Sunday, February 18, 2024

19 February 2024: CSI Northside - the plot thickens (or not)

If you accumulate as much junk as I have over the years, then you're a hobbyist. If you cannot remember where you've misplaced any of your junk, you're a wargamer. Just don't ask the wife because she will get annoyed, and if you know the old adage, "happy wife, happy life" then you know it's a crock invented by a woman. Despite this obstacle, continue to plough straight on in to your doom...

Went into the studio yesterday and really wished I hadn't. After much rummaging about and trying to remain calm about the fact that despite several attempts at organising and tidying it still looks like the morning-after a heavy session of drinking and carousing with friends and uninvited strangers, I eventually located some more of my ACW collection. 

Had to pull apart the storage box to get at the individual shelves to remove the figures. Good old screwdriver helps to lever it apart after first lifting up one side. Each drawer (cloudy) and frame (black) slots into one another as shown in the photos below.

First drawer opened (image below) revealed three six-figure cavalry "units". To my lazy eyes they are separate due to their different basing, flocking (or lack of) and type. The front unit is entirely all converted artillerymen with artillery horses as mounts; the other two are cavalry models. Also included is a two-gun artillery battery; the name on one of the bases states "Medling's North Carolina battery No.1 gun". Correction therefore to first listing which I mistook the 'M' for a 'V'.

The contents of the second drawer above is nearly all Union except for the one Confederate figure who happens to be a senior commander - Thorn - although what service branch is not identified but the name triggered a faulty memory that he is probably the commander of the Confederate artillery. 

There are two, possibly three, infantry units with officers. I have organised them as 20-figure units when some left over (possibly seasoned or veterans?). A Union senior commander - Freemont (cavalry) is also present. 

Third shelving is all Union infantry. A few familiar units are fairly obvious to an ACW afficionado. One is the green-uniformed 1st US Sharpshooters although there were other specialist units who also wore green to denote their specialist skills. The other obvious unit are the Fire Zoauves. Used the Airfix French Foreign Legion figures. But I also have a few HaT Zouave boxes unopened. The unit on the deeper bases is probably a forgotten experiment. There are a total of four with one unit (centre left) less than the normal 20-figure denoting which either means they're veterans or else are missing figures. 

Fourth drawer contains some of the senior command elements, especially on the Confederate side. Lawerton's command stand includes himself, his personal standard and a mounted aide. An option is an aide on foot who can be also used as a spare senior commander for infantry or artillery. 

Lawerton's four division commanders are behind his command stand. From left to right there is Major General Harris who replaces Polson whom I forgot was killed in the last engagement of the campaign; he is the 1st Infantry Division commander. Polson was the last of the original brigade commanders when Lawerton's corps was just a small division.

Major General Tyler is the 2nd Infantry Division commander. He was formerly the commander of the former 3rd brigade before it was upgraded to the 3rd Infantry Division. Along with Harris, Tyler is now among the longest serving within the corps. 

Major General Wilson replaces Tyler as the 3rd Infantry Division commander. He is a newcomer although I think he was promoted from within the division. 

Major General Russell is the Cavalry commander. He's a noob in terms of longevity compared to the others. 

Accompanying the GHQ is a small cavalry escort detachment (unit ID unknown). Or so I reckon but I can so easily be wrong in my evaluation. 

In the same drawer is the Union commanding general stand. His name has faded away although I do believe he is Major General Collins if fading memory serves me right. No mind. Like Lawerton he is accompanied by an aide and his personal command flag. Two unpainted cavalry figures might be escort or just overflow from another drawer.

Last drawer is mainly two Union cavalry regiments (15 figures apiece - a few needing painting). One formation is actual cavalry, the other is again artillery figures converted to cavalry status. Behind them is a two-gun artillery battery (Vermont heavy) with attendant caissons. 

Iglanced through the other storage container and it's mostly old or spares which isn't good news. I thought I had more but cannot remember where I placed them. 

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