer the intrepid player. Take note of your own detection range if you want to scout. Stay just outside that detection range otherwise you'll get focus fired on quicker than you might eat a few mouthfuls of a full English breakfast. 

Cruisers are useful for several reasons. Of those I've observed, they're handy in a big way as support for your destroyers. Effective in smashing enemy DDs, cruisers should hang back and not YOLO so much (a bad habit I exhibit), ideally near by or behind an island or using smoke if they have a long-lasting one. If they can lob shells, use them to farm opposing unwary enemy ships. Never ever be afraid to kite away; that invariably will save you much grief as most cruisers have paper-thin armour. And they can be easily deleted by one salvo if you're foolish enought to present broadside, especially to an enemy battleship.

Which leads to learning about situational awareness. And using the mini map ALL the time; by that, I mean continually checking it for your own safety and protection. 

In one Random game yesterday, I was playing the French cruiser De Grasse on the Fault Line map and hanging back using the island to block LOS (me in yellow circle) while combatting the enemy to our front when I looked at the mini map and suddenly spotted an enemy destroyer (red arrow) - the US Nicholas - suddenly emerging from around the same island from my port side only a few kilometres away. 

At the time, it was just myself and a friendly Delhi holding the right flank. My teammate (at my four o'clock position - green circle) was in smoke busy launching torps and firing at the enemy ships (large red circle) to our front and wasn't aware of what was happening until it was too late. I reacted quickest though and immediately used my guns to whittle damage on the enemy DD whilst launching a salvo of torps I had been saving. My teammate soon joined in and together we sunk the Nicholas and thereby averted what would have been a potential disaster as the enemy was being pressed our way by our other teammates pushing far the other side of the map.

Footnote: I don't think the Nicholas player was any good as he could have easily dealt to us both instead of allowing us time to react. But it's a good example of what a sneaky DD can do if you're not paying attention to your mini map. 

For me, any cruiser with the shortest reload time is very handy. Some time ago, I went through a list of suitable cruisers fulfilling that criterion from Tier I through to the Supership class. Came up with some interesting ships. Top of my short list was Jinan with 3 second reload standard. Second came Minotaur with 3.2 seconds standard. Third was Sejong with 4.5 seconds standard. Fourth, and I found this interesting, was the Tier VII US premium Atlanta, which the best of the mid-tiered ships. The top three are in the higher tiered bracket (Tier IX and above). Overall though that's not a bad asset to have for cruisers: very handy for farming opposing ships. 

Radar and Hydroacoustic radar are general standard tools for cruisers. Having one or both is very much an asset to have given their poor armour performance. If you add defensive AA, then the stats for cruisers improve that much more. But not by much, especially against carriers and carrier-borne aircraft in this game. 

Sidenote: Submarine Radar is designed to locate submarines at depth. I don't believe it's a surface radar device but I have yet to fully test it. May do so with the Commonwealth cruiser line as they have it as part of the build. However, I mention it because I see it often in games. Also, don't turn on Hydro as soon as the game commences: it's a noob mistake that I did until I learned otherwise. That otherwise is that hydro is range-limited so its use is limited by its range of only 3 or so kms. Beyond that, nothing. 

Cruisers is not an easy class to play, so I've found. And it is one I am now currently focusing on mastering the basic skills. In relation to the other two classes, cruisers came last in estimation and playing value.

Battleships are supposedly the top dog of surface ships. I say supposedly as carriers and submarines have pretty much taken over that king of the hill status in this game. They're a favourite with the business for some reason. Nevertheless, a good battleship is an anchor point. Its large guns, heavy armour (in comparison to destroyers and cruisers) are two of its high points. But its mobility is its weak point. So play your BB closer to the back supporting your team's push whilst contesting enemy pushes. I have little problem playing BB so won't say much. Dispersion can be your friend or foe depending on the day. Top BBs in my opinion, and suiting my particular play style, in no particular order, include most recommended ones. 

My current favourite is the Tier X US premium Ohio. I use it exclusively in Asymmetric and it has never disappointed me. I just love her durability against the lower-tiered ships she fronts up against in this game mode. 

Another favourite is the German Tier IX premium Pommern. Used her a lot in the past year as a credit earner. She is a very tanky brawler. Only has short-ranged 7 km torps so she adds punch to her already handy guns while her secondaries could range out further (up to 12km) so she is pretty potent when switched on...that is until you reach her Tier X successor, the even more deadly Schlieffen.

The British Tier VII Hood - like many other historical ships - offer unique play styles if mindful of her historical precedent. And that sniff of historical value can add a heady incentive (well, in my mind at least). 

In my earlier grinding days (2019-21), I played the Japanese tech tree line a lot. In Random and Ranked as well. But when I reached Yamato I switched to the other nations without regret. Fond memories? Not really. They served their purpose. Much like the US tech tree line: once I reached the Montana, I never returned except to play the lower tiered on-offer premium ships like the West Virginia '44. The US tech tree line, especially the slow battleship line culminating in the potent but slow Vermont, was excruiating to play many times over, especially around the Kansas, Colorado, Minnesota. The fast-battleship line (Iowa and North Carolina et al) was an improvement but not by that much; mobility was offset and often negated against other nations' equivalent firepower - especially the always OP Soviet line. 

In Randoms, I haven't used a battleship in a long while, not since my Amagi days. I mostly play cruisers nowadays because I struggle in them and trying to adapt to their particular play style. Having only played less than five hundred battles in Random in total in over five years marks me as a potato noob. But it's okay; no one is judging me worst than myself. And these days, I am trying to be more forgiving of myself. It's a game after all, so I keep reassuring myself. Lol. Cheers.


Painting and Cards

On the planning schedule this are usual suspects with a couple of extras:

  • Montagu's Foot (finish off basecoating)
  • Skippon's Foot (basecoat painting started)
  • Vermuyden's Horse (finish off basecoating)
  • Ireton's Horse (new unit of Ironsides)
  • Artillery (guns mainly)
  • Fairfax and his headquarters (start detailing?)
Design work and printing this work:
  • B&B magic spell cards (finish)
  • B&B QRS 
  • B&B Roster sheets


World of Warships

A very long grind in World of Warships today leaving me out of sorts. It happens when I overplay the game. But persisted because I needed to finish the two final Dockyard Event mission task (spotting damage in DD and earning five achievements). And I tried one last time to help the clan out in the Naval Battle. Got beat however in the end despite my contribution. At least I am becoming more and more comfortable playing destroyers and cruisers in Randoms. Ran the Jianwei, a Pan-Asian Tier V destroyer with deep water torps, smoke, weak guns. Out of seven or eight attempts was on the winning side twice, and one of those successes enabled me to earn the +2 bonus. But, as stated, not enough to advance each successive level. Ended the session playing in Operations mode in the European Tier VII destroyer Stord '43. While the others went the other way, I was left to myself to tackle the forts on my own as well as deal to the enemy ships heading my way. Then once we'd breached the enemy defences, we had to vamoose to our exit point whilst dealing with enemy reinforcements. Had help from two US battleships and our carrier as I set myself up in the middle (the remainder went to secure our exit point) and we dealt with each successive wave of enemy reinforcements. My two battleship comrades fell one by one as we successfully held our ground and won out in the end. Surprise, surprise; I earned two achievements to close out the Dockyard event mission and earn 250 steel plus 10% clan bonus. 

The Stord '43 is a really decent destroyer as I have found today, and it is becoming a firm favourite. It holds it own in Randoms and Operations. 10 km torps (4 in each salvo) means it is a handy at area denial. Decent guns so you can trade against enemy gunboats from the same or lower tiers or finish off critically wounded cruisers and even battleships. Smoke is handy but you pay the penalty for smoke firing. Really good brakes for those obvious torps. Despite poor reviews I like her and she really helps me to focus playing destroyers. 

The Tier V Jianwei Pan-Asian destroyer (the one I played in Naval Battles) is lightweight and that's about it. Deepwater torps (around 7+ km range), no good in a gun fight, hydro and smoke, and sluggish maneouvrability are its main attributes. But I persevered and managed to earn 2 stars in it in Randoms by pushing into the middle cap and playing arena combat, ably supported by fellow teammates with a few lucky breaks. 


21 April 2024 (Tuesday)

World of Warships

I enjoy watching replays of WOWS by other players, some of whom stream their endeavours while other submit replays from subscribers. 

Watching one favourite YT streamer of WOWS tonight. He was in a Gold Ranked match. Not three minutes in when the game suddenly got cancelled and he found himself back in port. He was surprised, claiming it was first time it's ever happened to him. And no one knows the reason although comments and chat verify the same has also happened to them recently. Must be an Update bug. Or maybe server bill not paid? Who knows. 

On the other hand, watched another Game of Throws episode courtesy of Jingles and it was a doozy. The team (Random battles with 12 per side) was down nearly nine hundred points throughout as the opposition kept doing everything right. Except win out. The underdog came back twice with the surviving players chipping in when needed. A highlight was the Delny on the opposition sside being AFK for much of the match - even his teammates wanted him reported (not that does anything as WG don't care). He was quickly blatted out of existence once spotted and recognised by his inactivity. 

I do like the contrasts and variety you get with WOWS plays being streamed. In still another stream tonight a subscribed YT WOW streamer was detailing the standard and unique builds for playing battleships of any nation. Handy to me as I don't really pay that much attention; as long as it works, I'm fine. 


Bed & Breakfast

WIP on Owl-Bear beast tonight...slow though...very slow....!

Worked on fur-feathers tonight. Added yellow, red, and orange using drybrushing technique to see what works. Also reworked the eye but hand slipped as I was about to dot the eye. Hand shakes happen frequently now. Plus frustration with the paint quality that is becoming intolerable. But I persevere because it's not too disruptive for now.

Front-on view. I'm liking the arrangement thus far with the chest feathers different from the bear-type fure. Also worked on the base, adding colour to the distinguishing pieces thereon. 

Other side view. Never done an owl-bear before so have no reference to base this painting attempt, not that it really matters. Biggest concern at the moment is trying to figure out where this monster of a beast fits on the creature listing. Beast with far sightedness? Raptor with the strength and ferocity of a bear? Or a wise creature that happens to enjoy ripping you to shreds? Lots of possibilities...

Side view of back. Not much work done on the back part yet as I concentrate more on the front view. Once that's sorted out, the rest will follow naturally. 

Opposite side view of same back. Cheers.


23 April 2024


Last night experimented with Owl-Bear as it looked too "clean" so bloodied it up a bit; unfortunately no trace of what Fidgad had just devoured. 

Still undecided on final colour scheme though but there is no until June or July before next game of Bilbo & Bagshot.


World of Warships

Thought about playing the newly unlocked seventh mission in the Dockyard Event but eventually decided against it. The last two days playing WOWS was frustrating to say the least and I wasn't prepared to torment myself again today.

And for the eventual rewardd of 250 steel, there's a lot of playing involved (especially in Co-Op) that just isn't worth both the time or effort. Time? Several hours - sometimes successive days - is time wasting. Effort? Steel can be had playing Ranked or Clan battles in larger amounts than the paltry 250 offered: one winning game in Ranked or Clan battles gets you that steel in one-go. Playing multiple games (one hundred-plus at a base minimum) is simply not a smart move especially as I have all the tech tree line ships.

And if the seventh mission is bad for the number of hoops to jump through, the eight and final one is worst of all. So, I simply chose to log in this morning, grab the daily reward, and then logged out. 

Of future endeavours in this game, I am looking at resetting some tech lines and playing for Research points as it's still something I've not attempted yet. I just need to familiarise myself with the requirements. Research Bureau ships that I am interested at the moment consists of only two ships, Vampire II (or Vamp Deuce as it's commonly known) and Paolo Emilio (or YOLO Emilio cos it's dangerous when played aggressively). RB ships are costly though because RB points are hard to come by except through Battle Pass events or other special Events. Or through resetting a line. 

The other avenue currently interesting me is to improve the winrate on all those ships I've performed badly in. Currently I have twenty-six ships (mostly lower tiered) with less than 50% winrate. 


24 April 2024


Felt obliged to do something useful yesterday so mowed the front lawn. Much later, I decided to pay some attention to my New Model list and started colouring-in Skippon's unit (shown below). To aid distinguishing between units on the table, Skippon's Foot will be mostly wearing brown hats with orange feathered plumes while Montagu's lads will be distinguished with black hats with violet or white plumes. 

Group shot with Montagu's regiment at the back. Pikes have been cut to size, straightened, and painted. Just need attaching once painting done.  

Flags for both Montagu's Foot and Skippon's Foot will be added as well hopefully later on today (night owl session).

Next unit to be started (hopefully tomorrow) will be Waller's Foot who will be wearing light-coloured hats (grey or tan) with black feather plumes. Cheers.


Waller's Foot below,  filed and trimmed and placed on bases. New start...

Farifax's Foot below, similar treatment as Waller's lot...

Basing experiment on Earl of Manchester...just a start, mind you...

Further work done in Night Owl session shown below...

Sort of getting into a rhythm...Waller's Foot. Going with lighter colour hats for the musketeers.

Fairfax's Foot. Darker hats and orange sashes are the distinctive features of this unit. Shown in front are the pikes. All the Foot units now have pikes. Flag poles will be red coloured. Cheers.


World of Snoreships

Logged in and was about to log out but instead decided to play a couple of rounds to complete the next level in the Azur Lane Battle Pass. Chose the German premium light cruiser the Tier VI Leipzig and plonked my 21-pt Unique Commander Lutjens on her and sailed about merrily and generally played on autopilot in Co-Op. Anyway, initial plan went out the door however as I decided to linger longer to earn the Daily Loot (coal) crates. Was about to leave once done when I got notification the next Clan Battle season was about to begin...on the ASIA server. Our clan normally fights on the NA server (how that came about is something I don't know about but accepted as fact). Notification included changes to the Clan battle rules. I assumed that meant our clan would have to fight on the ASIA server because that was what the notification proclaimed. Not sure it will go down well with the higher-ups in the Clan because the ASIA server is probably the worst to play (skill and toxicity) while the NA server has the least number but at least English is the primary language; EU is the top server for players patronage and skill level while CHN replaces the Russian server because of the Russo-Ukraine war. Will see what happens. Another round of Naval Battles began tonight. The +2 bonus attempt got my interest, and one happened to be on the German cruiser. Hence why I chose Leipzig. Missed out on the Al Littorio 80% discount as it was only being offered in the Premium shop. No biggie as I hear it's just an upgraded Roma. Checked out the chances of obtaining the Tier X carrier Essex which was part of an Early Access event some upgrades ago. Had the credits but lacked the necessary Free XP. No biggie. *Yawn*


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