Saturday, March 2, 2024

2 March 2024 - Borodino Refight - French Turn 8

French Turn 8 

Started late today so only partially completed turn. Again, mostly visual report. With name tags where applicable. As before, game turn is broken down into three main sectors - Table 2, Main Table - the fleches, and Main Table - Grand Redoubt and surrounds.

Table 2

Three assaults declared by Poniatowski and Latour-Maubourg. But in actual fact, only the one around Utitsa matters.

Karpov tried hard to get his men heading in the right direction. But it was a hard ask.

With assaults declared, Russian defensive fire took place. Unfortunately Mesheryakov's troops have been caught in the flank so can't open fire effectively. But Shakhovsky's Jagers are able to repel the Polish light cavalry who have been having a good run so far.

North of Shakhovsky, Foch's grenadiers are able to pour fire on von Thielemann's Saxon cavalry but aren't able to break them unfortunately. And Ilovaisky's Cossacks aren't able to do anything as it's not their turn. Yet...

While all this is happening, the Polish artillery - feeling left out - decide to advance on their own reconnaissance. Which is a good thing by the way. Where possible, double moves made.

Rozniecki's division continue their wide sweep which proves useful given Komissarov's Cossacks close proximity. 

With two artillery batteries, a strong infantry force, and a fresh cavalry brigade, Komissarov would be a fool to take that lot on. Besides, he has to wonder why his force is all on its own-some.

The separated cavalry now regroup on the Mound.

Only combat results in a draw with both infantry forces retiring. 

Beganski is able to return to Steady during the recovery phase. Likewise, von Thielemann's cavalry regain one level and are now Disordered.

The Main Table - fleches

Three assaults declared by the French in this area:
  • Teste (57 Ln) target the artillery before Shatilov's grenadiers
  • Leguay (108 Ln) spot Voronstov in-between two fleches and zeroes in on them
  • Buermann's cavalry also target the artillery in front Knyazhnin's musketeers

A simple ask at first glance. But is it really? Fortunately the Russian gunners this time choose to leave their guns and hide within the protection of the infantry situated behind them

Leguay is hoping to surprise Voronstov but it may be a tough ask. However he is helped by the fact the grenadiers cannot open fire on them in time so they advance right up to them. 

Teste's men are crossing open ground in front of the artillery and hoping it doesn't cost too much in terms of casualties. The Russian gunners are made hard though and they opt to stand and fire. 

With the guns abandoned, the cavalry press on and target the musketeers behind.

During the defensive firing and normal firing phases one of the assaults is halted, that started by Teste. But the failed attack is counterbalanced by the French weight of fire upon the gunners who are forced to hightail it off the table. 

Lost: Russian 2nd Artillery bde (2 guns)

Guyardet's brigade is also lost, breaking under fire from Levin's grenadiers. Paltry fire by supporting units north of the fleches has little impact. 

Lost: French 61 Ln (Guyardet)

With the firing in this sector finished, the French begin moving their forces forward. Lonchan's bde (111 Ln) fills the space voided by Guyardet's departure.

Behind the northern fleche, the contest is fierce. Honours even though as both sides retreat wavering. The French break through their own forces (Lonchan) but cause no harm. Likewise, Voronstov's grenadiers pass through the third fleche held by Jagers without causing any harm. They stop in front of the Guard cavalry. 

Third assault sees Beurmann slam into Knyazhnin's infantry who stand their ground and give back as good as they receive. 

Recovery phase goes well for the French:
  • 72 Ln return to Steady
  • Beurmann's Chasseurs regain to Disordered
  • 93 Ln return to Steady
  • 57 Ln regain to Disordered
  • 25 Ln also regain to Disordered
The rest of Main Table action finished tomorrow - hopefully. Cheers.

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