Thursday, September 28, 2023

FoGN 2 Quick Reference Sheet

Not sure if this is available elsewhere. Got tired of continually referring to the rulebook in the Borodino Refight so sat down at my computer and retyped all the tables provided in the current FoGN 2 rulebook. Also a good excuse to use my new laser printer...again. 😁 

Added page number in the header of each table for ease of convenience. 

Also made a few "editorial corrections" simply because, for me, it made for awkward reading a few times. Not many and they're more personal idiosyncracies but just enough to make pause in reading.

End result is my own QRS. Four double-sided pages. Tables are even colour-coded similar to the rulebook. Just need to laminate the pages and she's good to go for the next time.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Borodino Refight Update Report


Decided to reactivate this blogsite because the situation at the other (main) blogsite is fast becoming difficult. Problems abound daily and they're associated with the preparation and editing of the blog posts. These are both constant and continual; there is no real satisfaction in settling the matter there so I am going to switch to here for the time being. If it proves more viable, then that should help. For now, I am going to concentrate of posting reports and updates on the actual refight now that I've begun.

Hopefully things here will prove less stressful and much simpler. 

To start, the latest current update regarding the Borodino Project is as follows:

  • Deciding that there was enough formations completed (minus some missing parts - mainly commanders) on the whole to begin the refight
  • Time and motivation issues saw me drag heel quite a lot before finally starting the refight. 
  • Location settled on was that this would be an indoors refight. Reason was simple: I wanted to be able to leave the game permanently setup (without packing away all the time), and outdoors was therefore out of the question. Outdoors offered the space but not the opportunity to leave the table in situ and protected. The studio however offered both options.
  • But the space restrictions indoors, and the scale of the task, meant having to set up two tables - one in each room. And it is cramped due to layout arrangement.
  • Game finally began around June of this year.
  • I've been trying to play at least once a week. However there is no fixed or set timeframe. I play when I get the chance. 
  • So far, I am up to the Russian Turn 6. French have the initiative as they were on the offensive from the start of the historical battle.
  • Trying to use the historical account for reference and guidance. But leaving the actual results of play to determine the flow of the game.
  • Breaking down a Turn into manageable parts has developed as I've played each Turn. It is beneficial because it is a big big battle. It shortens the length of time engaged. And therefore helps maintain continued interest. 
  • There have lots of improvement moments, many of which I have forgotten because I fail to make note at the time of occurrence. Apart from a couple of major points. But more on that later.
  • Photo storage space on the normal forum site I frequent means relying more on the blog sites where storage space isn't as much as issue. 

Some points to note about this refight are:

  1. This is definitely NOT a solo refight to take on unless one is fully prepared and devoted to every last detail being correct. My casual but hurried approach has been a major problem.
  2. This definitely requires larger space. A covered outdoor venue (this is Queensland) is fine BUT only if this refight involves several individuals, and that it is completed in one day. A major undertaking for sure. 
  3. ALL the models selected need to be painted. Using proxies is fine BUT ensure they are clearly defined.
  4. ID tags on unit stands is imperative if I want to replay this.

 Above image shows the situation at the end of the first major French assault on the Grand Redoubt (Raevski's Redoubt). There are four French infantry divisions gathered in the vicinity of the defensive fortifications. Raevski's defenders are managing to hold their own despite taking some damage.

North of the redoubt Dokhturov's division is having to contend with the French advance over the New Post Road bridge (top centre), east of Borodino. The Guard Jagers holding the town were eventually ousted but instead of retreating over the bridge and destroying it they left it intact. And now Dokhturov has to somehow defend the approaching assaulting brigades and then recapture and destroy the bridge. Fortunately de Tolly, commander of the 1st Western Army and this sector, has two infantry corps and two cavalry corps and the Cossacks at his immediate disposal. 

Also, it is now the Russian Turn 6.

More to follow soon. Cheers.