Tuesday, January 2, 2024

2 January - Makeover Project - A review of those GW projects started or unfinished

Eldar Review
Just a review of where I am at with the Eldar force begun years ago. Picking up from where I left off requires seeing where I stopped. what needs doing, and so on.

This unit are a unit of my own creation, Eldar Sentinel Guardians. 
I really like the exotic look of 40K Eldar, always have. Never going to table this force however but don't mind. I just like painting them. Some minor work is still needed on this unit - minor touch-up, bases detailed and finished. Will cost a few hours or one day.

Forge World Iron Hand Primarch - Ferrus Manus "The Gorgon"
Attempted this long ago. In much need of repair (attachments to his backpack are falling off) and a serious painting touch-up. Made a start by lightening the skin tone. Expect to work on this for a bit simply because it deserves better attention and there's so much detail on this that can't be fobbed off with drybrushing and wash. Seen other examples and I have much work left to do. Expect to spend an honest week bringing this up to display standard.


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