Tuesday, April 2, 2024

2 April 2024: English Civil War - New Model Army

New adventure. New challenges. New army.

Tonight I made a start on my New Model Army by ordering a quantity of cavalry - Ironsides, Harquebusiers, Dragoons - for our VWQ games.

Concentrated on the Left Wing of my proposed NMA. Commander will be Henry Ireton of this wing.  Cromwell is commander of the Right wing.

Tonight I acquired enough troops to form the four units of this wing - Butler, Vermuyden, Ireton, Okey. A squadron each is a good start. Two Ironsides, one Carabinier, one Dragoon. But it was a struggle to figure things out given I am still new to the entire period. It's not familiar to me like the Napoleonic or American Civil War. 

Later on I will make a start on the Infantry and Artillery element but through another retailer. One who offers army deals. 

Already ordered Personalities from USA - Fairfax, Skippon, Waller, Essex, Cromwell, Manchester. Haven't arrived yet. 


3 April 2024

Made second order in two days - infantry and artillery. So the core components of my New Model Army is now settled. Still missing the right wing cavalry but that's okay. Will acquire those later on in the year. 

Now I have enough "reinforcements" to bolster my fellow Roundhead's show army - 4 cavalry units, 5 infantry units, 3 regimental guns plus crews, five personalities plus HQ elements (aides, colonels, generals). 

Still going to run Fairfax as overall commander because I like his history. Cromwell is, by far, the more famous leaving a greater footprint on history, yet Fairfax, for me, is a more interesting character. 

  • Army Commander - Fairfax (Cromwell as backup)
    • Infantry - Skippon
      • Skippon's Foot
      • Waller's Foot
      • Pickering's Foot
      • Montagu's Foot
      • Fairfax's Foot
    • Cavalry - Ireton
      • Butler's Horse
      • Vermuyden's Horse
      • Ireton's Horse
      • Okey's Dragoons
    • Artillery - TBA
      • 3 x Falcon cannons + crews
    • Headquarters 
      • Couriers/Aides
      • Generals
      • Colonels


4 April 2024

Spent my entire modelling budget for the next two years starting this new adventure. The killer has been the shipping cost but you grin and bear it. Close to nine hundred dollars spent. Figures are all 25mm Hinchliffe minis which are decent sculpts that will paint up well.

Will also print out a sample sheet of the show game cards over the weekend. Was trawling through the emails from the group to ID the listings. Proved interesting viewing as I now have names rather than soul-less numbers.

The group have settled on a grand battle with four armies clashing come show day. For the Royalist side, there will be the English Royalists coupled with the army of Montrose from north of the border. For the Roundheads, it will be a mixed grouping of Parliamentarians allied with an army of Scottish Covenanters. 


5 April 2024

Received notification my orders are on their way from the UK. Should be with me in two weeks time. Got a partial refund on the postage which is cool. Also got a few extras thrown in by the generous supplier. 

Started the Show cards. Sample draft version below. Guys want something plain with plain backing and frontpiece showing the different armies in distinctive coloured border: Parliament orange, Royalist red, Montrose blue, Covenanter light/pale blue. 

Sample done on A6 sheet. Card size will be standard playing card size. 


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