Thursday, February 29, 2024

29 February 2024 - End of the month activity

Borodino Refight

Seriously need to finish this off by the end of March because it's taking up space in an otherwise empty studio. Plus, I get fed up sucking up the gut every time I squeeze past the table accessing the back half of the studio without knocking off the figure stands.

French Turn 7 - Review
After finishing the action on Table 2 several weeks back it was time for the action on the main table. I wasted around half the session time slowly getting re-acquainted with the progress made thus far which sort of helped with the re-focus. Visual review shown below is taken from the French table edge. The ensuing activities (movement and combat) are shown from the perspective of both sides as seen fit.

Long view towards the fleches from Shevardino, location of Napoleon's HQ.

With the space now freed up by Davoust's push toward the fleches, the French Imperial Guard were finally tabled. Primarily the infantry and much of the artillery. The cavalry, of whom some have been proxied to Table 2 have yet to make an appearance.

A recap on the activity in and around the Grand Redoubt. Eugene's assault is centred on attack axis of the Grand Redoubt. To that end, his forces are gathered. But...

The Russians meanwhile have begun to fill the spaces between the Redoubt and Gorkiy. Their initial failure to destroy the New Post road bridge over the Kolocha has granted easier access for the French along the line of advance of the New Post Road. What this has done has created a very congested space and now brings into active play the village of Gorkiy, Kutusov's GHQ, as an objective. 

While all this is happening to the rear of Dohkturov's corps elements from Osterman-Tolstoy's and Baggavout's corps continue their way south ostensibly to help Tuchkov (Table 2). But they may be redirected by de Tolly.

Having reviewed what's present, I studied the record sheet and saw it was now the French Movement Phase. 

Movement Phase
Around the New Post Road, the French have exploited their capture of the New Post road bridge and begin to spread out as shown below. These moves, however, are in preparation for their next turn. 

They face a very strong defensive line with the cavalry corps of Pahlen/Kreutz positioned behind as support to Dohkturov.

Note to self - make more charge arrows.

Elsewhere, south of the fleches, Dessaix's division pushes through woodlands in preparation to pressure von Mecklenburg's grenadiers who are looking to be swamped soon now that Duka's cuirassiers have answered Tuckhov's plea for assistance over on Table 2. French artillery also have moved up and will cause some havoc (hopefully) upon their enemy counterpart in the next turn or so.

The surprise and unexpecture seizure of the southern-most fleche is being rapidly exploited by the French through follow-up as shown below (as seen from the Russian side).

Two French brigades now occupy the fleches. At least one formation will need to occupy the fortification for one whole turn to qualify as defending it under FoGN 2 rules. 

The lead brigade however is pushing on in order to keep the momentum going and to place added pressure on the Russian grenadiers stationed at the rear of the fleches. Meanwhile the second brigade is following up and about to turn their attention to the defenders of the northern fleche. It may be up to the rear brigades following up to consolidate the gains made (as shown below right side). At least the French artillery are now in a better spot to support the infantry attacks.

View above from behind the French assault showing the situation before the fleches. The brigade meant to assault the northern fleche was stopped by deadly artillery fire and has retired one step from being broken. 

The area where the cavalry clash is about to take place. (top centre) The main point being the French artillery have now managed to relocate themselves closer to the action. 

Assault Phase
Several assaults were initially declared by the French. One (before the northermost fleche) was unsuccessful, those that were successful are presented below with their outcomes.

(1) The only direct assault on the Grand Redoubt made by the French is part of their piecemeal assault plan. The five battalions of the French 46th Line take on the two battered battalions of the Russian 5th Jagers who are fortunately under cover. The result is inevitable though given the circumstance that the valiant 5th Jagers have been in action from the very start of the battle. A long fight for these skirmishers.

As expected, the heroic Russian riflemen are ploughed under by overwhelming enemy numbers. Bolting to the rear, they bust through their fellow defenders and force cohestion tests upon both 6th Jagers and Orel/N.Nizegorod musketeers who unfortunately fail causing both to drop to the Wavering state. Meanwhile the 5th Jagers are subsequently removed from the game after their rout move.

(2) Only other assault made in the vicinity of the Grand Redoubt happens just to the south of the main earthworks with the battalions of the French 72nd Line assailing the Russian brigade comprising the Aleksopol and New Inkermanland musketeers (top right of above photo). Left of them are the battalions of the 46th Line about to assault the 5th Jagers.

The resulting French assault is successful forcing the now-battered Russians to retreat once more (arrowed retreat shown above). Their fleeing takes them through their own cavalry and artillery who seem unfazed by this withdrawal. Thankfully the French do not pursue failing their CMT to do so. 

(3) North of the northernmost fleche, the French 4th Line (right side of above photo) march to contact with the Russian Tarnpol and Odessa musketeers.

The Ukrainians however prove to be more robust than their fellow defenders and manage to force their French opponents back, making the French drop to Wavering while they are momentarily Disordered. 

View of the above cavalry melee is from the Russian perspective. Ney's light cavalry (combined Chevau-leger, Lancers, and Hussars formation) charge in on one of the Sievers Russian dragoon brigades.

Both forces are relatively evenly matched so it seems. The Russians break first and retreat to the rear dropping two levels to Wavering from Steady. They are also a Spent unit (removed one base) and will now fight as Disordered. Their fellow cavalry remain unaffected as the dragoons interpenetrate in their withdrawal. 

Footnote - Unsuccessful assault outcome

Photo above shows the firing outcome of the French assaulting the northern fleche who have been blown away by the Russian artillery stationed therein forcing them back and Wavering (bottom left of photo). So far, the defence by the gunners has had mixed results. The gun in the southern fleche was quickly abandoned early on permitting the French to break on in without too much trouble. Overall, however, the Russian defenders are managing to hold their own in the face of the repeated assaults. 

Recovery Phase
Only three French units are successful in their recovery from the several tested.
  • 4th Line - Wavering to Disordered
  • 24th Light/1st Portuguese - Disordered to Steady
  • 53rd Line - Disordered to Steady
End of French Turn 7. Next batrep: Russian Turn 7 (should be a hoot and bloodbath). 


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