Saturday, July 27, 2024

27 July 2024: New painting project - long-term

Been ruminating over this for several weeks now. Ever since my return from NZ, I've wanted to get back into painting. But not models. Reviving a fad that I want to explore further and produce something more substantial and enduring this time round.

My bird card paintings was a thing a few years back. But now I want something a bit more "substantial" in both size and magnitude. And what better way to express that by doing some portraitures and landscapes using my dwindling collection of old photos. So, I am going to start painting suitable subjects large-scale to adorn the walls of my studio. 

By large-scale, I mean the first painting will be almost mural length in size. The second will be a full portrait size painting. The two subject matters I've considering first in this massive undertaking are (1) the cemetery at ANZAC Cove (I have made a photo collage taken from Tour party visit of Gallipoli and Crete in 1988) while (2) will feature two 'Incorrigibles' - NCOs who were my peers that I served with in Singapore (from a photo circa 1987 - see below). The latter I did as a foil painting nearly a decade ago during my art frenzy phase.

I figure to post the obejctives of this project here and now in order to get me both started and motivated. Difficulty will be painting of course. Haven't done anything on this scale consistently at all so it will all be new to me. And I will impeded by two obstacles (a) painting large-scale (noob), and (b) returning to real-life painting when I am rusty as heck. I will need a lot more than determination and revived skills to be fair. 

Of course, there will be other paintings - some part finished and abandoned commissions - that will be included in this project. 

This long-term side project that will take me as long as it takes. Will post progress reports periodically to keep me on track by presenting the finished paintings added to my wall gallery. Cheers.


Postscript: I should add that I have no formal training in painting or art whatsoever. Too lazy and too easily distracted. Then. But I have loads of determination when the right challenge comes along. And this will be a huge one personally. Going from tiny miniature painting to large canvasses is the right kind of perverse challenge I like. And happily embrace. Question is however, will I see it to the end this time round?


31 July 2024

Decided to frame some of the more interesting foil paintings. 

Cut thick card for backing. Use cut out card stock (heavy type) for front piece. Will glue the foils then cover with clear acrylic to protect before attaching front piece. Make-do frames on the cheap and fly.

For the remainder, I will frame many as I can into one large collage. Cheers.


Started sketching in pencil the rough shapes for the canvasses the other night.  


3 August 2024

Framed (sorta) and ready to either hang on the wall or place on a shelf.


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