Friday, April 19, 2024

19 April 2024: English Civil War: Starting the New Model Army

First unit off the cab rank is Butler's Ironsides. 

First time also for properly assembling white metal minis. In particular, drilling and gluing. The painting part seems more straightforward but getting there will provide fun as well as the usual frustration. 

Finished filing tonight while listening to some Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Will prime this lot in the morning. Got a game of Bunglers and Bungalows with my gaming buddy around noon. Should give minis time to fully dry so that when I get home I can start basecoating them. Will figure how to attach them permanently to one another and basing Sunday. Will leave conversion of the standard bearer for during the week (range does not include cavalry cornets - you have to convert them yourself).

My Parliamentarian ally has a pre-1645 army list so will paint up these two dudes as proper commanders: he's using preachers which are fine but their license grants them spiritual authority rather than martial prowess. These figures, unlike Butler's Horse, are by Old Glory (USA) being part of their Parlimentarian Personalities range. Lovely and clean sculpts. 

Will start Okey's Dragoons once this grouping is done. Will likely do the three regimental guns as well. And maybe, just maybe, fit in one more cavalry unit before the next scheduled meetup later in the week.




Butler's Horse is now Fairfax Horse. Whalley's Horse still remains the other Ironsides unit. Learning as I go. Apparently the "double" regiment raised and trained by Cromwell was split up and became these two New Model Army units. Veterans too. Therefore these will become my twin Death Star units. Going to upgrade them both to 6-bases units instead of the original 4-bases. List modifying thus begins.


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