Monday, March 4, 2024

4 March 2024 - Borodino Refight: French Turn 8 continued

Spent all mid-morning finishing off the French turn centred on the activities in and around the Grand Redoubt.

Assault Phase

Several simultaneous attacks are declared.

Assault on redoubt itself (above) continues...

North of the redoubt (above & below), new attacks take place. Even Gorki is assaulted forcing a hasty withdrawal by Kutusov and his entourage...

Defensive Firing (in response to Declared Assaults)

Russians respond to the attacks with defensive fire from both artillery and muskets. At the redoubt (below)...

And north of the redoubt (below), the French bravely march to their doom...

At Gorki the defenders open fire on St. Aubin's men...

Defensive Fire Outcomes

At the redoubt the defenders withstand the pressure repelling the attempts (above)...

The Russian lights try valiantly but their earlier success is not repeated and they fail to halt the relentless push from the determined French (above)...

One of the Russian artillery batteries prove deadly however...

St Aubin is able to close with his opponent in spite of the defensive fire so combat will take place as intended...

Firing Phase

Nothing by the French which is surprising and reveals poor positioning by the French commander (me) while the Russians in this sector are already engaged in combat and/or have their line of sight blocked by other friendlies or terrain.

Movement Phase

The French push up in support of the assaults being made. Below shows the French pouring across the Kolocha.

Another view of French movements. Grouchy has sent forward his Bavarian light cavalry in advance of the rest of his corps which are watching due north.

In front of the redoubt, the second line presses forward in support of the first wave...

Combat Phase

The fight for Gorki ends in a stalemate even though the French were able to gain a foothold in the village. The fight will continue for certain during the Russian turn.

South of Gorki however the thinly held line there becomes a confused location as the Jagers, unable to repeat their earlier successes, are easily overwhelmed by the battalions of French infantry...

The routing unit causes the others to question their sanity - Cohesion Tests for those marked with red question mark. Most pass but a few got the shakes...

The assault close to the redoubt sees another Jager unit breaks. Once more it calls into question for those watching the rout their reason for being there...many pass the test and answer the question but a couple more wilt further under the pressure (now becoming more tremulous). One unit even breaks although it was already Wavering when it failed the CT.

Baudinet's men, somewhat buoyed by their own success, pursue the routing Russians and run straight into the enemy battery stationed directly behind Potemkin's Jagers. A second round of combat ensues with Baudinet also dealing comfortably with their new opponent. The artillery thus break abandoning their guns...

And now we have a large dead space where it bristled with living bottle-green. A gap to exploit perhaps? Not likely given there's a second and potential third line stacked behind ready and waiting...

Back at the redoubt, Gengoult's troops engage the enemy gunners at the redoubt, as seen above. The fighting is evenly played with neither side yielding ground and thus will continue into the Russian Turn 8.

Recovery Phase

Only one French infantry unit recovers. Unfortunately it is not one of those that needs it urgently. Oh well...


On the French side, no units are lost. But the Russians lost four:
  • Potemkin's 19 Jagers (part of Vuich's 3rd Bde of Likhachev's 24 Div, 6th Corps)
  • Alekseyev's 36 Jagers (part of Kashirinov's 3rd Bde of Kaptsevich's 7th Div, 6th Corps)
  • Sazonov's 40 Jagers (part of Vuich's 3rd Bde of Likhachev's 24 Div, 6th Corps)
  • an artillery battery from Dokhutrov's corps
Note: For this refight I have broken up the Jager brigades into their regimental components and utilised them as distinct units. Of course, this affected the dice allowed for shooting and combat. But that's the trade-off I was happy to play with as early on the Jagers proved their worth. 

Also, I did not run Cohesion Tests (CT) for every unit who's resolve was questioned upon the Jagers breaking; once the unit broke was good enough for me. It may spare others but it's fine by me for now. 

Next batrep: Russian Turn 8

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