Saturday, May 25, 2024

27 May 2024: Weekly digest

20 April 2024 (Monday)

Going with this weekly digest format because it's more convenient for me in terms of saving me space with this blogsite. If the situation warrants it urgently (highly doubt it) I will post individually,  otherwise I will go with this weekly summary of hobby endeavours and the occasional life moments. Most bloggers usually present the end-product, but I'm more into the journey rather than the destination because I already know there are plenty of destinations in one travels. While it's the journey you remember the most more vividly.


World of Warship

Playing Random battle mode is completely different from Co-Op in certain ways. But some ways never change, namely you play for yourself. Team play doesn't really exist in Randoms; it's an illusion as well as a delusion right from the start. If you go in with that mindset that it's a team game, you are headed for major disappointment. Play for yourself at least until you get an idea how the rest of your "team" is playing. Going in with that mindset will spare you rage moments. And on the Asian server, especially, disappointment in your team is very much the norm. Worst part is, for most English is not a first language so you're raging nonsensically anyway - at least to those non-English speakers. 

Often a cluster of your teammates from the outset will collectively head in one direction. Follow them if unsure of tackling the opposing side on your own, especially with cruisers and battleships. Destroyers, not so much as their advantage is their stealth (the smaller their detection, the better) and their importance to scouting is crucial to any plan meriting success. Without their eyes, your team is as blind and as useful as tits on a bull.

Destroyers are important to capping which is a given. Capping earns your team points. The longer you hold a cap, points will accumulate much faster. It is known as playing the objective. And capping is easily one of the game's objectives when present. 

Currently there are only three battle types available. Standard battles have no caps other than opposing starting bases and its main objective is twofold: (1) the destruction of the enemy team and (2) capturing opposing base. Arms Race are buffs useful to your team so capture as many as possible. Domination is the battle type with multiple cap circles. There are other battle types that make their appearance from time to time - Airship Escort (popular), Asymmetric (popular), Brawls (meh), and others. Epicentre was removed in Update 11.4.

Causing disruption to the enemy is also another major DD role. Sneaking up and harassing the enemy who can't locate you is a definite advantage destroyers offer the intrepid player. Take note of your own detection range if you want to scout. Stay just outside that detection range otherwise you'll get focus fired on quicker than you might eat a few mouthfuls of a full English breakfast. 

Cruisers are useful for several reasons. Of those I've observed, they're handy in a big way as support for your destroyers. Effective in smashing enemy DDs, cruisers should hang back and not YOLO so much (a bad habit I exhibit), ideally near by or behind an island or using smoke if they have a long-lasting one. If they can lob shells, use them to farm opposing unwary enemy ships. Never ever be afraid to kite away; that invariably will save you much grief as most cruisers have paper-thin armour. And they can be easily deleted by one salvo if you're foolish enought to present broadside, especially to an enemy battleship.

Which leads to learning about situational awareness. And using the mini map ALL the time; by that, I mean continually checking it for your own safety and protection. 

In one Random game yesterday, I was playing the French cruiser De Grasse on the Fault Line map and hanging back using the island to block LOS (me in yellow circle) while combatting the enemy to our front when I looked at the mini map and suddenly spotted an enemy destroyer (red arrow) - the US Nicholas - suddenly emerging from around the same island from my port side only a few kilometres away. 

At the time, it was just myself and a friendly Delhi holding the right flank. My teammate (at my four o'clock position - green circle) was in smoke busy launching torps and firing at the enemy ships (large red circle) to our front and wasn't aware of what was happening until it was too late. I reacted quickest though and immediately used my guns to whittle damage on the enemy DD whilst launching a salvo of torps I had been saving. My teammate soon joined in and together we sunk the Nicholas and thereby averted what would have been a potential disaster as the enemy was being pressed our way by our other teammates pushing far the other side of the map.

Footnote: I don't think the Nicholas player was any good as he could have easily dealt to us both instead of allowing us time to react. But it's a good example of what a sneaky DD can do if you're not paying attention to your mini map. 

For me, any cruiser with the shortest reload time is very handy. Some time ago, I went through a list of suitable cruisers fulfilling that criterion from Tier I through to the Supership class. Came up with some interesting ships. Top of my short list was Jinan with 3 second reload standard. Second came Minotaur with 3.2 seconds standard. Third was Sejong with 4.5 seconds standard. Fourth, and I found this interesting, was the Tier VII US premium Atlanta, which the best of the mid-tiered ships. The top three are in the higher tiered bracket (Tier IX and above). Overall though that's not a bad asset to have for cruisers: very handy for farming opposing ships. 

Radar and Hydroacoustic radar are general standard tools for cruisers. Having one or both is very much an asset to have given their poor armour performance. If you add defensive AA, then the stats for cruisers improve that much more. But not by much, especially against carriers and carrier-borne aircraft in this game. 

Sidenote: Submarine Radar is designed to locate submarines at depth. I don't believe it's a surface radar device but I have yet to fully test it. May do so with the Commonwealth cruiser line as they have it as part of the build. However, I mention it because I see it often in games. Also, don't turn on Hydro as soon as the game commences: it's a noob mistake that I did until I learned otherwise. That otherwise is that hydro is range-limited so its use is limited by its range of only 3 or so kms. Beyond that, nothing. 

Cruisers is not an easy class to play, so I've found. And it is one I am now currently focusing on mastering the basic skills. In relation to the other two classes, cruisers came last in estimation and playing value.

Battleships are supposedly the top dog of surface ships. I say supposedly as carriers and submarines have pretty much taken over that king of the hill status in this game. They're a favourite with the business for some reason. Nevertheless, a good battleship is an anchor point. Its large guns, heavy armour (in comparison to destroyers and cruisers) are two of its high points. But its mobility is its weak point. So play your BB closer to the back supporting your team's push whilst contesting enemy pushes. I have little problem playing BB so won't say much. Dispersion can be your friend or foe depending on the day. Top BBs in my opinion, and suiting my particular play style, in no particular order, include most recommended ones. 

My current favourite is the Tier X US premium Ohio. I use it exclusively in Asymmetric and it has never disappointed me. I just love her durability against the lower-tiered ships she fronts up against in this game mode. 

Another favourite is the German Tier IX premium Pommern. Used her a lot in the past year as a credit earner. She is a very tanky brawler. Only has short-ranged 7 km torps so she adds punch to her already handy guns while her secondaries could range out further (up to 12km) so she is pretty potent when switched on...that is until you reach her Tier X successor, the even more deadly Schlieffen.

The British Tier VII Hood - like many other historical ships - offer unique play styles if mindful of her historical precedent. And that sniff of historical value can add a heady incentive (well, in my mind at least). 

In my earlier grinding days (2019-21), I played the Japanese tech tree line a lot. In Random and Ranked as well. But when I reached Yamato I switched to the other nations without regret. Fond memories? Not really. They served their purpose. Much like the US tech tree line: once I reached the Montana, I never returned except to play the lower tiered on-offer premium ships like the West Virginia '44. The US tech tree line, especially the slow battleship line culminating in the potent but slow Vermont, was excruiating to play many times over, especially around the Kansas, Colorado, Minnesota. The fast-battleship line (Iowa and North Carolina et al) was an improvement but not by that much; mobility was offset and often negated against other nations' equivalent firepower - especially the always OP Soviet line. 

In Randoms, I haven't used a battleship in a long while, not since my Amagi days. I mostly play cruisers nowadays because I struggle in them and trying to adapt to their particular play style. Having only played less than five hundred battles in Random in total in over five years marks me as a potato noob. But it's okay; no one is judging me worst than myself. And these days, I am trying to be more forgiving of myself. It's a game after all, so I keep reassuring myself. Lol. Cheers.


Painting and Cards

On the planning schedule this are usual suspects with a couple of extras:

  • Montagu's Foot (finish off basecoating)
  • Skippon's Foot (basecoat painting started)
  • Vermuyden's Horse (finish off basecoating)
  • Ireton's Horse (new unit of Ironsides)
  • Artillery (guns mainly)
  • Fairfax and his headquarters (start detailing?)
Design work and printing this work:
  • B&B magic spell cards (finish)
  • B&B QRS 
  • B&B Roster sheets


World of Warships

A very long grind in World of Warships today leaving me out of sorts. It happens when I overplay the game. But persisted because I needed to finish the two final Dockyard Event mission task (spotting damage in DD and earning five achievements). And I tried one last time to help the clan out in the Naval Battle. Got beat however in the end despite my contribution. At least I am becoming more and more comfortable playing destroyers and cruisers in Randoms. Ran the Jianwei, a Pan-Asian Tier V destroyer with deep water torps, smoke, weak guns. Out of seven or eight attempts was on the winning side twice, and one of those successes enabled me to earn the +2 bonus. But, as stated, not enough to advance each successive level. Ended the session playing in Operations mode in the European Tier VII destroyer Stord '43. While the others went the other way, I was left to myself to tackle the forts on my own as well as deal to the enemy ships heading my way. Then once we'd breached the enemy defences, we had to vamoose to our exit point whilst dealing with enemy reinforcements. Had help from two US battleships and our carrier as I set myself up in the middle (the remainder went to secure our exit point) and we dealt with each successive wave of enemy reinforcements. My two battleship comrades fell one by one as we successfully held our ground and won out in the end. Surprise, surprise; I earned two achievements to close out the Dockyard event mission and earn 250 steel plus 10% clan bonus. 

The Stord '43 is a really decent destroyer as I have found today, and it is becoming a firm favourite. It holds it own in Randoms and Operations. 10 km torps (4 in each salvo) means it is a handy at area denial. Decent guns so you can trade against enemy gunboats from the same or lower tiers or finish off critically wounded cruisers and even battleships. Smoke is handy but you pay the penalty for smoke firing. Really good brakes for those obvious torps. Despite poor reviews I like her and she really helps me to focus playing destroyers. 

The Tier V Jianwei Pan-Asian destroyer (the one I played in Naval Battles) is lightweight and that's about it. Deepwater torps (around 7+ km range), no good in a gun fight, hydro and smoke, and sluggish maneouvrability are its main attributes. But I persevered and managed to earn 2 stars in it in Randoms by pushing into the middle cap and playing arena combat, ably supported by fellow teammates with a few lucky breaks. 


21 April 2024 (Tuesday)

World of Warships

I enjoy watching replays of WOWS by other players, some of whom stream their endeavours while other submit replays from subscribers. 

Watching one favourite YT streamer of WOWS tonight. He was in a Gold Ranked match. Not three minutes in when the game suddenly got cancelled and he found himself back in port. He was surprised, claiming it was first time it's ever happened to him. And no one knows the reason although comments and chat verify the same has also happened to them recently. Must be an Update bug. Or maybe server bill not paid? Who knows. 

On the other hand, watched another Game of Throws episode courtesy of Jingles and it was a doozy. The team (Random battles with 12 per side) was down nearly nine hundred points throughout as the opposition kept doing everything right. Except win out. The underdog came back twice with the surviving players chipping in when needed. A highlight was the Delny on the opposition sside being AFK for much of the match - even his teammates wanted him reported (not that does anything as WG don't care). He was quickly blatted out of existence once spotted and recognised by his inactivity. 

I do like the contrasts and variety you get with WOWS plays being streamed. In still another stream tonight a subscribed YT WOW streamer was detailing the standard and unique builds for playing battleships of any nation. Handy to me as I don't really pay that much attention; as long as it works, I'm fine. 


Bed & Breakfast

WIP on Owl-Bear beast tonight...slow though...very slow....!

Worked on fur-feathers tonight. Added yellow, red, and orange using drybrushing technique to see what works. Also reworked the eye but hand slipped as I was about to dot the eye. Hand shakes happen frequently now. Plus frustration with the paint quality that is becoming intolerable. But I persevere because it's not too disruptive for now.

Front-on view. I'm liking the arrangement thus far with the chest feathers different from the bear-type fure. Also worked on the base, adding colour to the distinguishing pieces thereon. 

Other side view. Never done an owl-bear before so have no reference to base this painting attempt, not that it really matters. Biggest concern at the moment is trying to figure out where this monster of a beast fits on the creature listing. Beast with far sightedness? Raptor with the strength and ferocity of a bear? Or a wise creature that happens to enjoy ripping you to shreds? Lots of possibilities...

Side view of back. Not much work done on the back part yet as I concentrate more on the front view. Once that's sorted out, the rest will follow naturally. 

Opposite side view of same back. Cheers.


23 April 2024


Last night experimented with Owl-Bear as it looked too "clean" so bloodied it up a bit; unfortunately no trace of what Fidgad had just devoured. 

Still undecided on final colour scheme though but there is no until June or July before next game of Bilbo & Bagshot.


World of Warships

Thought about playing the newly unlocked seventh mission in the Dockyard Event but eventually decided against it. The last two days playing WOWS was frustrating to say the least and I wasn't prepared to torment myself again today.

And for the eventual rewardd of 250 steel, there's a lot of playing involved (especially in Co-Op) that just isn't worth both the time or effort. Time? Several hours - sometimes successive days - is time wasting. Effort? Steel can be had playing Ranked or Clan battles in larger amounts than the paltry 250 offered: one winning game in Ranked or Clan battles gets you that steel in one-go. Playing multiple games (one hundred-plus at a base minimum) is simply not a smart move especially as I have all the tech tree line ships.

And if the seventh mission is bad for the number of hoops to jump through, the eight and final one is worst of all. So, I simply chose to log in this morning, grab the daily reward, and then logged out. 

Of future endeavours in this game, I am looking at resetting some tech lines and playing for Research points as it's still something I've not attempted yet. I just need to familiarise myself with the requirements. Research Bureau ships that I am interested at the moment consists of only two ships, Vampire II (or Vamp Deuce as it's commonly known) and Paolo Emilio (or YOLO Emilio cos it's dangerous when played aggressively). RB ships are costly though because RB points are hard to come by except through Battle Pass events or other special Events. Or through resetting a line. 

The other avenue currently interesting me is to improve the winrate on all those ships I've performed badly in. Currently I have twenty-six ships (mostly lower tiered) with less than 50% winrate. 


24 April 2024


Felt obliged to do something useful yesterday so mowed the front lawn. Much later, I decided to pay some attention to my New Model list and started colouring-in Skippon's unit (shown below). To aid distinguishing between units on the table, Skippon's Foot will be mostly wearing brown hats with orange feathered plumes while Montagu's lads will be distinguished with black hats with violet or white plumes. 

Group shot with Montagu's regiment at the back. Pikes have been cut to size, straightened, and painted. Just need attaching once painting done.  

Flags for both Montagu's Foot and Skippon's Foot will be added as well hopefully later on today (night owl session).

Next unit to be started (hopefully tomorrow) will be Waller's Foot who will be wearing light-coloured hats (grey or tan) with black feather plumes. Cheers.


Waller's Foot below,  filed and trimmed and placed on bases. New start...

Farifax's Foot below, similar treatment as Waller's lot...

Basing experiment on Earl of Manchester...just a start, mind you...

Further work done in Night Owl session shown below...

Sort of getting into a rhythm...Waller's Foot. Going with lighter colour hats for the musketeers.

Fairfax's Foot. Darker hats and orange sashes are the distinctive features of this unit. Shown in front are the pikes. All the Foot units now have pikes. Flag poles will be red coloured. Cheers.


World of Snoreships

Logged in and was about to log out but instead decided to play a couple of rounds to complete the next level in the Azur Lane Battle Pass. Chose the German premium light cruiser the Tier VI Leipzig and plonked my 21-pt Unique Commander Lutjens on her and sailed about merrily and generally played on autopilot in Co-Op. Anyway, initial plan went out the door however as I decided to linger longer to earn the Daily Loot (coal) crates. Was about to leave once done when I got notification the next Clan Battle season was about to begin...on the ASIA server. Our clan normally fights on the NA server (how that came about is something I don't know about but accepted as fact). Notification included changes to the Clan battle rules. I assumed that meant our clan would have to fight on the ASIA server because that was what the notification proclaimed. Not sure it will go down well with the higher-ups in the Clan because the ASIA server is probably the worst to play (skill and toxicity) while the NA server has the least number but at least English is the primary language; EU is the top server for players patronage and skill level while CHN replaces the Russian server because of the Russo-Ukraine war. Will see what happens. Another round of Naval Battles began tonight. The +2 bonus attempt got my interest, and one happened to be on the German cruiser. Hence why I chose Leipzig. Missed out on the Al Littorio 80% discount as it was only being offered in the Premium shop. No biggie as I hear it's just an upgraded Roma. Checked out the chances of obtaining the Tier X carrier Essex which was part of an Early Access event some upgrades ago. Had the credits but lacked the necessary Free XP. No biggie. *Yawn*


Sunday, May 19, 2024

19 April 2024: A summary of the week doing hobby stuff

13 April 2024 (Monday)

Added more paint to the Foot unit for the New Model army list during the witching hour. Hoping to work on the pikes but not confident it will happen. Maybe finalise work on Butler's Horse later on today instead? Will see if it happens for real although am highly doubtful.


Did more design work on my B&B Magic User cards, the large version, at the same time as I was painting the minis. Picked the back of the card images taken from the rulebook. Will print out a trial version as and when I can. 


Popped into my local Aldi store to do some food shopping today mid-morning. Ended up walking down the middle section. Big mistake. Saw these items and instantly bought them.

Spotted this first. Keen to see what happens next. AUD4.99 each part. Got the last of the complete set in my store. 

Always wanted one. AUD14.99. Still a few left.

Already have this in various formats but this pen dispenser will do nicely for my New Model list, and can be binned thereafter. AUD11.99.

Also bought various acrylic paints (100ml tubes). The same kind you get in those $2 shops that charge up to AUD5! These were retailing for only AUD0.99. Bought several tubes of white and black because I go through those pretty quick. Assorted other colours. 


Finished initial design of the Magic User Spell cards. As intended, I went with a larger card size - 100 mm wide by 150 mm long. I borrowed images from the rulebook, modifying them using Photo before inserting them into graphic image creator MS Paint. Three different images were selected - the Mage/Wizard, the Mad Hatter, and the Toad. 

Natural Magic card example. Back (left) and front (right). Showed wife the backing and she preferred the darker green tone version while I preferred this slighter lighter tone. Note: each school spells are in the colour of the banding (frame). 

Noble Magic card example. Mad Hatter back (left) and Spell on the front (right). 

Unbound Magic card example. Toad on the back (left) and spell on the front (right). 


Backing image are for test purpose only and will change over the course of the design and print process.

Not sure about the sandy colour edging on this first test run given the multi-colours used. It make it look both redundant and pointless. I may just go with the white edging instead as shown with the back of the card.

Differentiating between the various Magic schools by using coloured banding and matching text as follows: Natural (green), Noble (yellow/orange), Dark (black), Wild (dark brown/puce), Unbound (pale blue), and Noble (purple) is an option I am currently exploring. 

Given there are six schools of magic each with six spells apiece, that means thirty-six cards in total are required. Hoping to produce a test print run of the above three examples within the next few days. Cheers.


14 April 2024 (Tuesday)

Clocked into WOWS today for the daily reward and saw that we had lost our Naval Battle against an NA clan. Correction: I did earn the star in De Grasse in the very time I ran her. Relieved because I thought I had failed altogether. Subsequent efforts to raise the next bar failed however. 

Yesterday, it was confirmed that Base XP for Naval Battles can only be earned in Co-Op, Random and Ranked battle modes. Not possible in Brawls, Operations, or Asymmetric. Which is a disappointing but then why make things easy? 

Ended the day playing one game of Operations in the French premium Tier VIII cruiser Bayard primarily to confirm what I already knew. Ran my Legendary skipper Philippe Auboyneau on her to continue upskilling certain commanders. Surprised myself by having a blast in the Operation Rose night and dawn mission. Sunk 8 ships which is a record for me personally. Tied with the Hatsuharu who also tallied 8 sinkings. Bayard is a DD killer and can handle other light cruisers equally well as she does smacking destroyers.


Concentrated on printing the game cards today. Two systems under the spotlight today: Victory without Quarter and Burrows & Badgers. Much revision as the sheet system idea did not work at all so had to fall back to doing single page images. Lots of typing involved  with VWQ requiring 60 cards and B&B needing 36 cards.

Problem, right from the start, has been aligning both front and back pages in Paint. Difficult task. Tried several approaches by measurement and alignment. However it was generally a big fail when it came to print out to A4 paper. 

Then I tried using Word itself to align the images individually (Position tool - top left corner, top right corner, bottom left corner, and bottom right corner). It proved to be more successful that previous efforts but not by much as there was still alignment issues. 

With no bleed on either side I used the banding on the front to measure off 4mm all round before using the paper cutter to trim it neatly. Not concerned with how it looks at the back, as it's the front of the card that concerns the player. With each faction coloured accordingly when a card is flipped everyone instantly knows.

The corner cutter I'm using comes in three corner sizes: 4mm, 7mm, 10mm. I've used the 7mm but it does not cut clean needing final trimming (carefully) with a pair of hand scissors. I've been searching high and low for the single 7mm cutter (got two) in the studio but I cannot find them. 

Magic spell cards for Boris and Beckett. This set belongs to the Natural magic school. Flipped the mage/wizard image from the original, and lightened even further the background colour. As you can clearly see, the back is offset quite a fair bit and thus looks lopsided. It's not helped by the 10mm corner cutter trim. Will revert to the 7mm if I can find it/them. Again, I used the Windows Position tool but this is the end result.

Original card size (100 mm x 150 mm) was reduced 70% giving a more reasonable size. The original large size works, as I suspect, if using thick card stock instead of copy paper. Anyway, this new size I am calling mid and is 70 mm x 105 mm.

I keep forgetting that printing results in darker colours. Just like acrylics. 


15 April 2024 (Wednesday)

Slow casual day of pikes and flags. Didn't mean to but ended up gluing figures to their bases. Procrastinating again. Pickering's Foot. Next lot for basecoating will be Skippon's Foot and Montagu's Foot. 

Also ended up gluing Butler's Ironsides (minus standard bearer). 


16 April 2024 (Thursday)

Dockyard Event still happening for another twenty-odd days. Playing it for the steel now that I have the Wisconsin. Ran Groningen, Atlanta, Bayard. Three more tasks to complete this mission series, aptly entitled "Temper, temper".

Update 13.4 happened yesterday. Return of the Azure Lane commanders which is also part of the new Battle Pass for this Update where these characters from part of a collectible collection. The Battle Pass final reward is a special flag. Purchasing the second level access costs 2000+ doubloons, but is it worth it for a flag as the final reward? 


Steel, that rarest of commodities, however is worth it so will play the remaining three missions for the Dockyard Event until it ends.


More figures painted...sorta. Unit of Harquebusiers (gallopers) - Vermuyden's Horse.

Revised the B&B magic spell cards after reviewing the problem of alignment. Resolved the situation simply by removing the banding on the back and extending the background colour to the card edge and bled it beyond. Once printed, I will align the cutter to use the outline of the front of the card. No picture of image as it's on my other PC and haven't bothered transferring it over yet. Will produce the full set first before showcasing.


17 April 2024 (Friday)

Times and circumstances do change. Change is, like death and taxes, one of the few certainties or constant in life these days. 

Nothing much done hobbying-wise apart from tidying a few loose ends from the week's efforts. 

I spent the early part of the day session-gaming World of Warships. Upgraded to the Tier X Cerberus, top of the line for the Commonwealth cruiser tech tree line which was made available to grind for free with the new Update. Only remembered it existed while running the Bayard as part of the cruiser mission for the Dockyard event (steel reward). 

Had already progressed during the Commonwealth cruiser Early Access event several updates back up to the Tier IX Encounter. I wasn't going to spend doubloons outright to buy the Cerberus preferring to wait until it came out of Early Access when I could get it for free by spending XP and credits which fortunately I had thus completing the Commonwealth line with a simple exchange of resources for ship. Took the same approach way back with both the Spanish and Pan-American tech tree line cruisers - grind the Early Access line for free as far as possible then wait for the remaining ships to come out of Early Access and then grind for free or purchase using XP and credits earned and hoarded.  

Cerberus is an interesting ship although like most cruisers it has paper-thin armour which means it can be easily one-shotted by a Montana or a Schlieffen if you're not paying attention to what's happening around you. It works best hiding behind islands and farming distant ships as its high arcing shells can easily fire over the island cover. It's long-lasting running smoke, reminiscent of Mysore, comes in handy when you want to "sneak" up on your opponents without drawing close attention from focused enemy fire. Its choice of torps (four in one salvo, both sides), although with a 13+ km range, means being judicious in how you use them for it's no Jinan which can flood any area quicker than you can say Rumpelstiltskin. It's a very good DD killer. It works really well as a supporting team player; don't YOLO if you can help it. Its guns are okay and can perform well against all three surface ship classes - destroyer, cruiser, and battleship; both HE and AP can be handy if used properly. You have a choice of hydro or defensive fire AA mode. I am currently running AA which has proven a good choice so far. But it's no specialist AA cruiser like seveal others in the dedicated AA bracket. It comes with the new 8 km-range submarine surveillance radar as a standard consumable which most newcomers use incorrectly as a surface ship detector; so far, I have not played any games against a sub. Its mobility (steering and rudder shift) is also average so be mindful when navigating around island clusters.

Only two missions left to obtain the next lot of steel - both ship class specific. The cruiser mission requires taking an obscene amount of potential damage (30,000,000 worth) over many many battles while the destroyer mission involves contributing (not sure if several hundreds of thousands or millions) to the team's total damage score courtesy of your spotting. 


Tonight I finished off the Orders Cards. Sizes used thus far range (from left to right) from standard small (test run only), custom medium (Victory without Quarter), custom large (Barbeque & Brisket).

Finished laminating the VWQ cards for all four factions currently employed by the garage gaming group I associate with. Roughly between 15-18 cards (some double-ups inadvertently included during the print run) per set so a total of around 60-70. 

Learned something tonight whilst trimming the corners of these "cards". The corner cutter I use prefers multiple laminations (depending on thickness used). Kept having to trim the poor cuts on single cards previously so tonight in an inspired moment I tried two cards simultaneously. Problem seemingly solved as there were no further trimming required apart from the odd rare one which I pulled off with fingers. Encouraged, I next tried three cards at once (replicated below). Again, there were no issues, in fact, it was clean cuts all round. So, therein the problem that had plagued my earlier efforts was now seemingly resolved. Still one or two "cards" needs relaminating though which happens.

Planning on using card stock in my next design effort. Cheers.


18 April 2024 (Saturday)

Tasks this weekend will include finishing off assembling the artillery guns to go with the painted crews. And continue more painting with Vermuyden's Horse (adding over-jackets in leather and buff). 

But first I'm going to begin assembling the next two Foot units - Montagu's Foot and Skippon's Foot during this night owl session. Test their look before painting (already primed). 

When I purchased the Foot, I wanted variety with the model types (soft hat as opposed to helmets) to easier distinguish between the individual units. Since that brain fart moment though I have since realised I could have easily facilitated that distinction through simply painting different colour uniforms. And facings. 

But as this is the New Model army that might prove problematic given that a standardised uniform was being introduced while supply was an issue early on with some units not receiving their new uniforms and forced to wear their former uniforms. And the colour dye was inconsistent across the board. 

I also forgot that regimental flags provide the simplest means of identifying any unit on the tabletop. So it was a d'oh moment at the beginning but it is what it is now so I just have to roll with it. And bringing something together from nothing is always the most challenging and fun part of any new endeavour so one can overlook initial failings. Or so I lie to myself.

Montagu's Foot. Interesting choice especially regarding flags. One source states a purple flag with yellow stars. Another says the same colour but with white lozenges. An English reenactment group who call themselves Montagu's Foot use a white flag with purple coloured devices. With such inconsistency happening between various sources, I wondered if I might add to confusion further with my own design? Nah, I'll just pick one and go with that. I could research further into the history to make an educated guess but why confuse matters for me (easy to do these days). 

Anyway, uniform will be red with white facing. Purple flag AND white flags for my two standard bearers. Really confuse the enemy and myself. 

Skippon's Foot, by comparison, is much simpler prospect in terms of flags and uniforms. Green flag is well known. One source says yellow stars while another cites yellow discs. Uniform is red with yellow facings.

I'm going to go with mostly red for both units given my timeline is around 1645 (circa Battle of Naseby) with the odd or occasional different colouring for variety and, oddly enough, adding that splash of colour to their display come tabletop time.

Okey's Dragoons (dismounted). Two stands at the moment. Will add more eventually but for now, the basecoating stage is almost done except for the drummer figure. Not including the horse at the moment but will do so when I purchase more dragoons. Different coat colours because the unit was formed from various dragoon units already existing within the Parliament forces.

As with everything ECW thus far, this is just the BASECOAT stage. I cannot stress that enough. Much more to do before I will happily declare them done and ready to go tabletop. Much like Monty prepping before the battles of El Alamein. This will do for the night owl session. Cheers.


Continue grinding the cruiser mission for the Dockyard Event steel after having a brief kip. In the process of grinding, I opened up a received Supercontainer (part of the daily loot crates available for grinding: Supercontainers pop up every 100 standard crates opened) and actually received for free a ship, the Tier VI Pan-Asian premium cruiser HUANGHE. Woah! What a surprise...

In over five years of playing this game, this is the second time it's ever happened - a Supercontainer actually being Super. I was surprised in good way. Usually these days you receive "nothing stuff" such as signal flags, useless camo, or lower-end economic bonuses (greys and greens). 

Anyway, played Huanghe multiple times to see how she plays. Decent smoke but one needs to keep angled in order to survive pummelling from ships like the Bismarck or Scharnhorst. And other cruisers. Torps are 8 km (if memory serves well). Has hydro. AA is not so great but is serviceable. Good damage inflicted at closer ranges. Maneouvrability is not bad. Dispersion is a worry at longer range; recall targeting the Emile Bertin at mid range in one game; it was on very low health (sliver of a health bar showing) and yet I couldn't finish it off despite repeated hits with both HE and AP. 

New Naval Battle began yesterday afternoon. Different ship allocations for the bonus attempts - thankfully, no CVs or subs this time round. Same old situation though; being hammered by an NA clan. Got tomorrow to help out. Monday 4pm (local Oz time) is when the battle competition ends. Going to give it a run; got fourteen attempts to earn stars; the higher the bar, the more stars earned. I will target those categories offering the +2 bonus clan-wide first. So, it will be either Random or Ranked.

My Upskill-21 program is simple and straightforward. I will utilise the captain being upskilled usually on lower-tiered PREMIUM ships by subbing in and out. Costs you nothing. Only works with PREMIUMS only. And the captain can be any kind - standard tech tree line, event commander, seasoned or legendary (of Lujtens or Halsey Jr calibre). It's a slow given given I play Co-Op exclusively with the occasional forays into other battle modes as needed. And having to use economic bonuses when I'm usually poor in that area. Got five captains upskilled this way however - two German, one Japanese, one British, and one US. Next US one is at 20-point. Aiming to upskill my remaining legendary commanders from Italy, France, Pan-Asia, and Europe. No legendary captains for Spain, Pan-America or Commonwealth...yet. Planning on having every nation fielding at least two 21-pt captains. Thus it's an ongoing long-term project. 


Started painting the two new Foot units for the New Model after logging out from WOWS session. Slow progress however.


19 April 2024 (Sunday)

Night owl session productivity results. Had to push myself a little.

Montagu's Foot...


World of Warship. Started grinding the cruisers to complete task. Did so but took a long while. During the grind, jumped into Random to chase the elusive stars for the clan's Naval Battle. Got close but not good enough. Got a star though when I spotted a chance running British cruisers for a single star. At least I contributed. Moreover, others in the clan earned the +2 bonus attempts twice over so now the good ones can advance our tally against our opponents. 

Just two more Dockyard missions - the DD one and the achievements one. 

Tired now...gonna chill out now and have something to eat whilst chilling out to music. Take care.


Sunday, May 12, 2024

9 April 2024: From little things, big things ad

World of Boreships

Been busy past few days playing the last few phases of the Dockyard Event now that the next phase missions have been released. Just grinding for Base XP to complete the required six missions to unlock the final reward, the US Tier X battleship Wisconsin. About 9,400+ Base XP left to earn from the original 25,000 needed. Once obtained, I am going to run her in Asymmetric to see how she handles the competition.

Should have run battleships as it would have been faster earning the required base XP running the Ohio in Asymmetric but opted for destroyers instead because they offered better options with tasks whereas battleships would have only two possible choices against the four or five options that destroyers are able to access. And they proved it the first day of the release when completed the first two tasks using just the destroyers Goningen and Okhotnik.

Anyway, going to run all my Tier V, VI, and VII DDs - all fifty-two of them - for this final task. Play them once. Both Tech Tree line and Premiums. Gives me the opportunity to familiarise myself (again) with the different play styles of many as I have not played many in months or over a year. The number of ships is a reasonable estimate of how much base XP I expect to earn playing just Co-Op. It would be lesser ships required for sure if I played either Random or Ranked. I am hoping I can close it out with just thirty-odd but that's expecting a lot. Why place unnecessary pressure when it's not needed.

I do have my favourites among the group. I tend to run my Upskill-21 skipper program on certain Premiums because you can do this without retraining. For instance, I like to take out the Tier V Russian destroyer Okhotnik (often referred to jokingly by some as a war canoe because of its gun line arrangment) and plonk my legendary commander Kuznetsov on her to improve his skill level which currently sits at 17. With four launchers, the Russian DD is quite effective up close against enemy battleships, and her guns means she can take on even light cruisers as well as other enemy destroyers.

Did the same with the Tier VII US cruiser Atlanta. Swapped the existing captain with my 20-pt captain (presently assigned to the Tier X tech tree line battleship Vermont) so that she could complete her specific task assigned to her specific ship type which was completed today. She too carries torps as well as having decent AA which pertained to the specific mission task which was down 90 aircraft. 

As I type this, the next naval battle involving the clan is now active. Again it's Base XP being sought after. Usually it's against clans from a different region's server when this is the case. Last one was against a clan on the European server. But sometimes there are no opponents and it was just a solo race to see how much we could earn to improve the clan's ranking regionally as well as globally. 

It's Clan battles season that really matters however, and the main event for all clans - apart from hosted events  and competitive tournaments. I actually took part in a clan battle awhile back. It was against a clan from the North American server. I didn't perform well. Nerves. 

I will help the clan though in Naval Battles when and where I can. Even if it means jumping into Random battles (and Ranked) because base XP earned there is much higher providing you perform well. As I did in the last Naval Battle. Played seven games. On the winning side in two of them. 

More importantly, I earned sufficient base XP to earn stars for the clan, and earned an extra two games bonus for everyone in the clan. This option is only allocated to specific ship classes and nations (it is different every round of Naval Battles engagements). Not all the nation's ships line are represented however. 

But it's not just base XP that seems the mainstay of missions in Naval Battles; occasionally it will be simply a race to earn the most number of ribbons. I have yet to see any other types of engagements. 

I also learned something about playing DDs during the latest Naval Battles set - in particular, their role and their limitations. Funny how things suddenly click after a while. Remember the same when I was in the Army; over time it all starts to make sense. Before that though, you rely on your training to keep you moving along until that sudden moment of illuminated clarity and understanding hits you.


11 April 2024: Dockyard event - Big Whiskey

Played my DDs to finish off the last mission task. And got the Wisconsin.

Ran it in one game as soon as she appeared in my port. Scored several citadels on that old stalwart of the game, the USS Montana. Poor dispersion at longer ranges though dampened my excitement a little.  At mid- to close-in ranges, she's potent for sure. Got one of those funny buttons (F key) that does something but not sure what exactly as I was more concentrated shooting at long-range targets but was a bit too slow as my more swifter and accurate teammates. It figures... 

But am reasonably hopeful that it will earn its spurs in what remains of the highly popular Asymmetric battle mode which, incidentally, is being removed again at the next update in a few days. Seems the battle mode was only permanent for the entire current update despite clamours and player requests to make it permanent permanent.

By the way, I didn't need the full fifty-two: managed it with just twenty-five destroyers (in Co-Op mode mind you; if it had been Randoms or Ranked, it would have even been less).  

Tomorrow it's helping the clan out time. Noticed it's not doing well against an NA server clan who presently has the upper hand when I checked on our clan's progress. At least I have fourteen attempts to contribute. Not liking the options however as the bonuses (which are different every engagement) reside mainly with specific submarine and carrier classes of different nations. These are two classes I avoid preferring the more conventional surface ship classes. 

If they were to nerf subs and carriers closer to their actual historical stats instead of being the highly fantastical classes they currently are, then maybe I might be interested. But then the Soviet classes of surface ships that are just figments of the designers imaginations are in the game and on par and, in many cases, excel over that of their more famous and historical counterparts in this game. 

You take the bad and awfully ridiculous on board because there are still good elements to playing this game, a game that I've been playing since 2019 and will do so because it's those good elements that still keep me interested. That, and the amount of money (gambling) I've invested into this game. Like the tv ad against gambling by the gambling organisations themselves keeps proclaiming: I don't have a problem. You do! Lol. 


Postscript: In Naval Battles today, I was faced with running French cruisers if I wanted to earn the +2 attempt bonus for the clan. It was the only available option that was not submarines or carriers. Had 14 attempts. Did not succeed in my endeavour however. Started off well enough with first three attempts in the Emile Bertin seeing three victories for our side but I was not able to reach the bar set at 1700+ Base XP goal. Tried next with the Toulon. That started the run of defeats began. Finished the attempts running De Grasse. Even ran my French Legendary commander, Philippe Auboyneau on both Toulon and then De Grasse. No luck despite being on the winning side a couple more times. 

On reflection it might have been smarter to ignore the bonus attempt and simply reach the bars using the other ships. At least, I could run DDs and BBs, two classes I have good enough chances of success. I am not good in cruisers consistently enough. This round of Naval Battles only presented four options with the +2 bonus attached - two in subs, one in carrier, and one cruiser.

Winrate took a dive although I've been swimming in the 41% range for several months now. Not really concerned though. Today's Random games was also not so toxic although there were the occasional moments when players trolled their own teammates or generally exhibited negativity throughout the play. 

Highlight from these fourteen attempts was playing the Two Brothers map as I was nearing the end of my attempts in the De Grasse. Our trio consisted of one battleship, me in my cruiser, and a destroyer. We spawned on northern side of the map on the western flank; we were therefore heading south. It was an excellent game, I thought, as we successfully battled two enemy destroyers (Jervis and Cossack), two cruisers (Emerald and Nurnberg), and two battleships (Fuso and one other whose name I forget). We cleaned up our flank slowly driving forward and pushing the enemy back as we advanced. And managing to win the flank. Unfortunately, we were so engrossed in our mini-battle that we forgot about the rest of the match and the fact the enemy had managed to cap our base. Lost our destroyer but gained another friendly cruiser in our push. 


12 April 2024: English Civic Disagreements

WIP photos of my latest painting endeavours....basecoating stage done on nearly all bar one unit from the selected collective. Not rushing the painting however. No need with this list.

Lord Fairfax (Head honcho). Not much to do regarding this Army commander which is probably a good thing by my reckoning. Not nearly as famous as his rival, the Lord Protector, but a battlefield commander of talent nonetheless. And I am liking the colour scheme for this figure - elegant, simple. Reminiscent of the plain understated yet classy uniforms of the Austrian Empire of the 18th and 19th centuries. 

Parliament general whom I am naming Sir Norris Chuck (incidentally a future descendant will become famous for something). A fictitious name to go with a fictitious hero. His fictitious heroic deeds may one day be made known to a wider audience maybe in film form. I hear Peter Jackson is available. No, wait...he's currently engaged in producing another two LOTR movies for Warner Bros. Really? Going one better than the LOTR trilogy? Hoping it bombs. 

"The Three Amigos" - Couriers Meenie, Mynee, Moe. Good things come in threes, so they say. And this trio are no exception to the rule. Bearers of important and often good news, they will spread far and wide over the battlefield preaching the gospel to the good Parliamentary folks everywhere. About to commence the detailing part.

Sidenote: Drafted up the other factions Order Cards. But I have opted not to print them out just yet as I need to check page alignments first before commencing a final print run.


12 April 2024: Bellicose and Bothered

Working on a producing a laminated warband sheet as well as spell cards. It would be handy to have a set of cards readily available without having to constantly refer to the rulebook. Also looking at a suitable QRS (Quick Reference Sheet). There are plenty available online to download and print out for both warband sheet and QRS so may not devote as much time creating our own version.

Magic User Spell cards

My wish was to go with a larger card. Done enough small cards but thinking this game, skirmish though it might be, deserves something befitting its status as our new primary skirmish game. I keep seeing an image of those larger magic card types for some reason. Which will provide the necessary inspiration to make a start on these new cards. 

Did a simple draft design using the MTG (Magic The Gathering) size template of 2.5" by 3.5". Not completely convinced however as I still think a larger card size would be ideal as you get cramping as the test page shows below. 

Browser keeps referring back to MTG whenever I type in "magic card sizes". Anyway, wanted to test the colours chosen for each magic class. Card back is undecided at the moment although this test run has the title of the magic class - Natural Magic - with the conditions necessary to use the magic. It will be repeated for the other classes - Light, Dark, Wild, Unbound, and Noble.

WIP photos of my Owl-Bear Fidgad. He is a pretty big thing deserving of a name. Fidgad, however, is not a common name which suits this uncommon creature. His identical twin, Fidgaf, is camera-shy but is just as fearsome. You would never tell who you are going to face when they're together prowling the landscape in hunt of food. To make it confusing, their sire is Foidgaf. Lucky their mother's name is easier to remember, Didgah.

Still in basecoating stage. Adding bits of colour here and there as the fancy takes it. No hurry. Slow and steady. PS: don't call Fidgad Fido; he doesn't like that. Cheers.


Fidgad - Frankly I Don't Give A Damn
Fidgaf - Frankly I Don't Give A F**k
Foidgaf - F**k Off I Don't Give Any F**ks!
Didgah - Darling, I Don't Give A Hoot


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

7 April 2024: On a roll...

Some more painting during the night owl session.

After some fiddling trying to work out how to assemble this two-part piece, I applied orange as my primer coat. Then successive washes using combinations of orange, white, and yellow as well as drybrushing using the same colours. No idea what the actual final colour scheme will look like but content for now to continue layering.

Lord Fairfax. As he's my army commander, mounting him on a white horse. He's suited up in armour too according to the model. No lifeguard unit as yet (part of the next order). He came as part of a group that look to be pre-New Model. Therefore wondering if this is Fairfax the Elder, not his more illustrious son. Never mind if it is; he's a Fairfax and it's all that matters to me right now. 

Part of Fairfax's retinue - a Parliament general. What you might call a floater or a troubleshooter, ready to help out wherever needed. Like Lord Fairfax, he too is armoured and is wearing an orange cape. No 'S' though. 

The "Three Amigos". Couriers all, part of the general's headquarters. Mounting them on 20mm x 60mm rectangular bases so that they can attach more easily to whatever unit they're reporting to. Gave each a distinctive coloured cape to distinguish from the brigade commanders. All are wearing newly issued red coats; two are also wearing the standard buff jacket as an overcoat.

Finally, another field gun crew but no field gun...yet. Cheers.


Updated Post: 8 May 2024

My Victory Without Quarter Orders Cards for the New Model Army. Sixteen cards in total:

  • Army Commander (1)
  • Brigade Commander (5)
  • Reload (2)
  • Artillery (2)
  • Courier (1)
  • Reinforce(ment) (1)
  • Blank (1)
  • EVENT (1)
  • TURN OVER (2)

Workable test run. Keen to do another set but with some revisions - do a run with heavier card stock and laminating pouch (above example is 80 for both paper and pouch). Used a 7mm corner cutter to make the cards look both acceptable to the eye as well as playable. Wouldn't want to bet with them however knowing my dice rolls of late.

Bought replacement toner ink as well as a cheap laminator (same brand that crapped out on me recently only this time with a 1 year warranty not that it matters as I don't laminate often) today in order to complete the unfinished print run. 

Now I can concentrate on finishing some minis. Basecoating part that is; the fine detailing and flocking will probably take another couple of months before I can confidently declare my New Model army ready for tabletop gaming. Cheers.
