Friday, March 8, 2024

8 March 2024: Borodino Project - Running tally

So I've decided to go back through the "written" records of the game-in-progress to gauge whether, under the FoGN 2 terms and conditions for victory, any side has won. Why? Because this is a what-if situation using historical conditions. It's not a blow-by-blow replay of what happened exactly historically. That's not quite what I had in mind to begin with. 

And the game deviated fairly quickly from Turn 2 onwards. For one, Delzons' division was able to assault Borodino and push the Russian Life Guard Jagers back easily historically for minimal losses. But in-game the Russian Guard are able to not only repel Delzons' lead units but force them to flee! 

And Gorki is now under attack, another unexpected development that never actually happened. 

Also the situation at Utitsa looks much more dire for the outnumbered Tuchkov trying his utmost to prevent what is essentially a feint from becoming a real flanking threat. If his flank folds then the French has an easy access to bypass the Russian defensive lines and threaten their rear. 

Running Tally

I haven't been keeping tabs on the Victory conditions and this is first attempt at doing so. Anyway, here is the list of lost units and objectives as far as I was able to record them at the time. Not necessarily accurate because I was caught up with playing rather than spectating as well as recording the entire activity so forgiveness for making mistakes.

Turn One (0600-0630)
  • French
    • no losses this turn
    • Note: the vast majority of infantry are deemed veterans. Logic is that Napoleon would have likely taken the best French and Empire troops in his empire that could be spared at the time.
  • Russian
    • no losses this turn
    • Usual mix of veterans, elite, drilled, and poor. Numbers matter though to which the Russians were generously endowed with. Don't forget they had three large armies of which the majority of two were present at Borodino. Plus they also were fighting the Ottomans as well on another front. And then there is the large numbers inovlved in garrison duty as well as border protection. Quality might therefore not be as consistent as with Napoleon's invasion force but any shortcomings would have been compensated by the utter patriotic fervour plus stubborn nature inherent in the common Russian martial attitude. 
Turn Two (0630-0700)
  • French
    • 106 Line (small unit) [56]
    • 92 Line (small unit) [56]
  • Russian
    • 41 Jagers (half small unit) [38]
Turn Three (0700-0730)
  • French
    • no losses this turn
  • Russian
    • Life Guard Jagers (small unit) [84]
Turn Four (0730-0800)
  • French
    • 3 Polish Line (small unit) [56]
    • 15 Polish Line (small unit) [56]
  • Russian
    • no losses this turn
Turn Five (0800-0830)
  • French
    • 16 Polish Line (small unit) [56]
  • Russian
    • 11 Jagers (half small unit) [38]
    • Zheltukhin's grenadiers (small unit) [56]
    • Tsvilenev's grenadiers (small unit) [56]
    • arty bty on the Mound (two guns) [48]
    • arty in south fleche (one gun) [24]
Turn Six (0830-0900)
  • French
    • no losses this turn
  • Russian
    • Cossacks at Utitsa (small unit) [28]
Turn Seven (0900-0930)
  • French
    • 85 Line (small unit) [56]
  • Russian
    • Kretov's cuirassiers (small unit) [64]
    • Tuchkov IV's musketeers (small unit) [40]
    • Tolbuzin's dragoons (large unit) [60]
Turn Eight (0930-1000)
  • French
    • Russian turn not played out yet so no losses inflicted...yet
  • Russian
    • Karpov and cossacks (small unit) [30+28]
    • 36 Jagers (half small unit) [38]
    • 19 Jagers (half small unit) [38]
    • 40 Jagers (half small unit) [38]
    • arty bty (small unit) [48]

Losses (Manpower)

Losses include routing as well as unit decimation (destruction). No distinction made between individual commanders or units of troops who are tossed into the mix. Adding the losses, therefore, based on their points value, we get the following Lost Manpower outcome thus far:
  • French = 336 points
  • Russians = 748* points
* I have added another division commander who's not recorded in the "written" records but whose command stand sits in its display box. Not sure if this division commander belongs to Tuchkov or Raevsky as I haven't bothered to check the base ID underneath. Will sort it out eventually. 


As for objectives, I am listing those deemed relevant. I will assign greater value according to their respective importance as considered by me. Couple of relevant points regarding defining status of these objectives:
  • defended - objective occupied AND guarded by one side exclusive of opponent
  • occupied - any objective must be occupied first before being defended
  • controlled - area under direct control or influence but not occupied/defended by one side
  • contested - area/objective currently being fought over by both sides
Finally, Victory Points have been assigned to certain specific objectives. These objectives are flexible in designation and assignation. And subject to further additions and/or modification as deemed necessary.
  1. Borodino: French defended - 1 Victory point (VP) earned. 
  2. New Post Road bridge: French controlled - 1 VP earned.
  3. Utitsa: Poles occupied - 1 VP earned.
  4. The Mound: Poles defending -  1 VP earned.
  5. Fleche #1 (N): Russian defended by artillery - 1.5 VP earned.
  6. Fleche #2 (SW): Currently contested - 1.5 VP available.
  7. Fleche #3 (SE): Russian defended by Jagers - 1.5 VP earned
  8. Grand Redoubt: Russian defended by artillery and infantry - 1.5 VP earned
  9. Gorki: Currently contested - 1 VP available
  10. Semenovskaya (ruined village): Russian defended - 1 VP earned
  11. Old Post Road: Russian controlled - 1 VP earned
Tally of VP earned thus far:
  • French = 4 VP
  • Russian = 6.5 VP
  • undecided = 2.5 VP


Will finish Russian Turn 8 first before making a decision on outcome (if any) based on Victory conditions. But I am of the opinion this is just starting to get interesting. However, in line with my current future plans, if a victory is decided therein then the game will end. And I can pack up and utilise the space for other wargaming activities. Such as a naval tabletop game. World War Two anyone?

I will continue to game this project to a logical conclusion. Never fear. But be aware that my heart is no longer in this project; for me, it's run its course when I painted over 99% of the figure, which was my original intent. I am persisting because it is there and deserves some reasonable conclusion even if it goes against one's desires or wishes. And the future it deserves is much greater than I can currently commit to for now. But it will see its just reward even it takes a further few more years. 



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