Tuesday, April 9, 2024

9 April 2024: Burrows and Badgers

Finally got started playing this fascinating skirmish game with anthropomorphic creatures. Regular gaming buddy called round and we introduced ourselves to the game. Below is our playthrough of the combat phase. We started with one-on-one combat. Then made it two-on-two. Picked up the rules pretty quickly and it has got us both interested. 

Ran the warband I bought some time ago. My buddy was keen to try out this skirmish game and it proved an interesting experience for us both. We plan to catch up next time soon. Looking forward to seeing his Mr. Toad warband with cats and beavers. 

Learned that you need all the dice from d4 to d20 as each character has different traits and qualities. From a beginner's perspective, you do need the Roster Sheet to keep scores on wounds. Every four wounds accumulated costs you -1 on subsequent die rolls. If a leader, that's means every action whether fighting or moving. 

When playing two-on-two it became interesting as you suffer/benefit accordingly when outnumbered (fighting more than one). 

You get modifiers for various moments like what type of equipment in your possession at the time, and character traits as well as actions.



d20 dice are useful as visual record of keeping score on wounds, an initiative my game buddy came up with while we were learning the game. Smart dude; by the way, he came fourth in Warmaster at CANCON 2024, a game he's never played before. Had a hearty chuckle when he told me of his placing and how it unfolded.

If looking for alternatives to the very popular figures by Oathmark (the original authors of the game) who often run out of the figures you may need then Critter Kingdoms offer a very nice and expansive range option. The figures shown below are from the Dark Sword Miniatures Inc website (USA). I am tempted by one of their minis in particular and may purchase it to add to my existing warband simply because it's a lovely figure.

Ferret Druid with Staff. Sculpted by Christine Van Patten. Painted by Mary Proffit. Figures are pewter and may require some assembly. Images above and below of said miniatures are by Dark Sword Miniatures Inc.

Also keen to buy one of the larger creatures as used in the B&B to compare (size-wise) when stacked up against the Oathmark models. Any Large Creature will do. Maybe this Badger Ranger with Bow by Jason Weibe (also painted by Mary Proffit) will suffice? If not, then they will look nice adorning my display cabinet.

But maybe I will contact the company first and ask about dimensions of the selected individuals. 

My gaming buddy is getting his minis from Slaugterloo. There is also Eureka Miniatures here in Oz although their range is limited to a single creature (frog) in multiple poses. There are other sites no doubt although my initial search yielded these results first.

13 April

Emailed the owner of the Critter Kingdoms regarding compatibility with Oathmark's Burrows & Badgers. Sadly, he told me the creatures are all of similar size so that a mouse is about the same size as a badger. Still going to buy a couple of minis though as I do like their quality. And figure out a way to incorporate them into my growing warband.



The minis from the Borodino Refight are all now packed away in their storage boxes ready for final storage. Took me a few hours over two nights. Only a few figures have been misplaced, lost, or are broken. Just have to figure out where to put the collective whole as storage space is tight at the moment. 

Currently sitting atop Table 2 in the other room (phot above). Bought 2 large tubs long ago (under the table) to accept the quantity of mini containers invested on the French/Allied side but the poor Russians will have to settle for their old pizza boxes which really doesn't work out long-term as they are too shallow (like the original actual pizzas).

14 April

It is unfair to have storage containers for the French/Allied forces while the Russians make do with roped-in-old-pizza-boxes. There needs to be balance and fairness. So, over the next few days, I will hunt down suitable containers from a suitable store (not Bunnings) to cater to the individual corps (where possible) or settle for individual division containers, as I have done with the French. 

Then I can figure out where to store them all (looking at you large empty storage tubs) - the real problem.


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