Monday, April 19, 2021

Borodino Project: French/Allies buildup


Very slow progress at the moment. Outside influences and a decided lack of motivation is impeding progress. But I persist because even I can get stubborn and resistant to these very disturbing outside influences. 

A recent exchange of support and encouragement with a fan of what I am doing on another forum site is helping overcome the current malaise. 

Ledru's division (above) of Ney's III Corps is all I've been able to complete in a week of effort. At least it is something. Struggling to finish off Razout's division at the moment. I have yet to even start on Friant's division. 

Realised I have nine more infantry divisions to go before I am done. My plan to have ALL this done (infantry and cavalry) completed by end of April is now extremely unlikely so I'm extending the finish deadline to end of May or June. No real pressure other than self-imposed ones.

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