Friday, January 5, 2024

5 January 2024 - Makeover Project - IHMN - Servants of Ra progress report

Work-in-progress Report

Took yesterday off to sleep off this flu. Helped a little. Went into studio today and resumed painting on both IHMN companies. Just the face detailing on Lord Curr's company of Incorrigibles left to do and they're done. 

Spent the bulk of the time however working on the Servants of Ra. 

Above shows where I'm at for now. The individual identities - the front four - will take the most time because of the detail of the individual models; I have made a start but more to do. 

The rest of the company - the red robed cultist followers - were given a bright red layering over their scarlet base coat. Will darken it slightly with a mid tone between the bright and dull red used so far. Then give a light brown wash.

The figure on left in the image above shows the latest development - brighter red robes, black cords and sleeve turnbacks improves the look of the figure as opposed to the one on the right that hasn't been "improved".

As I was about to pack up I noticed the Ra symbol upon closer inspection of the box art. Quickly replicated it then packed up. Another day or so on this compnay before I move on to the next company which is yet to be determined. Expect it will be The Society of Thule with its zombies. Cheers.


6 hours and 20 minutes later...

So I went online out of curiosity to see whether IHMN still exists, and, if so, what progress have they made since the game was first released back in 2013. Well...
  • there is now an IHMN 2nd edition. Released 2021.
  • there is also a Dark Ages "Viking" skirmish variant centred on Northern Europe - Blood Eagle. Now there is supposedly a Blood Eagles 2 that expands from the original covering the periods between 794 AD to 1200 AD (thereabouts). And it introduces the religion of Islam to the mix of heady spiritual improvements. 
  • the two regional supplements still exist. 
  • loads more companies. I counted another 21 "new" companies (writer's creations) and 4 "player" lists. There is, and has always existed, a means to create one's own company if so inclined.
  • there is a Gothic version, an expansion on the original IHMN ruleset. Vampires, Werewolves, Ghouls, and so forth. All the good stuff.
  • The original boxed sets offered when first released no longer exist. The sets have been broken into small groups or as individuals, and they have been renamed. But I will stay with my original companies although I will state the Lady Felicity Curr was born Felicity Prudence Fiddlebottom of the Longshanks Fiddlebottoms. 
  • The writers have also created a mythical Japanese medieval skirmish game called Daisho. Know absolutely nothing about it but I do love the colourful look of samurais and their retainers. May invest in a few minis down the track and try them out. 

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