Thursday, October 10, 2024

Weekly Digest #4

7 October 2024

World of Warships

Just over half an hour's worth of time wasted. Nice hot spring day so good time to wash both cars once I finished the grind. Nothing like some physical exertion after sitting down for too long.


Space Marines 2: Operation Reliquary

Grinding through the Tactical Marine class in Operations PvE solo. Still on Mission 1 because I've failed to complete it multiple times. Slow learner and probably useless. Odd thing I noticed though is that whenever I logged into Mission 1 it would somehow default between either Inferno (Tyranids) or Reliquary (Thousand Sons). Glitch perhaps? Must be because that's what has happened the several times I've logged in to play the Mission. 

Tonight it was the Thousand Sons version where I eventually got to the cathedral and managed to access the location of the Helldrake. Invoking the rites puzzle (set of 3 random icons) was figured out after the cycle kept repeating after multiple activations and nothing happening apart from occasional blasts from the Helldrake and constant Thousand Sons materializing. Checked later the 40K guides and it confirmed what I soon realised. 

Image above is from my latest defeat. Scene is in the cathedral were we're trying to kill the Helldrake by invoking the correct rites of initiation. Showing it because for me this is one of the best combo to take on this mission - Bulwark and Vanguard. Both are excellent at mid- to close-range combat. When whoever it is plants the standard banner, it allows you to recoup lost HP. And they're also useful distractions while you run around trying to activate the correct sequence of initiation. 

Finding an alternate power source off a dead servitor and then escorting the servo-skull in the catacombs is probably the most intense combat zone where you are constantly assailed from the enemy materialising constantly; all are intent on disrupting as much as destroying your mission. These range from Tzeentch minions (shield and shieldless), corrupted human militia/guardmen with lasrifles through to the big boys - the Thousand Sons marines with flamers as well as bolters, and the occasional pesky Terminator. And then there's the floating sorcerer. But it's the Helldrake that is the big boss. 


8 October 2024

World of Warship

New Update features the eightieth Anniversary of the Battle of Leyte Gulf (Oct 23-26 1944). The main prize is the long-awaited Tier VIII US battleship Tennessee. Also on offer are other ships as well as the very rare US carrier Enterprise. But my sights are set on the Tennessee

Was planning to simply grind Yamamoto all the way to the necessary 500,000 XP (20-pt). But instead I decided to spend Elite Cmdr XP to complete the grind. 

Tomorrow it will be the turn of Sansonetti (Italian Unique commander) to commence his grind. At least he will have the choice of two premium Italian destroyers - Tier VI Leone and Tier VIII FR25 - to run. Will alternate depending on the ship's performance.

Space Marines 2: Operation Inferno

Still having to deal with the glitch when selecting missions in Operations. Thought I had picked Mission 1 (as shown below) which is the Inferno one. But somehow I ended up playing another which today included the Fall of Atreus mission and then the Ballistic Engine mission. Completed both after several attempts. Currently back at Inferno; Tyranids are more numerous than previously too.  

Tactical marine are the most generic and vanilla of the classes. And the one I've started with for becoming familiar with opponents and game controls. The standard loadouts aren't that varying. Levelling up improves quality of both weaponry and armour and enables customizations.  

English Civil War

Gave the minis a black wash to help with detailing later on. Lots of colour changes to be made.


9 October 2024

World of Warship

The Italian Tier VI premium destroyer Leone is underwhelming. Great smoke but torps are average to mediocre; it releases a total salvo of four in two twin tubes. One torp does around 14,000+ damage. Its guns are better than average for a DD however but they're nothing to rave about. 

Will opt to run the Tier VIII FR25 tomorrow because its Ship XP is low which means it's only been played a few times unlike the Leone which has clocked over 11K of Ship XP. Hopefully I will enjoy better results.

Space Marines 2: Operation Inferno and then Decapitation

Good to see a win on the Inferno mission...finally!

Did it with the "killa krew" above which was a bit of a surprise. One sniper and one devastator (or heavy as it's known in-game). And me as your vanilla Tactical noob contributor. 

Chose Decapitation as my next mission because, as one reviewer put it when I sought information on the various Operations missions, it's good for gaining rewards quickly. It's basically a race to set the bombs to blow the bridge. Try and ignore the numerous threats in your way or else bowl on through if they come in a vast wave. Don't get tied down dealing to the hordes as you race to your next assembly point. Plant the charges and then await the Hive Tyrant and horde to cross the bridge.

Once the bridge is destroyed then the next part of the mission kicks in: hunt down the Hive Tyrant and execute it. However, dealing to the Hive Tyrant is neither easy nor straightforward. The sneaky git rejuvenates just as it's on its last legs as I soon found out in my first attempt in the arena. A check of the guide afterwards informed me that you have to kill it TWICE. Hot damn!

Best support? At least one of the close-quarter dudes - a Bulwark, Vanguard, or Assault. Playing Tactical, your choice of weapons is important if somewhat hamstrung, especially when starting out. Plasma rifle? The guide suggests using melta bombs which does heavy damage. I get the idea but executing its placement is a different matter altogether. Yet to locate resups in the Arena although I never bothered looking first time as I was often the target of the sneaky git.

Still getting glitches when first choosing a Mission upon log in. But I ignore it and play whatever's there or else press the "U" key to reject and restart. 


10 October 2024

World of Warships

Playing FR25 today with Sansonetti. Slow start that quickly became fun. Ship has 7 km torp range in two triple tubes with quick reloading (compared to Leone). It has short duration smoke that's handy if things get hot (escape). Hiding behind cover like islands makes perfect sense. It's really works well as an ambush specialist. It has SAP instead AP but its HE is good enough to use most times. Managed to burn down a few low-health big ships like Mackensen, Derfflinger, Fuso, and Nagato. Even took down a Mainz after copping two torps from it. 

Once Sansonetti is up to 20-pt I will then switch to upskilling Honore, a French commander with special skills that I seem to have forgotten about. He is currently sitting at 12-pts. That achievement is not likely to bear fruition at least until late November or early December.

Battle of Leyte Gulf event officially began today. Looking at what's on offer in the Armory, I was interested by the premium crates sequential bundle obtainable only for Leyte Gulf tokens. What surprised and interested me is that these one-off crates offers you a free premium ship. I've outlined those I still lack in my port in red.

Of the number of Tier VI ships on the list available I am missing only the Arizona. Visited the actual physical memorial at Pearl Harbor back in 2005. Quite eerie yet peaceful. 

Of the three Tier IX ships made available, the Karl XIV Johan interests me enough to want because it's a decent ship and would be the only European battleship (for now). The Marco Polo has always been available for coal in the Armoury but one I've always skipped it for some reason. The third ship (not shown) is the Guiseppe Verdi. Don't know much of her but she's reasonably decent, at least compared to the Marco Polo so I've learned since.

Tier VIII has the most ships out of the Tiers that are still available but there are few that really interest me. I can wait until Christmas anyway. Whatever comes my way should I end up spending tokens for the crate however won't be refused to my port although I hearing mooring costs are rising. Of particular interest for me would be the Anhalt and Fenyang. Submarines and carriers don't interest me at all.

The Tier VII ships list is not shown because I already have all the ships being offered.

As mentioned above these containers are part of a sequential bundle starting at Tier VI and ends at Tier IX. Only one container per Tier is for sale. Cost of a Tier VI is 50 Leyte tokens while a Tier IX costs 150 Leyte tokens. The premium container bundle is only four crates. Only way to earn Leyte tokens is to take part in the Leyte Gulf series of missions. Off memory, I believe there's six missions involved. 

The first phase involves five distinct tasks (or missions). Completing a single task rewards you with one token. As there are five task, that means five tokens. Completing all five rewards another ten tokens. This makes a grand total of fifteen tokens for finishing the first step if my calculations are correct (never are so they're sure to be some amendment later on). Note to self: hoard all tokens earned. Do not spend on credits, event commanders, or economic bonuses. 

Yeah, it looks to be another long grind but it is definitely worth it for at the end of the rainbow is the new US Tier VIII premium battleship, the Tennessee. FOR FREE!

They're also making available the very rare US Tier VIII carrier, the Enterprise. Which now makes it not so unobtainium-like. More like common-rare. Also FOR FREE! Mind you, you can actually buy the Tennessee for cash in the Armoury through its Admiral pack. Yeah, no.

Total cost in Leyte tokens for the four crate sequential bundle? 270 tokens. Is it possible? Most likely but you'll probably have to purchase with doubloons some premium crates where a few Leyte tokens reside. I will wait and see what the first two missions yield by way of tokens. It also depends on how much I really want Karl XIV Johan. Suspect the mission chains will become increasingly difficult; and with WG being secretive about these future mission chains (what's involved, as in a preview), getting the prize may be impossible forcing one to spend dollars to buy her instead. 

Priority though remains the Tennesee for free. And definitely the Arizona with tokens. All else will be a wait-and-see approach. 

Jumped back on later in the day to sort out something with the Seasoned commanders (Honore and Dunkirk and co.) and decided to continue on from the morning session, this time playing both FR25 and the French Tier VII premium battleship Flandre. Reason? To advance myself further along the Leyte Gulf first mission. Finished the short session part way through the fourth mission which is earn spotting damage for the team. 

Previous past voyages with the Flandre weren't overly impressive and I soon forgot about her, especially when you have the likes of Jean Bart and Bourgogne. But today, it seemed to perform pretty well when I plonked Honore on her. Certainly stood up to the numerous times she came up against Ipiranga in the games faced. Lots of Ipiranga during this particular session.

Ipiranga's secondaries are developing a pretty fiercesome reputation although the Flandre's own secondaries are nothing to sneeze at either. While Flandre is a fast battleship she is not as maneouvrable as the Ipiranga, and one has to get close enough to make sure of torp hits in a DD because those South Americans are as slippery as a conga eel. And don't forget to angle right otherwise your HP will diminish faster than hope for world peace in one's lifetime.

Learned that with the FR25 it pays to steer well clear of Ipiranga's long range secondaries (9km). But she is sinkable if you can get close enough or surprise her by ambush. I think that was my problem yesterday in the Leone: even though she has 12km torps, I launched them too early and from far away making it easy for the enemy to dodge. Especially one as slithery as the Ipiranga. The much laughter of the enemy crew as they fingered and jeered at my Italian salami sailing harmlessly past was most frustrating to say the least.

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