Tuesday, April 30, 2024

30 April 2024: Big 25s

English Civil War

My 25mm ECW New Model minis are the big version, i.e., measured from the soles of the feet to eye level. The other form of measuring 25mm is from sole to top of head which can be confusing because it's very close to 20mm which is sometimes referred to as being 1/72 although it's more accurate to call it 1/76. Confused? Don't worry, so am I.  

First New Model Horse unit is almost done. Miscalculated with the standard bearer so will likely send through another order for some more suitable cavalry types for conversion soon. A work-in-progress (WIP) photo of my first Ironsides unit, based off the ECW Cavalry header image on Lancashire Games website. Basecoated only. Done mock-up to see the overall impact they will generate. Happy with what's done.

I will most likely send through another order to Lancashire Games in the next month or two partly for the standard bearer conversions and to complete my Naseby list (missing the right cavalry wing plus some more artillery). Going with the standard cavalry to foot ratio of 1:2 for the times. Eventually, if conditions improve financially, I will create a suitable Royalist opponent from the same time. King Charles I and Prince Rupert will ride again along with Aspley and Goring. And others. 

I am not expecting this ECW army list to see much game time any time apart from the odd garage game. Just a vibe I get. Sometimes strong. Sometimes wrong. But whatever the future holds, I will continue to concentrate on painting the list up to tabletop display standard using whatever source or reference tickles the fancy. 

Using multiple existing painting examples as sources of inspiration. In most cases, I will simply copy as (a) I don't suitable uniform text for reference, and (b) I've decided to take my sweet time with this painting project. No real rush. One or two units a month is a reasonable goal set. As I have eleven or thirteen units (headquarters and artillery included), that is a good solid six months work ahead of me providing I can stay healthy. 

Reading several reference texts to further familiarise myself with the period, in particular the New Model period and onwards. But knowing the history that led up to the formation of the New Model is also useful. So I've been consulting Sir Charles Firth's The Regimental History of Cromwell's Army (1940)2 vols for details regarding individual units. Started reading a copy of Malcolm Wanklyn and Frank Jones' A Military History of the English Civil War, 1642-1646, (2005).

There are other texts I can readily access such works such as Clarendon's The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (1826 reprint) as well as Evelyn's work (title eludes me at the moment as I only know it exists from other sources). 

Keen to get access to Sprigg's Anglia Rediviva because it's a primary source, as well as John Okey's memoirs. Know nothing other than it's mentioned by many other contemporary and earlier historians of the period so its' definitely worth a look-see providing I can access a copy. Not sure if it will provide vital uniform and flag details - given I'm resisting the temptation to go out and buy the damn books!

Made start on first Foot unit as well. Using Osprey's Warrior 43: Matchlock Musketeer 1588-1688 (2002) by Keith Roberts (illustrator Stephen Walsh) as my current go-to for a suitable foot unit look. To date, however, my online research hasn't been all that successful, especially regarding cavalry flags and uniforms generally. Maybe it's time to purchase suitable uniform books. But there is still one avenue left to me still so will venture there first.

Foot unit (above) unnamed as yet but a start made tonight. Red coats basecoated scarlet; will lighten close to the Venice Red in progressive layering and washes. Sky blue or white stockings. Jacket lining (their facings) deep blue. Chose to paint the drummer in reverse coloured jacket. Will elaborate eventually befitting its status. Officers/standard bearers will wear civilian clothing with symbols of their rank and authority accordingly (not started yet however). 

Notice how cramped the centre portion of the Pike and Shot unit looks. Had to position the four figures make them fit the 60mm wide. Considered and experimented with reducing the number to three figures like the musketeers stands but for now I will stay with the suggested four figures per base. 

Big 25s is the reason for the tight fitting. Hinchliffe are a name brand from my past which I always wanted to own. Despite some shortcomings - some of the figures malformed or misshapen but nothing overly obvious - I am content to make-do. And I reckon these will come up nicely and make an attractive addition to my gaming cabinet if I paint them well enough. My wife is my test evaluator and she thought the cavalry unit looked great, as did my gaming buddy. Good enough by me.


Bandidos & Burritos

Going to revisit the Oathsworn site to see if they've updated their minis page. Last time I was there it was slim pickings especially in regards to the figures wanted. 

Awaiting on my gaming buddy to get back to me on a possible joint order from Critter Kingdoms. Reviewed their extensive range of figures and spotted a few that looked interesting. Even saw the Frog series and wondering if my mate will go for those. Overall though, they look like the display models that a collector might enjoy. 

Briscon 2024 is on this weekend so am hoping to scout out some minis to add to my warband. Then it's back home for a game or two. 

I am wondering if they might sell suitable minis when Supernova visits town in November.


PC Gaming

For the past month I have chosen to take a break from the endless daily grind that is World of Warships because it was depressing me. Only showing up for the Dockyard event's new mission release (weekly). Completing the required six missions in one session, maximising specific ships that will earn the rewards faster. Such as my favourite gunboat DD, Groningen. Easily earns over one hundred ribbons with her rapid fire. Even takes down battleships and battlecruisers! No torps but smoke and hydro.

Also playing Asymmetric battle mode in my current favourite US battleship, Ohio. Strong guns and excellent heal, Ohio is one premium I'm glad I obtained when I did. Asymmetric is where you and four other players take on BOTS who are two tiers lower. There are twelve of them. And they will focus on you if they catch you alone or unprepared. It's fun because you get action (especially if in a slow battleship) so you're not wasting time and getting frustrated because you're missing out on zapping enemy ships. Plus, you also learn to work as a team to defeat the greater odds. There is no room for BOT playing (sailing to a corner and doing nothing). Everyone contributes. Remember one game where a player simply crossed to the other side, loitered a bit, then returned when all the hard work had been done. So, yeah, it does happen but not as often as in Randoms.

And occasionally I will join in with the rest of my clan to conduct Divisional Star missions when invited. 

Hoping they bring back Convoy battle mode. It's against other players and is always fun and interesting. Randoms and Ranked these days are to be avoided if you can. Many complain it's toxic most times and the playing talent these days is not as good as in the past. And tactics tend to be predictable and frustrating (sniping long range from back of the map, for instance or ignoring mission objectives such as capping when the opportunity presents itself). 

Played out also with Stardew Valley. The latest update, 1.65 (or 1.6.5) was interesting for a while. But now it's getting boring because it's repetitive. Objectives are the same. New festivals soon become old familiar ones. Already waiting on Update 1.7 though when that's likely to debut may mean waiting until 2030!

Looking elsewhere therefore for new games to play. Looking especially hard at Pacific Drive. Again. And I know Helldiver 2 is popular with a couple of YT streamers I follow. But it looks very familiar to a lot of other FPS games; I haven't even played Starship Troopers Extermination for that same reason.

Watched Trenlass play Helldiver 2 earlier tonight (29 April) and he seemed very casual playing it while chatting with his teammates as if they were sitting on a park bench casually watching the lunch crowd and cooing pigeons.  Dude is one of my favourite WOWS streamers. He has a very positive and calm demeanour in his play style and speech. He doesn't get emotionally charged like Flambass (but then Flambass is known as one of the best DD players in the game from way back and has seen it all so knows what he's talking about) or Flamu who is so smart he should be running his own gaming company, not playing other people's games for a living; but then he's so critical of the WOWS developers and organisation he's always going to be antagonistic toward their product and their policies. A sort of Devil's Advocate voice for the rest of us other "dumb" gamers. Lol. 

Of my limited library of other Steam games, I haven't really bothered to review and re-engage. Nearly all have been played at least once. The exceptions are games acquired on a whim and which don't interest me at the moment for whatever reason. Games like Project Zomboid, Rainbow Six:Siege, Homeworld: Remastered Collection to name a few.

Take care...


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