Monday, February 5, 2024

4 January 2024: Buying minis

It's always been a private matter between purchaser and need. 

With my new-found interest in the English Civil War, a major focus has been the minis. 

Firstly, scale is what the gaming group is playing which is mianly 25mm. 

But the range is limiting because 25mm is not a popular or familiar scale although what's available commercially is promising. Obvious recommendations from the gaming group help. I've begun looking closely at the options available to me.

(1) Tumbling Dice (UK) - 25mm - white metal - own website (currently being updated so I was informed upon making a query last week) - figure quality okay - small lot packets offer value for money (best of those looked at) - no but officer figures can be co-opted as personalities with some work

(2) Dixon Miniatures (UK) - 25mm - white metal - own website - quality good - army packs available - optional heads offer variety in figure presentation - greater variety of individual figure poses - no personalities apart from King Charles

(3) Old Glory (USA) - 25mm - white metal - own website - personalities range - extensive range - 30 figure packs for Foot and 10 figures for Cavalry  

(4) A Call to Arms (UK) - 20mm - plastic - no site as such, only available via retailers that stock its products - range very limited - stock availability an issue (unlike the others listed)

(5) Lancashire Miniatures (UK) - 25mm - white metal - only included because its range of personalities is pretty good but there is nothing else ECW in the scale; plenty in 15mm and 28mm though

That's pretty much the main stockists I'll be using for now. No doubt others will pop up later on but for now too many choices makes it hard to settle on one, as they say. 

Further work done on flags just now. Calling it a night having done the Foot component of my NMA list. Struggling to obtain enough information for my cavalry however. 

Making slow progress. And now I have something visual and concrete instead of imagined and floating around in my head like it usually does. It is a starting point because this presentation is by no means the final end result. 

In the meantime, I will probably switch to something else now because I can only keep this intense involvement up for so long before interest wanes and I move onto something else. For now though I'm glad to have made a start. For one thing, I have a better idea of what I'm getting myself into. Done enough initial researching to satisfy myself to head in the right direction. Cheers.

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