Sunday, December 31, 2023

31 December 2023 - Eldar project revisited

Part of the Fantasy 2024 Makeover Project includes this display job. This piece is from around 2018, so it's over five years old. 

Part One was the Eldar standing defiant in the face of what approaches; it is his last stand. The banner is a flight of fancy by me. And I still like it. But there is still work to be done with the figurine. And finding the beast is important as it's what's needed to complete this display. But finding the right one is the issue, plus I never went beyond finishing the pennant banner.

It was the banner itself that is the focus of this and it is what got me interested enough to move onto painting to which I joined an online painting community and ended up painting bird cards. So, it has a sentimental value for me. But it needs a lot more work on the final detailing to be considered finished. Now that I've learnt a little more about colour values and mediums (not the psychic type either!) it should be a little easier. No?

Have a safe and prosperous New Year. Cheers.


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